.} A boastful person. * /Jim always has to be the center of attention; he is an insufferable showoff./ [show off] {v. phr.} 1. To put out nicely for people to see; display; exhibit. * /The Science Fair gave Julia a chance to show off her shell collection./ * /The girls couldn't wait to show off their fine needlework to our visitors./ 2. {informal} To try to attract attention; also, try to attract attention to. * /The children always show off when we have company./ * /Joe hasn't missed a chance to show off his muscles since that pretty girl moved in next door./ [show of hands] {n. phr.} An open vote during a meeting when those who vote "yes" and those who vote "no" hold up their hands to be counted. * /The chairman said, "I'd like to see a show of hands if we're ready for the vote."/ [show one's colors] {v. phr.} 1. To show what you are really like. * /We thought Toby was timid, but he showed his colors when he rescued the ponies from the burning barn./ 2. To make known what you think or plan to do. * /Mr. Ryder is afraid that he will lose the election if he shows his colors on civil rights./ * /We would not help Jim until he showed his colors./ [show one's face] {v. phr.} To be seen; appear. * /Bill is afraid to show his face since Tom threatened to beat him up./ * /Judy is a wonderful mimic but she is too shy to show her face on stage./ * /After cheating on the test, Chris was ashamed to show his face./ [show one's hand] {v. phr.} To reveal or exhibit one's true and hitherto hidden purpose. * /Only after becoming Chancellor of Germany did Adolf Hitler really show his hand and reveal that he intended to take over other countries./ [show one's teeth] {v. phr.} To show anger; show belligerence. * /He is a very mild, private person, but during a tough business negotiation he knows how to show his teeth./ [show signs] See: GIVE SIGNS. [show the door] {v. phr.} To ask (someone) to go away. * /Ruth was upsetting the other children, so I showed her the door./ * /Our neighbors invited themselves to the party and stayed until Harry showed them the door./ [show up] {v.} 1. To make known the real truth about (someone). * /The man said he was a mind reader, but he was shown up as a fake./ 2. To come or bring out; become or make easy to see. * /The detective put a chemical on the paper, and the fingertips showed up./ * /This test shows up your weaknesses in arithmetic./ 3. {informal} To come; appear. * /We had agreed to meet at the gym, but Larry didn't show up./ * /Only five students showed up for the class meeting./ Compare: TURN UP(2). [shrift] See: SHORT SHRIFT. [shrink] See: HEAD SHRINKER. [shrug off] or [shrug away] {v.} To act as if you are not interested and do not care about something; not mind; not let yourself be bothered or hurt by. * /Alan shrugged off our questions; he would not tell us what had happened./ * /Muriel shrugged away every attempt to comfort her./ * /The ballplayer shrugged off the booing of the fans./ * /Jim cut his hand but he tied a cloth around it and shrugged it away./ [shudder to think] {v. phr.} To be afraid; hate to think about something. * /The professor is so strict I shudder to think what his final exam questions will be like./ [shut] See: KEEP ONE'S MOUTH SHUT, PUT UP or SHUT UP, CLOSE ONE'S EYES. [shut down] See: CLOSE DOWN. [shut-eye] {n.}, {slang} Sleep. * /It's very late. We'd better get some shut-eye./ * /I'm going to get some shut-eye before the game./ Compare: FORTY WINKS. [shut off] {v.} 1. To make (something like water or electricity) stop coming. * /Please shut off the hose before the grass gets too wet./ Compare: TURN OFF. 2. To be apart; be separated from; also to separate from. * /Our camp is so far from the highway we feel shut off from the world when we are there./ * /The sow is so bad tempered we had to shut it off from its piglets./ [shut one's eyes] See: CLOSE ONE'S EYES. [shut out] {v.} 1. To prevent from coming in; block. * /During World War II, Malta managed to shut out most of the Italian and German bombers by throwing up an effective anti-aircraft screen./ * /The boys were annoyed by Tom's telling club secrets and shut him out of their meeting./ 2. To prevent (an opposing team) from scoring throughout an entire game. * /The Dodgers shut out the Reds, 5-0./ [shut the door] See: CLOSE THE DOOR. [shut up] {v.} 1. {informal} To stop talking. * /Little Ruthie told Father about his birthday surprise before Mother could shut her up./ - Often used as a command; usually considered rude. * /Shut up and let Joe say something./ * /If you'll shut up for a minute, I'll tell you our plan./ Syn.: BUTTON YOUR LIP, DRY UP(3), KEEP ONE'S MOUTH SHUT. 2. To close the doors and windows of. * /We got the house shut up only minutes before the storm hit./ 3. To close and lock for a definite period of time. * /The Smiths always spend Labor Day shutting up their summer home for the year./ * /We got to the store only to find that the owner had shut up shop for the weekend./ 4. To confine. * /That dog bites. It should be shut up./ * /John has been shut up with a cold all week./ [shy] See: ONCE BITTEN, TWICE SHY and BURNT CHILD DREADS THE FIRE. [shy away] or [shy off] {v.} To avoid; seem frightened or nervous. * /The boys shied away from our questions./ * /The horse shied off when Johnny tried to mount it./ [sick] See: TAKE ILL or TAKE SICK. [sick and tired] {adj.} 1. Feeling strong dislike for something repeated or continued too long; exasperated; annoyed. * /Jane was sick and tired of always having to wait for Bill, so when he didn't arrive on time she left without him./ * /John is sick and tired of having his studies interrupted./ * /I've been studying all day, and I'm sick and tired of it./ Compare: FED UP. [side] See: CHOOSE UP SIDES, FROM SIDE TO SIDE, GET UP ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE BED, GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FENCE or GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE HILL, LAUGH ON THE WRONG SIDE OF ONE'S MOUTH, ON ONE'S BAD SIDE, ON ONE'S GOOD SIDE, ON THE SIDE, SUNNY-SIDE UP, TAKE SIDES, THORN IN THE FLESH or THORN IN THE SIDE. [side against] {v.} To join or be on the side that is against; disagree with; oppose. * /Bill and Joe sided against me in the argument./ * /We sided against the plan to go by plane./ Contrast: SIDE WITH. [side by side] {adv.} 1. One beside the other in a row. * /Alice's dolls were lined up side by side on the window seat./ * /Charles and John are neighbors; they live side by side on Elm Street./ Compare: SHOULDER TO SHOULDER. 2. Close together. * /The two boys played side by side all afternoon./ [sidekick] {n.} A companion; a close friend of lesser status. * /Wherever you see Dr. Howell, Dr. Percy, his youthful sidekick is sure to be present as well./ [side of the tracks] See: THE TRACKS. [side street] {n.} A street that runs into and ends at a main street. * /The store is on a side street just off Main Street./ * /The Spellmans bought a house on a side street that runs off Broad Street./ Compare: BACK STREET, CROSS STREET. [side with] {v.} To agree with; help. * /Alan always sides with Johnny in an argument./ * /Gerald sided with the plan to move the club./ Contrast: SIDE AGAINST. [sight] See: AT FIRST GLANCE or AT FIRST SIGHT, AT SIGHT or ON SIGHT, CATCH SIGHT OF, HEAVE IN SIGHT, LOSE SIGHT OF, ON SIGHT, SET ONE'S SIGHTS. [sight for sore eyes] {n. phr.}, {informal} A welcome sight. * /After our long, dusty hike, the pond was a sight for sore eyes./ * /"Jack! You're a sight for sore eyes!"/ [sight-read] {v.} To be able to play music without memorization by reading the sheet music and immediately playing it. * /Experienced, good musicians are expected to be able to sight-read./ [sight unseen] {adv. phr.} Before seeing it; before seeing her, him, or them. * /Tom read an ad about a car and sent the money for it sight unseen./ [sign] See: HIGH SIGN, INDIAN SIGN, ROAD SIGN. [sign in] {v.} To write your name on a special list or in a record book to show that you are present. * /Every worker must sign in when coming back to work./ * /Teachers go to the office and sign in each morning before going to their classrooms./ Contrast SIGN OUT. [sign off] {v.} 1. To end a program on radio or television. * /That TV newscaster always signs off by saluting./ 2. To stop broadcasting for the day. * /That TV station always signs off after the late movie./ [sign of the times] {n. phr.} A characteristic of the times in which one lives. * /It is a sad sign of the times that all the major lakes and rivers are badly polluted and fish in them are poisoned./ [sign on] {v. phr.} 1. To sign an agreement to become an employee. * /The new cowboys signed on with the wealthy rancher in Nevada./ 2. To start a radio or television broadcast. * /Station WLAK signs on every morning at 6 A.M./ Contrast: SIGN OFF. [sign one's own death warrant] {v. phr.} To cause your own death or the loss of something you want very much. * /Mr. Carter had lung trouble, and the doctor told him he would sign his own death warrant if he didn't stop smoking./ * /When Jim's fiancee saw him on a date with another girl, he signed his own death warrant./ [sign on the dotted line] {v. phr.} To attach one's signature on an important document, such as a contract, a bill of sales, etc. * /The seller said to the buyer, "All you need to do is sign on the dotted line."/ [sign out] {v.} To write your name on a special list or in a record book to show that you are leaving a place. * /Most of the students sign out on Friday./ Contrast SIGN IN. [sign over] {v.} To give legally by signing your name. * /He signed his house over to his wife./ [sign up] {v.} 1. To promise to do something by signing your name; join; sign an agreement. * /We will not have the picnic unless more people sign up./ * /John wants to sign up for the contest./ * /Miss Carter has signed up to be the chaperone at the dance./ 2. To write the name of (a person or thing) to be in an activity; also, to persuade (someone) to do something. * /Betty decided to sign up her dog for obedience training./ * /The superintendent has signed up three new teachers for next year./ [signed, sealed, and delivered] {adj. phr.} Finished; completed; in a state of completion. * /"How is the campus renovation plan for the governor's office coming along?" the dean of the college asked. "Signed, sealed, and delivered," his assistant answered./ Compare: CUT AND DRIED; HOOK, LINE AND SINKER. [silence gives consent] If you say nothing or do not say no to something, it means that you agree. - A proverb. * /Don't be afraid to say, if you don't like something. Silence gives consent./ [silent majority] {n.