Date: 16 Oct 1998
  From: Kimiyo Tanaka 
    To: Maksim Moshkow 

At 3:13 PM 98.10.15, Maksim E. Moshkow wrote:
> Good day. Sorry to bother you.
> My friend Alexander Rublev (
> send for my web-library translations to russian language
> of your "Kim's Haiku", located at
> I make web-page wich contain both - english original of Haiku
> and russian translation, and place it to
> So, my questions are:
> Can you give permition to plaicing your text on this page?
> If "yes", then I think, that I should place to text some additional
> notices or aknolegments (and copyright signs?) - so jast say
> me, what I should add, and I'll make all corrections.
> If "no", I'll soon hide your haiku from my page.
> --
> Maksim Moshkow.

Dear Mr. Maksim E. Moshkow

Thank you for your message.
It's an honor for me to have my haiku in your page.
please add some notices about copyright and try to encourage
viewers to have interest in Ehime. ;-)


Kimiyo Tanaka

Kimiyo Tanaka
(Kim Komurasaki, Shiki-team)
[Invitation to English Haiku]
[Language Teaching and Learning]

Популярность: 1, Last-modified: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 05:10:08 GMT