}, {informal} The large majority of people who, unlike the militants, do not make their political and social views known by marching and demonstrating and who, presumably, can swing an election one way or the other. * /Sidney Miltner is a member of the silent majority./ [silver] See: BORN WITH A SILVER SPOON IN ONE'S MOUTH, EVERY CLOUD HAS A SILVER LINING, HAND SOMETHING TO ONE ON A SILVER PLATTER. [silver anniversary] or [wedding] {n. phr.} The twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of a couple; the twenty-fifth anniversary of a business or an association, etc. * /"The day after tomorrow is Mom and Dad's silver anniversary," Sue said to her brother. "I hope you have a nice present picked out."/ [simmer down] {v.}, {informal} To become less angry or excited; become calmer. * /Tom got mad, but soon simmered down./ [Simon Legree] {n.}, {informal} A strict person, especially a boss, who makes others work very hard. * /Don't talk on the job; the boss is a real Simon Legree./ * /Everybody avoids the foreman. He acts like a Simon Legree./ [simple] See: PURE AND SIMPLE. [sing a different tune] or [whistle a different tune] also [sing a new tune] {v. phr.}, {informal} To talk or act in the opposite way; contradict something said before. * /Charles said that all smokers should be expelled from the team but he sang a different tune after the coach caught him smoking./ Syn.: CHANGE ONE'S TUNE, DANCE TO ANOTHER TUNE. Compare: LAUGH OUT OF THE OTHER SIDE OF ONE'S MOUTH. [sing for one's supper] {v. phr.}, {informal} To have to work for what one desires. * /I realized a long time ago that I had to sing for my supper if I wanted to get ahead in my profession./ [sing in tune] See: IN TUNE. [single] See: EVERY SINGLE. [single out] {v. phr.} To select or choose one from among many. * /There were a lot of pretty girls at the high school prom but Don immediately singled out Sally./ [sing one's praises] {v. phr.} To extol or praise continuously. * /The audience left the concert with everyone singing the praises of the young piano virtuoso./ [sing out of tune] See: OUT OF TUNE. [sink] See: HEART SINKS. [sinker] See: HOOK, LINE AND SINKER. [sink in] or [soak in] {v.}, {informal} To be completely understood; be fully realized or felt. * /Everybody laughed at the joke but Joe; it took a moment for it to sink in before he laughed too./ * /When Frank heard that war had started, it didn't sink in for a long time until his father was drafted into the army./ Compare: BRING HOME. [sink one's teeth into] See: GET ONE'S TEETH INTO. [sink or swim] {v. phr.} To succeed or fail by your own efforts, without help or interference from anyone else; fail if you don't work hard to succeed. * /When Joe was fourteen, his parents died, and he was left by himself to sink or swim./ * /Tom's new job was confusing and no one had time to help him learn, so he had to sink or swim./ [sit] See: GO SIT ON A TACK, ON THE FENCE also FENCE-SITTING. [sit back] {v.} 1. To be built a distance away; stand away (as from a street). * /Our house sits back from the road./ 2. To relax; rest, often while others are working; take time out. * /Sit back for a minute and think about what you have done./ [sit by] {v.} 1. To stay near; watch and care for. * /The nurse was told to sit by the patient until he woke up./ * /Mother sat by her sick baby all night./ 2. To sit and watch or rest especially while others work. * /Don't just sit idly by while the other children are all busy./ [sit down] {v.} To sit on a seat or resting place. * /After gym class Jim was tired and was glad to sit down and rest./ [sit in] {v.} 1. To be a member; participate. * /We're having a conference and we'd like you to sit in./ also [sit in on]: To be a member of; participate in. * /We want you to sit in on the meeting./ 2. To attend but not participate. Often used with "on". * /Our teacher was invited to sit in on the conference./ Compare: LOOK ON. [sit on] {v.} 1. To be a member of (a jury, board, commission), etc. * /Mr. Brown sat on the jury at the trial./ 2. {informal} To prevent from starting or doing something; squelch. * /The teacher sat on Fred before he could get started with the long story./ * /The teacher sat on Joe as soon as he began showing off./ [sit on a bomb] or [bombshell] {v. phr.}, {informal} To be in possession of anything that is potentially disastrous or dangerous. * /The finance department will be sitting on a bomb unless it finds a way to cut overhead expenses./ [sit on a volcano] {v.}, {informal} 1. To be in a place where trouble may start or danger may come suddenly. * /Bob was in that part of South America before the revolution began. He knew he was sitting on a volcano./ * /The policemen who patrolled the big city slum area that summer were sitting on a volcano./ [sit on one's hands] {v. phr.}, {informal} To do nothing; fail or refuse to do anything. * /We asked Bill for help with our project, but he sat on his hands./ [sit on the fence] See: ON THE FENCE. [sit out] {v.} To not take part in. * /The next dance is a polka. Let's sit it out./ * /Toby had to sit out the last half of the game because his knee hurt./ [sitter] See: ON THE FENCE also FENCE-SITTER. [sitting on a powder keg] See: SIT ON A VOLCANO. [sit through] {v.} To watch or listen until (something) is finished. * /The show was so boring that we could hardly sit through the first act./ * /Elaine liked the movie so much that she sat through three showings./ [sit tight] {v. phr.}, {informal} To make no move or change; stay where you are. - Often used as a command. * /Sit tight; I'll be ready to go in a few minutes./ * /The doctor said to sit tight until he arrived./ * /The gangsters sat tight in the mountains while the police looked for them./ Compare: STAND PAT. [sitting on top of the world] See: ON TOP OF THE WORLD. [sitting pretty] {adj.}, {slang} To be in a lucky position. * /The new library is sitting pretty because a wealthy woman gave it $10,000 worth of reference books./ * /Mr. Jones was sitting pretty until his $25,000-a-year job was dropped by the company./ [sit up] {v.} 1. To move into a sitting position. * /Joe sat up when he heard the knock on his bedroom door./ 2. To stay awake instead of going to bed. * /Mrs. Jones will sit up until both of her daughters get home from the dance./ * /We sat up until two A.M. hoping for news from Alaska./ 3. {informal} To be surprised. * /Janice really sat up when I told her the gossip about Tom./ [sit-up] {n.} A vigorous exercise in which the abdominal muscles are strengthened by locking one's feet in a fastening device and sitting up numerous times. * /Do a few sit-ups if you want to reduce your waist./ [sit up and take notice] {v. phr.}, {informal} To be surprised into noticing something. * /Grace had never impressed her teachers. Hearing that she had won the essay contest made them sit up and take notice./ * /George's sudden success made the town sit up and take notice./ [sit up for] {v. phr.} To wait until after the usual bedtime for someone's return. * /Mrs. Smith always sits up for her two daughters, no matter how late it is./ [sit up with] {v. phr.} To be with; particularly to keep someone ill company. * /Mrs. Brown sat up with her sick husband all night in the hospital room./ [sit well (with)] {v.} Find favor with; please. * /The reduced school budget did not sit well with the teachers./ [sit with] {v.}, {informal} To be accepted by; affect. - Used in interrogative sentences and in negative sentences modified by "well". * /How did your story sit with your mother?/ * /Bob's poor sportsmanship doesn't sit well with the coach./ [six] See: AT SIXES AND SEVENS, DEEP-SIX. [six bits] {n.}, {slang} Seventy-five cents. * /"Lend me six bits till Friday, Sam," said Jim. "I've spent all my allowance."/ Compare: TWO BITS. [six of one and half-a-dozen of the other] {n. phr.} Two things the same; not a real choice; no difference. * /Which coat do you like better, the brown or the blue? It's six of one and half-a-dozen of the other./ * /Johnny says it's six of one and half-a-dozen of the other whether he does the job tonight or tomorrow night./ [size] See: CUT DOWN TO SIZE, PINT-SIZE. [size up] {v.}, {informal} To decide what one thinks about (something); to form an opinion about (something). * /Give Joe an hour to size up the situation and he'll tell you what to do next./ * /Our coach went to New York to size up the team we'll face in our homecoming game./ Compare: TAKE STOCK(2). [skate] See: CHEAP SKATE. [skate on thin ice] {v. phr.} To take a chance; risk danger, disapproval or anger. * /You'll be skating on thin ice if you ask Dad to increase your allowance again./ * /John knew he was skating on thin ice, but he could not resist teasing his sister about her boyfriend./ [skating rink] {n.}, {slang}, {citizen's band radio jargon} Slippery road. * /Attention all units - there's a skating rink ahead!/ [skeleton in the closet] {n. phr.} A shameful secret; someone or something kept hidden, especially by a family. * /The skeleton in our family closet was Uncle Willie. No one mentioned him because he drank too much./ [skid lid] {n.}, {slang} A crash helmet worn by motorcyclists and race drivers. * /How much did you pay for that handsome skid lid?/ [skid row] {n.} The poor part of a city where men live who have no jobs and drink too much liquor. * /That man was once rich, but he drank and gambled too much, and ended his life living on skid row./ * /The Bowery is New York City's skid row./ [skim the surface] {v. phr.} To do something very superficially. * /He seems knowledgeable in many different areas but his familiarity is very superficial, since he only skims the surface of everything he touches./ [skin] See: BY THE SKIN OF ONE'S TEETH, GET UNDER ONE'S SKIN, JUMP OUT OF ONE'S SKIN, KEEP ONE'S EYES PEELED or KEEP ONE'S EYES SKINNED, SAVE ONE'S NECK or SAVE ONE'S SKIN, WITH A WHOLE SKIN or IN A WHOLE SKIN. [skin alive] {v. phr.} 1. {informal} To scold angrily. * /Mother will skin you alive when she sees your torn pants./ 2. {informal} To spank or beat. * /Dad was ready to skin us alive when he found we had ruined his saw./ 3. {slang} To defeat. * /We all did our best, but the visiting gymnastic team skinned us alive./ [skin and bones] {n.} A person or animal that is very thin; someone very skinny. * /The puppy is healthy now, but when we found him he was just skin and bones./ * /Have you been dieting? You're nothing but skin and bones!/ [skin-deep] {adj.} Only on the surface; not having any deep or honest meaning; not really or closely connected with what it seems to belong to. * /Mary's friendliness with Joan is only skin-deep./ * /Ralph crammed for the test and got a good grade, but his knowledge of the lesson is only skin-deep./ Contrast: BRED IN THE BONE. [skin off one's nose] {n. phr.}, {slang} Matter of interest, concern, or trouble to you. Normally used in the negative. * /Go to Jake's party if you wish. It's no skin off my nose./ * /Grace didn't pay any attention to our argument. It wasn't any skin off her nose./ * /You could at least say hello to our visitor. It's no skin off your nose./ [skip] See: HEART SKIP A BEAT. [skip bail] See: JUMP BAIL. [skip it] {v. phr.}, {informal} To forget all about it. * /When Jack tried to reward him for returning his lost dog, the man said to skip it./ * /I asked what the fight was about, but the boys said to skip it./ [skip out] {v.}, {informal} To leave in a hurry; especially after cheating or taking money dishonestly; sneak away; leave without permission. * /The man skipped out of the hotel without paying his bill./ * /"How did you get out of the house after supper, Harry? " "I skipped out!"/ [skirt around] {v. phr.} To avoid something. * /"Let's not skirt around the facts," said the attorney to his client. "You must tell me the truth."/ [sky] See: OUT OF THE BLUE or OUT OF A CLEAR SKY or OUT OF A CLEAR BLUE SKY, REACH FOR THE SKY. [sky is the limit] There is no upper limit to something. * /"Buy me the fastest racehorse in Hong Kong," Mr. Lee instructed his broker. "Spend whatever is necessary; the sky is the limit."/ [slack off] {v. phr.} 1. To become less active; grow lazy. * /Since construction work has been slacking off toward the end of the summer, many workers were dismissed./ 2. To gradually reduce; taper off. * /The snowstorms tend to slack off over the Great Lakes by the first of April./ [slam] See: GRAND SLAM. [slap down] {v.}, {slang} 1. To stop (someone, usually in a lower position or job) from doing or saying something, in a rough way or with a scolding; silence. * /When Billy talked back, the teacher slapped him down./ 2. To put a quick stop to; refuse roughly. * /The boss slapped down our idea of taking a nap on the job every afternoon./ [slap in the face(1)] {n.} An insult; a disappointment. * /We felt that it was a slap in the face when our gift was returned unopened./ * /Doris thought it was a slap in the face when her boyfriend invited another girl to the dance./ Compare: KICK IN THE PANTS. [slap in the face(2)] {v. phr.} To insult; embarrass; make feel bad. * /John slapped our club in the face by saying that everyone in it was stupid./ * /I don't want to slap her in the face by not coming to her party./ [slap one's wrist] {v. phr.} To receive a light punishment. * /She could have been fired for contradicting the company president in public, but all she got was a slap on the wrist./ [slap together] See: THROW TOGETHER(1). [slate] See: CLEAN SLATE. [slated for] or [slated to be] Going to be; planned or intended for. * /People think the governor is slated to be president./ * /That subject is slated for debate at the next meeting./ [slave driver] {n.} A cruel, merciless boss or employer who makes the people under him work extremely hard for little compensation. * /Mr. Catwallender is such a slave driver that nobody cares to work for him anymore./ [sledding] See: HARD SLEDDING or ROUGH SLEDDING or TOUGH SLEDDING. [sleep] See: BEAUTY SLEEP, LET SLEEPING DOGS LIE, SLEEP A WINK. [sleep around] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {vulgar}, {avoidable} To be free with one's sexual favors; to behave promiscuously. * /Sue Catwallender is a nice girl but she sleeps around an awful lot with all sorts of guys./ [sleep a wink] {v. phr.} To get a moment's sleep; enjoy a bit of sleep. - Used in negative and conditional statements and in questions. * /I didn't sleep a wink all night./ [sleep like a log] {v. phr.} To sleep very deeply and soundly. * /Although I am usually a light sleeper, I was so exhausted from the sixteen-hour transpacific flight that, once we got home, I slept like a log for twelve hours./ [sleep off] {v. phr.} To sleep until the effect of too much alcohol or drugs passes. * /George had too many beers last night and he is now sleeping off the effects./ [sleep on] {v.} To postpone a decision about. * /We asked Judy if she would join our club and she answered that she would sleep on it./ * /We will have to sleep on your invitation until we know whether we will be free Monday night./ [sleep out] {v.} 1. To sleep outdoors. * /The Scouts plan to sleep out next Saturday./ 2. To go home at night instead of sleeping at the place where you work. * /Mrs. Jones' maid sleeps in, but her cook sleeps out./ [sleep with] {v. phr.} To have a sexual affair with someone; have sex; copulate. * /It has been rumored in the office that the boss sleeps with all the girls he hires./ [sleeve] See: CARD UP ONE'S SLEEVE, LAUGH UP ONE'S SLEEVE or LAUGH IN ONE'S SLEEVE, ROLL UP ONE'S SLEEVES, UP ONE'S SLEEVE or IN ONE'S SLEEVE, WEAR ONE'S HEART ON ONE'S SLEEVE also PIN ONE'S HEART ON ONE'S SLEEVE. [sling hash] {v.}, {slang} To serve food, especially in a cheap, small diner, a drive-in, or short-order restaurant. * /Jake got a job slinging hash at the new drive-in restaurant./ * /Jody earned money for college by slinging hash in a restaurant during the summer./ Compare: SHORT-ORDER COOK. [slinging match] {n. phr.} A loud, angry quarrel. * /The debate deteriorated into a most unseemly slinging match./ [slip] See: GIVE THE SLIP, SALES CHECK or SALES SLIP. [slip a cog] or [slip a gear] {v. phr.}, {slang} To make a mistake. * /I must have been slipping a cog when I said that I would run for mayor./ * /Jim hates to sleep outdoors. He's slipping his gears if he's promised to take the boys camping./ Compare: SLIP UP. [slip away] {v. phr.} To leave unnoticed. * /The party was such a bore that we decided to quietly slip away./ [slip off] {v. phr.} 1. To slide off something. * /The children climbed up the hill but when it was time to come down, they didn't walk, but slipped off the smooth, old ledges./ 2. See: SLIP AWAY. [slip of the lip] See: SLIP OF THE TONGUE. [slip of the pen] {n. phr.} The mistake of writing something different from what you should or what you planned. * /That was a slip of the pen. I meant to write September, not November./ * /I wish you would forget it. That was a slip of the pen./ [slip of the tongue] also [slip of the lip] {n. phr.} The mistake of saying something you had not wanted or planned to say; an error of speech. * /No one would have known our plans if Kay hadn't made a slip of the tongue./ * /She didn't mean to tell our secret; it was a slip of the lip./ [slip one's mind] {v. phr.} To forget something. * /I meant to mail those letters but it entirely slipped my mind./ [slip over] See: PUT OVER(2). [slip through one's fingers] {v. phr.} To escape without someone's knowing how. * /Policemen surrounded the building, but the thief managed to slip through their fingers./ * /Mike earns a good wage, but he doesn't save a penny. Money just slips through his fingers./ [slipup] {n.} A mistake. * /"I'm sorry, sir. That was an unfortunate slipup," the barber said when he scratched the client's face./ [slip up] {v. phr.} To make a mistake. * /Someone at the bank slipped up. There are only 48 pennies in this 50c roll of coins./ * /If he hadn't slipped up on the last questions, his score on the test would have been perfect./ [slow burn] {n.}, {informal} A slowly increasing feeling of anger. * /The boys kept teasing John, and watched him do a slow burn./ * /Barbara's slow burn ended only when Mary explained the misunderstanding./ [slowdown] {n.} A period of lesser activity, usually in the economic sphere. * /We all hope the current slowdown in the economy will soon be over./ [slow down] {v. phr.} To go more slowly than usual. * /The road was slippery, so Mr. Jones slowed down the car./ * /Pat once could run a mile in five minutes, but now that he's older he's slowing down./ Compare: LET UP(2). STEP DOWN. Contrast: SPEED UP. [slow on the draw] {adj. phr.} Not very smart; having difficulty figuring things out. * /Poor Eric doesn't get very good grades in physics; when it comes to problem-solving, he is rather slow on the draw./ [slow on the uptake] See: SLOW ON THE DRAW. [slow tune] See: STANDARD TIME. [slow up] {v.} 1. To go more slowly. * /The truck slowed up as it approached the toll gate./ * /Construction on the road slows up traffic./ 2. To become less busy. * /Business slows up at the stores after Christmas./ [slug it out] {v. phr.} To have a strong verbal or physical battle with someone; to contest something most vigorously. * /The two contenders for the lightweight boxing championship were slugging it out in the ring./ * /The two candidates for Congress were slugging it out on radio and on television./ [sly] See: ON THE SLY. [smack-dab] also {Southern} [smack-to-dab] {adv.}, {informal} Exactly; squarely. * /The ball landed smack-dab at our feet./ * /The plane landed smack-to-dab in the middle of the hay field./ [smack one's lips] {v. phr.} To reveal an appetite for; show enjoyment of. * /Eleanor smacked her lips over the dessert of strawberries and whipped cream./ [small] See: BIG FROG IN A SMALL POND. [small frog in a big pond] See: LITTLE FROG IN A BIG POND. [small fry] {n.} 1. Young children. * /In the park, a sandbox is provided for the small fry./ 2. Something or someone of little importance. * /Large dairies ignore the competition from the small fry who make only a few hundred pounds of cheese a year./ [small] or [wee hours] {n. phr.} The very early hours of the morning between 1 and 4 A.M. * /My brother was in trouble for coming home in the small hours./ See: WEE HOURS. [small talk] {n. phr.} General idle conversation. * /At the party there was the usual kind of small talk about the cost of living increase and the war in Africa./ [small-time] {adj.}, {informal} Unimportant; minor; with little power or importance. * /He has a job as a drummer with a small-time band./ * /It is a small-time business, but it may grow./ Contrast: BIG-TIME. [small wonder] See: NO WONDER. [smash hit] {n.}, {informal} A very successful play, movie or opera. * /The school play was a smash hit./ [smell a rat] {v. phr.}, {informal} To be suspicious; feel that something is wrong. * /Every time Tom visits me, one of my ashtrays disappears. I'm beginning to smell a rat./ * /When the policeman saw a light go on in the store at midnight, he smelled a rat./ [smell out] See: FERRET OUT. [smell up] {v.}, {informal} To make a bad smell. * /A skunk smelled up our yard last night./ * /Mr. Brodsky's cigar smelled up the living room./ [smile] See: CRACK A SMILE. [smoke] See: CHAIN-SMOKE, GO UP IN FLAMES or GO UP IN SMOKE, PUT THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT, WATCH ONE'S DUST or WATCH ONE'S SMOKE. [smoke like a chimney] {v. phr.}, {informal} To smoke very heavily and continuously. * /"If you continue smoking like a chimney" the doctor told my uncle, "you'll wind up in the hospital with lung cancer."/ [smoke out] {v. phr.} 1. To force out with smoke. * /The boys smoked a squirrel out of a hollow tree./ * /The farmer tried to smoke some gophers out of their burrows./ 2. {informal} To find out the facts about. * /It took the reporter three weeks to smoke out the whole story./ [smoke-out] {n.} A successful conclusion of an act of investigative journalism revealing some long-kept secrets. * /Journalist Bob Woodward was the hero of the Watergate smoke-out./ [smoke screen] {n. phr.} A camouflage; a veil; something used to cover or hide something. * /June hides her commercial interests behind a smoke screen of religious piety./ [Smokey Bear] or [Smokey-the-Bear] or [the Smokies] {n.}, {slang}, {citizen's band radio jargon} A policeman; a patrol car; frequently abbreviated as Smokey. * /Slow down, Smokey's ahead!/ * /A Smokey is on the move, heading east./ [smooth away] {v.} To remove; (unpleasant feelings) take away. * /Mr. Jones' new job smoothed away his worry about money./ [smooth down] {v.} To make calm; calm down. * /Mrs. Smith's feelings were hurt and we couldn't smooth her down./ [smooth over] {v.} To make something seem better or more pleasant; try to excuse. * /Bill tried to smooth over his argument with Mary by making her laugh./ Syn.: GLOSS OVER. Compare: PATCH UP. [smooth sailing] See: PLAIN SAILING. [snail's pace] {n.} A very slow movement forward. * /Time moved at a snail's pace before the holidays./ * /The donkey on which he was riding moved at a snail's pace./ [snake in the grass] {n. phr.}, {informal} A person who cannot be trusted; an unfaithful traitor; rascal. * /Did Harry tell you that? He's a snake in the grass!/ * /Some snake in the grass told the teacher our plans./ [snap] See: COLD SNAP. [snap it off] See: MAKE IT SNAPPY. [snap one's fingers at] {v. phr.} To show contempt for; show no respect for; pay no attention to; scorn; disregard. * /John snapped his fingers at the sign that said "Do not enter," and he went in the door./ * /The highway sign said "Speed limit, 35 miles per hour," but when a driver snapped his fingers at it by going 55 miles an hour, a motorcycle policeman arrested him./ [snap out of] {v.}, {informal} To change quickly from a bad habit, mood, or feeling to a better one. - Often used with "it". * /Mary was unhappy when her fiance abandoned her, but she snapped out of it when she met a new young man./ * /The coach told the lazy player to snap out of it./ [snappy] See: MAKE IT SNAPPY. [snapshot] {n.} A small photograph, unlike a professional portrait. * /We took several snapshots of the scenery while driving around the island./ [snap up] {v.}, {informal} To take or accept eagerly. * /Eggs were on sale cheap, and the shoppers snapped up the bargain./ * /Mr. Hayes told Bob that he would take him skiing, and Bob snapped up the offer./ [sneak] See: QUARTERBACK SNEAK. [sneak away] See: SLIP AWAY. [sneak up on] See: CREEP UP ON. [sneeze at] {v.}, {informal} To think of as not important; not take seriously. - Used with negative or limiting words and in questions. * /Mr. Jones was chosen by his party to run for President. He was not elected, but to be chosen to run is not to be sneezed at./ * /If you think Mrs. Green's tests are things to be sneezed at, you have a surprise coming./ * / Is a thousand dollars anything to sneeze at?/ * /John finished third in a race with twenty other runners. That is nothing to sneeze at./ [sniff out] See: FERRET OUT. [snow in] {v.} To block up or trap by much snow; keep inside, * /After the storm the farmer and his family were snowed in for three days./ * /The train went off the track and the passengers were snowed in for several days./ [snow job] {n.}, {slang}, {informal} 1. Insincere or exaggerated talk designed to gain the favors of someone. * /Joe gave Sue a snow job and she believed every word of it./ 2. The skillful display of technical vocabulary and prestige terminology in order to pass oneself off as an expert in a specialized field without really being a knowledgeable worker in that area. * /That talk by Nielsen on pharmaceuticals sounded very impressive, but I will not hire him because it was essentially a snow job./ [snow under] {v.} 1. To cover over with snow. * /The doghouse was snowed under during the blizzard./ 2. {informal} To give so much of something that it cannot be taken care of; to weigh down by so much of something that' you cannot do anything about it. - Usually used in the passive. * /The factory received so many orders that it was snowed under with work./ * /The disabled girl was snowed under with Christmas letters./ [snuff] See: UP TO PAR or UP TO SNUFF. [snug as a bug in a rug] {adj. phr.} Comfortable; cozy. * /"Are you warm enough?" the boy's mother asked. "Yeah," he replied, "I'm snug as a bug in a rug."/ [so] See: AND SO FORTH or AND SO ON, EVEN SO, EVERY NOW AND THEN or EVERY SO OFTEN, HOW SO, IN SO MANY WORDS, IS THAT SO, OR SO, THUS AND SO. [soak in] See: SINK IN. [soak up] {v.} 1. To take up water or other liquid as a sponge does. * /The rag soaked up the water that I spilled./ 2. To use a sponge or something like a sponge to take up liquid. * /John soaked up the water with the rag./ 3. {informal} To take up into yourself in the way a sponge takes up water. * /Mary was lying on the beach soaking up the sun./ * /Charles soaks up facts as fast as the teacher gives them./ [so-and-so(1)] {pronoun}, {informal} Someone whose name is not given. * /Don't tell me what so-and-so thinks. Tell me what you think./ [so-and-so(2)] {n.}, {informal} A person of a special kind and usually of a very bad kind. - This word is used in place of a more unacceptable word or swear word. * /I wish that old so-and-so who thinks digging is easy work was right here digging now./ * /He called me a dirty so-and-so and I hit him in the mouth./ - Sometimes used in a joking way. * /Peter met his friend John and said, "Hello there, you old so-and-so."/ [so --- as to] - Used with an adjective or adverb before an infinitive to show a result. * /Who could be so mean as to do a thing like that?/ * /Ruth wouldn't be so careless as to forget her pen./ Compare: SO --- THAT. [soap opera] {n. phr.} Radio or television serialized stories of a sentimental nature, often involving sex, crime, and social intrigue. These shows often advertise soap products, hence their name. * /The two longest running soap operas in the United States were "Dallas" and "Knot's Landing."/ [so as to] See: IN ORDER TO. [sob all the way to the bank] See: CRY ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK. Contrast: LAUGH ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK. [so bad] See: NOT BAD. [so be it] also [be it so] {adv. phr.}, {formal} 1. Let it be that way; may it be so. So be it. * /We shall smoke the pipe of peace./ 2. Very well; all right. * /Will the company lose money by doing this? So be it, then./ [sob story] {n.} A story that makes you feel pity or sorrow; a tale that makes you tearful. * /The beggar told us a long sob story before he asked for money./ * /The movie is based on a sob story, but people love it./ [social climber] {n.} A person who tries to mix with rich or well-known people and be accepted by them as friends and equals. * /People do not like Mrs. Brown very well; she is known as a social climber./ * /Social climbers are usually soon known and they are not accepted by those they run after./ [sock] See: TAKE A PUNCH AT or TAKE A SOCK AT. [sock it] {v. phr.}, also {interj.}, {slang}, {informal} To give one's utmost; everything one is capable of; to give all one is capable of. * /Right on, Joe, sock it to 'em!/ * /I was watching the debate on television and more than once Bill Buckley really socked it to them./ [soda jerk] or [soda jerker] {n.}, {informal} A person who serves soda and ice cream to customers, usually in a drug store or ice cream parlor. * /Bob worked as a soda jerk at the drug store all summer./ * /He is just a soda jerker with no future./ [so far] also [thus far] {adv.} Until this time or to this place. * /The weather has been hot so far this summer./ * /This is a lonely road. We have not met another car so far./ [so far as] See: AS FAR AS. [so far, so good] {informal} Until now things have gone well. * /So far, so good; I hope we keep on with such good luck./ [soft drink] {n. phr.} A nonalcoholic beverage such as 7-Up, Coca-Cola, etc. * /She drinks no alcohol; she always orders a soft drink./ [softhearted] {adj.} Generous; sympathetic. * /Street beggars tend to exploit the softhearted nature of passersby./ [soft touch] {n.} A person with a sympathetic disposition from whom it is easy to get help, primarily money. * /My Uncle Herb is a soft touch; whenever I'm in need I ask him for a quick twenty bucks./ [so help me] {interj.}, {informal} I promise; I swear; may I be punished if I lie. * /I've told you the truth, so help me./ * /So help me, there was nothing else I could do./ [soil one's hands] See: DIRTY ONE'S HANDS. [so it goes] Akin to the French "c'est la vie!" This exclamation means "that's life." * /Too bad Jim has lost his job but there are lots of people who are better qualified; well, so it goes!/ [sold on] {adj.} Approving of; well disposed toward; convinced of the value of. * /When Japanese cars first appeared on the market Andy was hesitant to drive one but now he is sold on them./ [so long] {interj.}, {informal} Good-bye. - Used when you are leaving someone or he is leaving you. * /So long, I will be back tomorrow./ [so long as] See: AS LONG AS. [so many(1)] {adj.} 1. A limited number of; some * /Our school auditorium will hold only so many people./ 2. A group of. - Often used for emphasis. * /The children were all sitting very quietly in their chairs, like so many dolls./ Compare: SO MUCH. {adj.} * /Bob is always bragging; his stories are just so many lies./ [so many(2)] {pron}. A limited number; some. * /Many people want to come to the prom; but the gymnasium will hold only so many./ * /Don't give the boys all the cookies they want; give so many to Tom, so many to Dick, and so many to Bob./ Compare: SO MUCH. [some] See: AND THEN SOME. [somebody up there loves/hates me] {slang} An expression intimating that an unseen power in heaven, such as God, has been favorable or unfavorable to the one making the exclamation. * /Look at all the money I won! I say somebody up there sure loves me!/ * /Look at all the money I've lost! I say somebody up there sure hates me!/ [some of these days] See: ONE OF THESE DAYS. [something] See: HAVE SOMETHING GOING FOR ONE, HAVE SOMETHING ON, MAKE SOMETHING OF, START SOMETHING. [something else] {adj.}, {slang}, {informal} So good as to be beyond description; the ultimate; stupendous. * /Janet Hopper is really something else./ [something else again] {n. phr.} A different kind of thing; something different. * /I don't care if you borrow my dictionary sometimes, but taking it without asking and keeping it is something else again./ * /"But I don't want a new car," Charles said to the car dealer, "I want a used car." "Oh," said the car dealer, "that's something else again."/ [so much(1)] {adj.} 1. A limited amount of; some. * /Sometimes students wonder if the teacher knows they have only so much time to do their lessons./ * /If you can't give everyone a full glass of milk, just put so much milk in each glass./ 2. Equally or amounting to; only amounting to. - Often used for emphasis. * /Charley spends money as if it were so much paper./ * /What Mary said was so much nonsense; there wasn't a word of truth in it./ Compare: SO MANY(1). [so much(2)] {pron.} A limited amount; some; a price or amount that is agreed or will be agreed on. * /You can do only so much in a day./ * /Milk costs so much a quart but cream costs so much a pint./ Compare: SO MANY(2). [so much(3)] {adv.} By that much; by the amount shown; even. - Used with the comparative and usually followed by "the". * /I can't go tomorrow. So much the better; we'll go today./ * /John isn't coming to the picnic. So much the more for us to eat!/ * /So much the worse for you if you break the rules./ Syn.: ALL THE(2). [so much as] {adv. phr.} 1. Even. - Usually used in negative sentences and questions. * /He didn't so much as thank me for returning his money that I found./ * /Would you so much as get me a glass of water? No, you wouldn't./ 2. See: AS MUCH AS(2). [so much for] Enough has been said or done about. - Used to point out that you have finished with one thing or are going to take up something else. * /So much for the geography of Ireland, we will now talk about the people who live there./ * /"I have nothing more to say to you, Tommy, and so much for that," Mary said angrily./ [son] See: FAVORITE SON, LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON. [song] See: FOR A SONG. [song and dance] {n.}, {informal} 1. Foolish or uninteresting talk; dull nonsense. Usually used with "give". * /I met Nancy today and she gave me a long song and dance about her family./ 2. A long lie or excuse, often meant to get pity. Usually used with "give". * /Billy gave the teacher a song and dance about his mother being sick as an excuse for being late./ * /The tramp asked us for money and tried to give us a big song and dance about having to buy a bus ticket to Chicago./ [sonic boom] {n.} A loud noise and vibration in the air, made when a jet plane passes the speed of sound (1087 feet per second). * /Fast jet planes sometimes cause a sonic boom, which can break windows and crack the plaster in houses below them./ * /We thought there was an explosion or earthquake, but it was only a sonic boom that shook the house./ [son of a bitch] or [sunuvabitch] also S.O.B. {n. phr.}, {vulgar}, {avoidable} (but becoming more and more acceptable, especially if said with a positive or loving intonation). Fellow, character, guy, individual. Negatively: * /Get out of here you filthy, miserable sunuvabitch!/ Positively: * /So you won ten million dollars at the lottery, you lucky son of a bitch (or sunuvabitch)!/ Compare: SON OF A GUN. [son of a gun] {n. phr.}, {slang} 1. A bad person; a person not liked. * /I don't like Charley; keep that son of a gun out of here./ Syn.: BAD ACTOR. 2. A mischievous rascal; a lively guy. - Often used in a joking way. * /The farmer said he would catch the son of a gun who let the cows out of the barn./ * /Hello Bill, you old son of a gun!/ Compare: SO AND SO. 3. Something troublesome; a hard job. * /The test today was a son of a gun./ Used as an exclamation, usually to show surprise or disappointment. * /Son of a gun! I lost my car keys./ Compare: SON OF A BITCH. [soon] See: AS SOON, FOOL AND HIS MONEY ARE SOON PARTED. [sooner] See: HAD RATHER or HAD SOONER, NO SOONER --- THAN. [sooner or later] {adv. phr.} At some unknown time in the future; sometime. * /John will come back sooner or later./ * /Grandpa is very slow about fixing things around the house, but he always does it sooner or later./ Compare: OR OTHER. [sore] See: SIGHT FOR SORE EYES. [sore spot] or [sore point] {n.} A weak or sensitive part; a subject or thing about which someone becomes angry or upset easily. * /Don't ask Uncle John why his business failed; it's a sore spot with him./ Compare: WHERE THE SHOE PINCHES. [sorrow] See: DROWN ONE'S SORROWS. [sort] See: OF SORTS, IN A WAY also IN A SORT OF WAY. [sort of] See: KIND OF. [sort out] {v. phr.} 1. To alphabetize; arrange in numerical order. * /The secretary helped Professor Brown sort out his numerous index cards./ 2. To clarify. * /"Help me sort out these bills," she begged her husband./ [so-so] {adj.} Fair; neither good nor bad. * /The children's grades were just so-so on the test./ * /How is the fishing today? So-so./ [so that] {conj.} 1. or in order that; for the purpose that; so. - "So that" is usually followed by "can" or "could"; "in order that" is usually followed by "may" or "might". * /Let's get ready now so that we can leave when Father comes./ * /Betty saved her money in order that she might buy a doll./ Compare: IN ORDER TO. 2. With the result that; so. * /My pencil fell under my desk, so that I couldn't see it./ * /George often told stories that weren't true, so that no one believed him when he told about a deer in the school yard./ [so --- that] - Used with an adjective or adverb before a clause of result. * /The bus was so full that I could hardly turn around./ * /Billy pitched so well that everyone cheered him at the end of the game./ [so to speak] {adv. phr.} To say it in this way. * /John was, so to speak, the leader of the club, but he was officially only the club's secretary./ * /The horse, so to speak, danced on his hind legs./ Compare: AS IT WERE. [sought after] {adj.} Wanted by many buyers; searched for. * /Antiques are much sought after nowadays./ Syn.: IN DEMAND. [soul] See: HEART AND SOUL, KEEP BODY AND SOUL TOGETHER. [soul-searching] See: SEARCH ONE'S HEART or SEARCH ONE S SOUL. [sound] See: HIGH-SOUNDING, SAFE AND SOUND. [sound effects] {n.} The noises made to imitate real sounds in a play, movie, or program. * /Greg agreed to plan the sound effects for the class play./ * /The movie was good but the sound effects were not very true to life./ [sound off] {v.} 1. To say your name or count "One! Two! Three! Four!" as you march. - Used as orders in U.S. military service. * /"Sound off!" said the sergeant, and the soldiers shouted, "One! Two! Three! Four!" with each step as they marched./ 2. {informal} To tell what you know or think in a loud clear voice, especially to brag or complain. * /If you don't like the way we're doing the job, sound off!/ * /George sounded off about how the game should have been played./ * /The teacher is always sounding off about the students not doing their homework./ Compare: SPEAK ONE'S PIECE, SPEAK OUT. [sound out] {v.} To try to find out how a person feels about something usually by careful questions. * /Alfred sounded out his boss about a day off from his job./ * /When you see the coach, sound him out about my chances of getting on the basketball team./ Syn.: FEEL OUT. [sound sheet] {n.}, {slang}, {informal} A thin low-quality phonograph recording frequently bound into books and magazines for use as promotional or advertising material; it may have either a spoken or a musical message. * /Don't throw that away; Sue is collecting sound sheets for her market research course./ [sound truck] {n. phr.} A truck equipped with loudspeakers. * /During the senatorial campaign, the streets of the big city were full of sound trucks blaring out messages./ [soup] See: IN THE SOUP. [souped-up] {adj.}, {informal} More powerful or faster because of changes and additions. * /Many teen-aged boys like to drive souped-up cars./ * /The basketball team won the last five games with souped-up plays./ [so what] {informal} Used as an impolite reply showing that you don't care about what another has said. * /Roy boasted that he was in the sixth grade, but Ted said, "So what? I am in Junior High."/ Syn.: WHAT OF IT. [sow one's wild oats] {v. phr.} To do bad or foolish things, especially while you are young. * /Mr. Jones sowed his wild oats while he was in college, but now he is a wiser and better man./ [space] See: OUTER SPACE. [spaced out] {adj.}, {slang}, {informal} Having gaps in one's train of thought, confused, incoherent; resembling the behavior of someone who is under the influence of drugs. * /Joe's been acting funny lately - spaced out, you might say./ [space probe] {n.}, {Space English} An unmanned spacecraft other than an Earth satellite fitted with instruments which gather and transmit information about other planets in the solar system (e.g., Venus, Mars, and Jupiter) on what are called fly-by missions, i.e., without the craft landing on any of these bodies. * /Both the U.S.A. and Russia have sent up many a space probe in the past decade./ [spade] See: CALL A SPADE A SPADE. [Spain] See: BUILD CASTLES IN THE AIR or BUILD CASTLES IN SPAIN. [spar with] See: FENCE WITH. [speak] See: ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS, CHILDREN AND FOOLS SPEAK THE TRUTH, NOT TO MENTION or NOT TO SPEAK OF, SHORT-SPOKEN, SO TO SPEAK, TO SPEAK OF. [speakeasy] {n.} A bar during Prohibition where illegal alcoholic beverages were sold. * /Al Capone's associates met in a Chicago speakeasy to drink and discuss business./ [speaker] See: PUBLIC SPEAKER. [speak for] {v.} 1. To speak in favor of or in support of. * /At the meeting John spoke for the change in the rules./ * /The other girls made jokes about Jane, but Mary spoke for her./ 2. To make a request for; to ask for. * /The teacher was giving away some books. Fred and Charlie spoke for the same one./ 3. To give an impression of; be evidence that (something) is or will be said. - Used with the words "well" or "ill". * /It seems that it will rain today. That speaks ill for the picnic this afternoon./ * /Who robbed the cookie jar? The crumbs on your shirt speak ill for you, Billy./ * /John wore a clean shirt and a tie when he went to ask for a job, and that spoke well for him./ * /It speaks well for Mary that she always does her homework./ [speak of the devil and he appears] A person comes just when you are talking about him. - A proverb. * /We were just talking about Bill when he came in the door. Speak of the devil and he appears./ [speak one's mind] {v. phr.} To say openly what you think; give advice that may not be liked. * /John thought it was wrong to keep George out of the club and he spoke his mind about it./ Compare: SOUND OFF. [speak one's piece] See: SAY ONE'S PIECE. [speak out of turn] {v. phr.} To say something tactless; commit an indiscretion. * /You spoke out of turn in criticizing Aunt Hermione's old furniture; she considers herself quite a connoisseur on the subject./ [speak out] or [speak up] {v.} 1. To speak in a loud or clear voice. * /The trucker told the shy boy to speak up./ 2. To speak in support of or against someone or something. * /Willie spoke up for Dan as club president./ * /Ed spoke up against letting girls join the club./ [speak the same language] {v. phr.} To have similar feelings, thoughts, and tastes; have a mutual understanding with another person. * /We both love listening to Mozart. Obviously, we speak the same language./ [speak volumes] {v. phr.} To tell or show much in a way other than speaking; be full of meaning. * /The nice present she gave you spoke volumes for what she thinks of you./ * /A child's choice of hobbies speaks volumes./ Compare: READ BETWEEN THE LINES. [speak well of] {v. phr.} To approve of; praise. * /Everyone always speaks well of my sister because she's so kind./ [speak with a forked tongue] {v. phr.}, {literary} To lie; to say one thing while thinking of the opposite. * /I have learned not to trust Peter's promises because he speaks with a forked tongue./ [speed trap] {n.} A place where police hide and wait to catch drivers who are going even a little faster than the speed limit. * /Mr. Jones was caught in a speed trap./ [speed up] {v.} To go faster than before; also, to make go faster. * /The car speeded up when it reached the country./ * /Push in the throttle to speed up the engine./ Compare: PICK UP(12). Contrast: SLOW DOWN. [spell out] {v.} 1. To say or read aloud the letters ot a word, one by one; spell. * /John could not understand the word the teacher was saying, so she spelled it out on the blackboard./ 2. To read slowly, have trouble in understanding. * /The little boy spelled out the printed words./ 3. {informal} To explain something in very simple words; explain very clearly. * /The class could not understand the problem, so the teacher spelled it out for them./ * /Before the game the coach spelled out to the players what he wanted them to do./ Compare: WORDS OF ONE SYLLABLE. [spell trouble] {v. phr.} To signify major difficulties ahead. * /The note we just received from the Chancellor seems to spell trouble./ [spending money] or [pocket money] {n.} Money that is given to a person to spend. * /When the seniors went to New York City on a trip, each was given $10 in spending money./ * /Father gave John a nickel in pocket money when he went to the store with Mother./ [spend the night] {v. phr.} To sleep somewhere. * /It was so late after the party that we decided to spend the night at our friends' house./ [spick-and-span] {adj.} Sparkling clean; having a brand new look. * /She is such a good housekeeper that her kitchen is always spick-and-span./ [spill] See: CRY OVER SPILLED MILK. [spill the beans] {v. phr.}, {informal} To tell a secret to someone who is not supposed to know about it. * /John's friends were going to have a surprise party for him, but Tom spilled the beans./ Compare: GIVE AWAY(3), LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG, TELL TALES OUT OF SCHOOL. [spin a yarn] {v. phr.} To tell a story of adventure with some exaggeration mixed in; embellish and protract such a tale. * /Uncle Fred, who used be a sailor, knows how to spin a fascinating yarn, but don't always believe everything he says./ [spine-chilling] {adj.} Terrifying; causing great fear. * /Many children find the movie, "Frankenstein," spine-chilling./ * /A was spine-chilling to learn that a murderer was in our neighborhood./ Compare: HAIR STAND ON END. [spine-tingling] {adj.} Very exciting; thrilling. * /Our ride up the mountain in a chair lift was spine-tingling./ * /The children's plane ride was a spine-tingling adventure to them./ [spinoff] {n.} A byproduct of something else. * /The television soap opera "Knot's Landing" was considered a spinoff of "Dallas," with many of the same characters featured in both./ [spin off] {v. phr.} To bring something into existence as a byproduct of something that already exists. * /When Dr. Catwallender opened his medical practice, he also spun off a small dispensary beside it where patients could get their prescriptions filled./ [spin one's wheels] {v. phr.} 1. Said of cars stuck in snow or mud whose wheels are turning without the car moving forward. * /There was so much snow on the driveway that my car's wheels were spinning in it and we couldn't get going./ 2. To exert effort in a job without making any progress. * /I've been working for the firm for two decades, but I feel I am merely spinning my wheels./ [spin out] {v. phr.} 1. To go out of control. * /The bus spun out on the icy road and fell into the ditch./ 2. To make something go out of control. * /Tom stepped on the brakes so fast that he spun his car out of control and went off the road./ [spirit away] {v. phr.} To hide or smuggle something out; abduct. * /The famous actress was spirited away by her bodyguards as soon as she emerged from the door./ [spite] See: CUT OFF ONE'S NOSE TO SPITE ONE'S FACE. [spit] or [piss into the wedding cake] {v. phr.}, {vulgar}, {avoidable} To spoil someone's pleasure or celebration by doing or saying something harsh or unseemly in an otherwise happy gathering; bring up depressing or unhappy subjects at a supposedly happy time. * /Stuart really spit into the wedding cake when he told Burt in a bragging fashion that Lucy, Burl's bride, used to be his girlfriend./ [spitting image] {n.} or [spit and image] {informal} An exact likeness; a duplicate. * /John is the spitting image of his grandfather./ * /That vase is the spitting image of one I wanted to buy in Boston./ Compare: LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON. [spit up] {v.} To vomit a little. * /The baby always spits up when he is burped./ * /Put a bib on the baby. I don't want him to spit up on his clean clothes./ [split end] {n.} An end in football who plays five to ten yards out from the tackle in the line. * /The split end is one of the quarterback's most important targets for passes./ Contrast: TIGHT END. [split hairs] {v. phr.} To find and argue about small and unimportant differences as if the differences are important. * /John is always splitting hairs; he often starts an argument about something small and unimportant./ * /Don't split hairs about whose turn it is to wash the dishes and make the beds; let's work together and finish sooner./ [split second] {n.} A very short time; less than a second. * /The lightning flash lasted a split second, and then disappeared./ [split the difference] {v. phr.}, {informal} To settle a money disagreement by dividing the difference, each person giving up half. * /Bob offered $25 for Bill's bicycle and Bill wanted $35; they split the difference./ [split ticket] {n.} A vote for candidates from more than one party. * /Mr. Jones voted a split ticket./ * /An independent voter likes a split ticket./ Contrast: STRAIGHT TICKET. [split up] {v. phr.} 1. To separate; get a divorce. * /After three years of marriage, the unhappy couple finally split up./ 2. To separate something; divide into portions. * /The brothers split up their father's fortune among themselves after his death./ [split-up] {n.} A separation or division into two or many smaller parts. * /The split-up of our company was due to the founder's untimely death./ [spoil for] {v. phr.} To want something very badly; be belligerent or pugnacious about something. * /After a few drinks it became embarrassingly evident that Hal was spoiling for a fight./ Compare: HANKER AFTER, LUST FOR. [spoken for] {adj.} Occupied; reserved; taken; already engaged or married. * /"Sorry, my boy," Mr. Jones said condescendingly, "but my daughter is already spoken for. She will marry Fred Wilcox next month."/ [sponge] See: THROW IN THE SPONGE. [sponge bath] {n.} A bath with a cloth or sponge and a little water. * /During the drought the family had only sponge baths./ * /The family took sponge baths because they had no bathtub./ [sponge on] or [off] {v. phr.} To exploit parasitically; depend upon for support. * /He is already forty years old, but he refuses to go to work and sponges off his retired parents./ [spoon] See: BORN WITH A SILVER SPOON IN ONE'S MOUTH. [spoon-feed] {v.} 1. To feed with a spoon. * /Mothers spoon-feed their babies./ 2a. To make something too easy for (a person). * /Bill's mother spoon-fed him and never let him think for himself./ * /Alice depended on her mother for all decisions because she had been spoon-fed./ 2b. To make (something) too easy for someone. * /Some students want the teacher to spoon-feed the lessons./ [sporting blood] {n.} Willingness to take risks; spirit of adventure. * /The cowboy's sporting blood tempted him to try to ride the wild horse./ * /The boy's sporting blood caused him to run away with a circus./ [spot] See: HIT THE HIGH SPOTS, HIT THE SPOT, JOHNNY-ON-THE-SPOT, ON THE SPOT or UPON THE SPOT also IN A SPOT, SORE SPOT. [spot check] {n. phr.} A sample check or investigation. * /Internal Revenue Service employees often conduct a spot check of individual returns when the figures don't add up./ [spotlight] See: STEAL THE SPOTLIGHT. [spread it on thick] See: LAY IT ON or LAY IT ON THICK. [spread like wildfire] {v. phr.} To spread uncontrollably and rapidly. * /Bad news has a tendency to spread like wildfire./ [spread oneself too thin] {v. phr.} To try to do too many things at one time. * /As the owner, chef, waiter, and dishwasher of his restaurant, Pierre was spreading himself too thin./ [spring a leak] {v. phr.} 1. To develop a hole (said of boats) through which water can enter, threatening the boat to sink. * /When our small boat sprang a leak, we rapidly returned to shore to fix it./ 2. To be threatened by some oncoming danger. * /Our firm sprang a leak when the vice president suddenly died of a heart attack./ [spring chicken] {n.}, {slang} A young person. - Usually used with "no". * /Mr. Brown is no spring chicken, but he can still play tennis well./ * /The coach is no spring chicken, but he can show the players what to do./ [spring on one] {v. phr.} To approach someone unexpectedly with an unpleasant idea or project. * /Our firm was merely six weeks old when they sprang the news on me that I had to go to Algiers to open a new branch there./ [spring up] {v. phr.} To arise suddenly. * /Small purple flowers were springing up all over our backyard./ [sprout wings] {v. phr.} 1. To enter the stage after a period of development when wings appear (said of larvae that turn into butterflies). * /The dragonflies suddenly sprouted wings and are flying all about in the park./ 2. To become good and virtuous (as if airborne). * /Joe has helped many colleagues in need; he seems to have sprouted wings./ [spruce up] {v.}, {informal} To make clean or neat. * /Mary spruced up the house before her company came./ * /John spruced himself up before he went out on his date./ [spur] See: ON THE SPUR OF THE MOMENT, WIN ONE'S SPURS. [squad] See: FIRING SQUAD. [square] See: FAIR AND SQUARE, SHOOT STRAIGHT or SHOOT SQUARE. [square away] {v. phr.} 1. To arrange the sails of a ship so that the wind blows from behind. * /The captain ordered the crew to square away and sail before the wind./ 2. {informal} To put right for use or action. - Often used in the passive or participle. * /The living room was squared away for the guests./ * /Harry got into trouble, but his scoutmaster talked with him and got him squared away./ Syn.: STRAIGHTEN OUT. 3. {informal} To stand ready to fight; put up your fists. * /Jack and Lee squared away./ Syn.: SQUARE OFF. [squared away] {adj. phr.} Looked after properly; tucked away; arranged. * /My first two daughters are happily married, but my third one, Jennifer, isn't squared away yet./ [square deal] {n. phr.} 1. Equitable or fair treatment. * /We are proud to say that at this firm every employee gets a square deal./ Contrast NEW DEAL, RAW DEAL. [square meal] {n. phr.} A full, nourishing well-balanced meal. * /The refugees looked as if they hadn't had a square meal in months./ [square off] {v. phr.}, {informal} To stand ready for fighting with the fists. * /The two boxers squared off when the bell rang./ [square oneself with] {v. phr.} To apologize; re-establish friendship with; make amends. * /"Mr. Alien is very angry with you for leaving the firm," Bob said. "It will take more than a few words and a drink to square yourself with him."/ [square one's shoulders] {v. phr.} To stand strong and ready to give battle; be brave. * /Jack squared his shoulders and entered the game./ * /Graduates must square their shoulders and face the world./ [square peg in a round hole] {n.}, {informal} A person who does not fit into a job or position; someone who does not belong where he is. * /Arthur is a square peg in a round hole when he is playing ball./ * /George likes to work with his hands. When it comes to books, he's a square peg in a round hole./ - Sometimes used in a short form, [square peg]. [square shooter] See: SHOOT STRAIGHT. [square up] {v. phr.} To liquidate debts and other obligations. * /I want to square up my medical bills before I accept my new teaching assignment in Africa./ [squeak] See: PIP-SQUEAK. [squeak by] {v. phr.} 1. To barely succeed. * /He was so poorly prepared for his bar exam that he barely squeaked by./ 2. To clear with difficulty. * /The entrance to the corridor in the old Italian castle was so narrow that I barely managed to squeak by it./ [squeak through] {v.}, {informal} To be successful but almost fail; win by a small score. * /Susan squeaked through the history examination./ * /The football team squeaked through 7-6./ Compare: BY THE SKIN OF ONE'S TEETH. [squeeze out of] {v. phr.} To apply pressure to someone in order to obtain what one desires. * /The police were interrogating the suspect to squeeze information out of him./ [stab in the back(1)] {v. phr.}, {slang} To say or do something unfair that harms (a friend or someone who trusts you). * /Owen stabbed his friend Max in the back by telling lies about him./ [stab in the back(2)] {n. phr.}, {slang} An act or a lie that hurts a friend or trusting person; a promise not kept, especially to a friend. * /John stabbed his own friend in the back by stealing from his store./ * /My friend stabbed me in the back by telling the teacher I was playing hooky when I was home sick./ [stab in the dark] {n. phr.} A random attempt or guess at something without previous experience or knowledge of the subject. * /"You're asking me who could have hidden grandpa's will," Fred said. "I really have no idea, but let me make a stab in the dark - I think my sister Hermione has it."/ [stack] See: BLOW A FUSE or BLOW ONE'S STACK. [stack the cards] {v. phr.} 1. To arrange cards secretly and dishonestly for the purpose of cheating. * /The gambler had stacked the cards against Bill./ 2. To arrange things unfairly for or against a person; have things so that a person has an unfair advantage or disadvantage; make sure in an unfair way that things will happen. - Usually used in the passive with "in one's favor" or "against one." * /A tall basketball player has the cards stacked in his favor./ * /The cards are stacked against a poor boy who wants to go to college./ [stage] See: AT --- STAGE OF THE GAME, HOLD THE STAGE, ON THE STAGE, SET THE STAGE. [stage fright] {n. phr.} The fear one feels before appearing in front of an audience. * /Many famous actors and actresses admit that they often have stage fright before the curtain goes up./ [stagestruck] {adj.} Desirous of becoming an actor or actress; enamored of the acting profession. * /Milly is so stagestruck that she waits for actresses at the stage door after each performance to get their signatures./ [stage whisper] {n. phr.} A loud whisper intended to reach other ears than those of the person(s) addressed. * /Some jokes should be told in a stage whisper./ [stag party] See: GO STAG. Contrast: HEN PARTY. [stake] See: AT STAKE, PULL UP STAKES. [stake a claim] {v. phr.} 1. To claim ownership of land by driving stakes to show boundaries. * /The gold hunters staked claims in the West./ 2. {informal} To claim a person or thing as your own by some sign. Usually used with "on". * /George staked a claim on Dianne by giving her his class ring./ [stamp] See: SAVINGS STAMP, TRADING STAMP. [stamping ground] {n.}, {informal} A place where a person spends much of his time. * /Pete's soda fountain is an afterschool stamping ground./ * /When John returned to his hometown many years later, he visited all of his old stamping grounds./ [stamp out] {v.} To destroy completely and make disappear. * /In the last few years, we have nearly stamped out polio by using vaccine./ * /The police and judges are trying to stamp out crime./ Compare: WIPE OUT. [stand] See: GOAL LINE STAND, HAIR STAND ON END, HEART STAND STILL, LEG TO STAND ON. [stand a chance] or [stand a show] {n. phr.} To have a possibility or opportunity; be likely to do or get something. * /Fred doesn't stand a chance of being elected./ * /We stand a good chance of seeing Mary at the party./ [standard time] also [slow time] {n.} Clock time that is set by law or agreement in a country or in part of a country; especially, in the United States: the clock time used between fall and spring, which is an hour slower than the time used in the summer. - Abbreviation ST. * /When we go to bed Saturday night, we will set our clocks back an hour, because Sunday we will be on standard time again./ * /Next week it will get dark an hour earlier, because we will be on standard time./ Contrast: DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME. [stand by] {v.} 1. To be close beside or near. * /Mary could not tell Jane the secret with her little brother standing by./ * /Would you just stand by and watch the big boys beat your little brother?/ 2. To be near, waiting to do something when needed. * /The policeman in the patrol car radioed the station about the robbery, and then stood by for orders./ * /Lee stood by with a fire extinguisher while the trash was burning./ 3. To follow or keep (one's promise). * /He is a boy who always stands by his promises./ 4. To be loyal to; support; help. * /When three big boys attacked Bill, Ed stood by him./ * /Some people blamed Harry when he got into trouble, but Joe stood by him./ Compare: BACK UP, HANG TOGETHER, STAND UP FOR. [stand by one's guns] See: STICK TO ONE'S GUNS. [stand for] {v.} 1. To be a sign of; make you think of; mean. * /The letters "U.S.A." stand for "United States of America."/ * /The written sign "=" in an arithmetic problem stands for "equals."/ * /Our flag stands for our country./ * /The owl stands for wisdom./ 2. To speak in favor of something, or show that you support it. * /The new President stood for honest government./ * /John always stands for what is right./ 3. {Chiefly British} To try to be elected for. * /Three men from London are standing for parliament./ * /The governor did not stand for reelection./ 4. {informal} To allow to happen or to be done; permit. - Usually used in the negative, * /The teacher will not stand for fooling in the classroom./ Compare: HAVE IT(4), PUT UP WITH. [stand in awe of] {v. phr.} To look upon with wonder; feel very respectful to. * /Janet always stands in awe of the superintendent./ * /The soldier stood in awe to his officers./ [stand in for] {v. phr.} To substitute for someone. * /The famous brain surgeon was called out of town so his assistant had to stand in for him during the operation./ [stand in one's way] See: IN ONE'S WAY. [stand in with] {v. phr.}, {informal} To be liked by or friendly with. - Usually used with "well". * /John stands in well with the teacher./ [stand off] {v.} 1. To stay at a distance; stay apart. * /At parties, Mr. Jones goes around talking to everyone, but Mrs. Jones is shy and stands off./ 2. To keep (someone or something) from coming near or winning. * /The soldiers defending the fort stood off a large band of Indians./ * /The other schools wanted to beat our team and win the championship, but our boys stood them all off./ Contrast: GIVE GROUND. [standoffish] {adj.} Stiff; aloof; reserved in manner. * /The famous chess player is hard to get to know because he is so standoffish./ [stand on ceremony] {v. phr.} To follow strict rules of politeness; be very formal with other people. - Usually used with a helping verb in the negative. * /Grandmother does not stand on ceremony when her grandchildren call./ [stand one in good stead] {v. phr.} To be helpful or useful to. * /A boy scout knife will stand you in good stead when you do not have other tools./ * /Julia knew how to typewrite, and that stood her in good stead when she looked for a job./ [stand one's ground] also [hold one's ground] {v. phr.} 1. To stay and fight instead of running away. * /The enemy attacked in great numbers but our men stood their ground./ Compare: GAIN GROUND. Contrast: GIVE GROUND, LOSE GROUND. 2. To defend a belief or statement; refuse to weaken when opposed; insist you are right. * /John's friends said he was mistaken but he stood his ground./ Compare: STICK TO ONE'S GUNS. [stand on one's own feet] or [stand on one's own two feet] {v. phr.} To depend on yourself; do things yourself; earn your own living; be independent. * /After his father died, John had to stand on his own feet and earn his own living./ * /You should learn to stand on your own two feet./ [stand out] {v.} 1. To go farther out than a nearby surface; protect. * /A mole stood out on her cheek./ Compare: STICK OUT(1b). 2. To be more noticeable in some way than those around you; be higher, bigger, or better. * /Fred was very tall and stood out in the crowd./ * /John stood out as a track star./ [stand over] {v.} 1. To watch closely; keep checking all the time. * /Ted's mother had to stand over him to get him to do his homework./ 2. To be held over for later action; be postponed; wait. * /The committee decided to let the proposal stand over until its next meeting./ [stand pat] {v.}, {informal} To be satisfied with things and be against a change. * /Bill had made up his mind on the question and when his friends tried to change his mind, he stood pat./ Compare: STAND ONE'S GROUND(2). [stand the gaff] {v. phr.}, {informal} To stand rough treatment; do well in spite of great physical or mental hardship. * /An athlete must learn to stand the gaff./ * /No person running for office gets far unless he can stand the gaff./ Compare: HOLD OUT 2, STICK OUT 2. [stand to reason] {v. phr.} To seem very likely from the known facts. * /If you have a driver's license, it stands to reason you can drive./ * /Joe is intelligent and studies hard; it stands to reason that he will pass the examination./ [stand trial] {v. phr.} To submit to a trial by court. * /The case has been postponed and he may not have to stand trial until next April./ [stand up] {v.} 1. To rise to a standing position; get up on your feet. * /A gentleman stands up when a lady enters a room./ 2. To be strong enough to use hard or for a long time. * /A rocket must be built strongly to stand up under the blast-off./ * /The old car has already stood up for twenty years./ Compare: WEAR WELL. 3. {informal} To make a date and then fail to keep it. * /June cried when Bill stood her up on their first dale./ [stand up and be counted] {v. phr.} To be willing to say what you think in public; let people know that you are for or against something. * /The equal rights movement needs people who are willing to stand up and be counted./ * /If you disagree with the group, you should be ready to stand up and be counted./ [stand up for] or {informal} [stick up for] {v.} To defend against attack; fight for. * /John always stands up for his rights./ * /When Mary was being criticized, Jane stuck up for her./ Compare: BACK UP, GO TO BAT FOR, STAND BY, STAND ONE'S GROUND, STICK TO ONE'S GUNS, GO TO BAT FOR. [stand up to] {v.} To meet with courage. * /Mary stood up to the snarling dog that leaped toward her./ * /A soldier must stand up to danger./ [stand up with] {v.}, {informal} To be best man or maid of honor at a wedding. * /A groom often chooses his brother to stand up with him./ [star] See: FIVE-STAR, SEE STARS, HITCH ONE'S WAGON TO A STAR, LUCKY STAR, THANK ONE'S LUCKY STARS. [starch] See: TAKE THE STARCH OUT OF. [stare in the face] {n. phr.} 1. To be about to meet or to happen to (you.) * /Grandmother became very sick and death was staring her in the face./ * /Defeat stared them in the face, but the soldiers fought on bravely./ 2. To be easy to see; be plain. * /Are you looking for your pencil? It's on your desk, staring you in the face./ * /Their friends all knew that Mary loved John, but John did not see it even though it was staring him in the face./ [stars in one's eyes] {n. phr.} 1. An appearance or feeling of very great happiness or expectation of happiness. * /Mary gets stars in her eyes when she thinks of her boyfriend./ 2. A belief in the possibility of quick and lasting reforms in people and life and an eagerness to make such changes. * /Some inexperienced people get stars in their eyes when they think of improving the world./ - [starry-eyed] {adj.} Very happy and excited, perhaps with little reason; eager and self-confident about improving human nature and general conditions of life. * /Young people are often starry-eyed and eager to improve the world; they do not know how hard it is./ [start] See: BY FITS AND STARTS, HEAD START, JACK-RABBIT START, RUNNING START. [start from scratch] See: FROM SCRATCH. [start in] {v.}, {informal} 1. To begin to do something; start. * /Fred started in weeding the garden./ * /The family started in eating supper./ Compare: GO AT. 2. To begin a career. * /Bob started in as an office boy and became president./ 3. To give a first job to. * /The bank started him in as a clerk./ [start out] {v.} 1. To begin to go somewhere. * /Bill started out for school on his bicycle./ * /Art started out on a voyage around the world./ Compare: SET OUT. 2. To begin a career or life. * /Harry started out as an errand boy in a business office./ * /We all start out in life as helpless infants./ Syn.: START IN. 3. {informal} To give one a first job. * /The garage man started Pete out as a grease rack man./ Syn.: START IN(3). [start something] {v. phr.}, {informal} To make trouble; cause a quarrel or fight. * /John is always starting something./ * /Jack likes to play tricks on the other boys to start something./ Compare: MAKE SOMETHING OF. [start the ball rolling] See: GET THE BALL ROLLING. [start up] {v.} 1. To begin operating, * /The driver started up the motor of the car./ * /The engine started up with a roar./ 2. To begin to play (music). * /The conductor waved his baton, and the band started up./ * /The orchestra started up a waltz./ Compare: STRIKE UP. 3. To rise or stand suddenly. * /When he heard the bell, he started up from his chair./ [stash bag] or [stuff bag] {n.}, {slang}, {informal} 1. A small bag containing marijuana cigarettes or the ingredients for making them. * /The police are holding John because they found a stash bag full of the stuff on him./ 2. Any small bag resembling a stash bag used for small personal items such as lipstick, driver's license, etc. * /Do you have any room for my keys in your stash bag?/ [state] See: LIE IN STATE. [state-of-the-art] {adj. phr.} The best and - the latest any field of research can offer; modern; the latest; the most advanced. * /State-of-the-art personal computers may cost a little more than older models, but may be worth the cost for those who need them./ Compare: UP TO DATE. [status symbol] {v. phr.} Signs of wealth and prestige. * /A new yacht or airplane might be a status symbol to a bank manager./ [stead] See: STAND IN GOOD STEAD. [stave off] {v.}, {literary} To keep from touching or hurting you. Syn.: WARD OFF. * /The white knight struck with his sword. The black knight staved it off with his own sword./ * /Bill's warm new coal staved off the cold./ * /They staved off starvation by eating two of the sled dogs./ [stay in] {v. phr.} To remain at home. * /The weather was so bad that we decided to stay in all day./ [stay out] {v. phr.} To stay away from home. * /Her father was very upset because Mary stayed out until 3 A.M. last night./ [stay put] {v. phr.} To stay in place; not leave. * /Harry's father told him to stay put until he came back./ * /The rocks can be glued to the bulletin board to make them stay put./ * /After Grandmother came home from her trip to visit Aunt May, she said she wanted to stay put for a while./ [stay up late] {v. phr.} To not go to bed until very late. * /Peter has to stay up late these days as he is preparing for his comprehensive exams./ See: BURN THE MIDNIGHT OIL. [stay with] See: STICK WITH. [steady] See: GO STEADY. [steak] See: SALISBURY STEAK, T-BONE STEAK. [steal] See: LOCK THE BARN DOOR AFTER THE HORSE IS STOLEN. [steal a march on] {v. phr.} To get ahead of someone by doing a thing unnoticed; get an advantage over. * /The army stole a march on the enemy by marching at night and attacking them in the morning./ * /Jack got the job by getting up earlier than Bill. He stole a march on him./ Compare: GET THE JUMP ON, GET THE BETTER OF, TAKE BY SURPRISE. [steal away] See: SLIP AWAY. [steal one's thunder] {v. phr.} To do or say something, intentionally or not, that another person has planned to say or do. * /Fred intended to nominate Bill for president, but John got up first and stole Fred's thunder./ * /Mary was going to sing "Oh! Susanna," but Ellen did it first and Mary said Ellen had stolen her thunder./ * /Smith heard that Jones was going to offer a new law which people wanted, so he himself proposed the law first, stealing Jones' thunder./ [steal the show] {v. phr.} To act or do so well in a performance that you get most of the attention and the other performers are unnoticed. * /Mary was in only one scene of the play, but she stole the show from the stars./ [steal the spotlight] {v. phr.} To attract attention away from a person or thing that people should be watching. * /When the maid walked on the stage and tripped over a rug, she stole the spotlight from the leading players./ * /Just as the speaker began, a little dog ran up the aisle, and stole the spotlight from him./ [steal up on] {v. phr.} To stealthily approach one; sneak up on someone. * /The thief stole up on his victim, snatched her purse, and ran away./ [steam] See: LET OFF STEAM or BLOW OFF STEAM, UNDER ONE'S OWN STEAM. [steamed up] {adj.}, {informal} Excited or angry about or eager to do something. * /The coach gave the team a pep talk before the game, and he got them all steamed up to win the game./ * /When Mary found out that Jane had not kept their secret, she became all steamed up./ * /Bill was all steamed up about the movie he had just seen./ [steel] See: MIND LIKE A STEEL TRAP. [steer clear of] {v.} 1. To steer a safe distance from; go around without touching. * /A ship steers clear of a rocky shore in stormy weather./ 2. {informal} To stay away from; keep from going near. * /Fred was angry at Bill, and Bill was steering clear of him./ * /Some words Martha always spells wrong. She tries to steer clear of them./ [stem the tide] {v. phr.} To resist; hold back something of great pressure or strength. * /The way to stem the tide of juvenile delinquency is to strengthen education and to pass a stiff gun control law./ [step] See: IN STEP, OUT OF STEP, TAKE STEPS. [step all over] See: WALK OVER. [step down] {v.} 1. To come down in one move from a higher position to a lower. * /As soon as the train stopped, the conductor stepped down to help the passengers off./ 2. To make go slower little by little. * /The train was approaching the station, so the engineer stepped it down./ Compare: SLOW DOWN, STEP UP. 3. To leave a job as an official or some other important position. * /When the judge became ill, he had to step down./ [step in] {v.} 1. To go inside for a quick visit. * /It was a cold night, and when the policeman passed, we invited him to step in for a cup of coffee./ 2. To begin to take part in a continuing action or discussion, especially without being asked. * /When the dogs began to fight, John stepped in to stop it before they were hurt./ * /When Bill had done as much as he was able to on his model plane, his father stepped in to help him./ [step inside] {v.} To come or go inside. * /Mother invited the callers to step inside./ [step into] {v.} 1. To come or go into. * /The taxi stopped, and we stepped into it./ * /Mr. Jones called to his secretary to step into his office./ 2. To begin to do, undertake. * /When the star became sick, his understudy stepped into his part./ * /When Bill graduates from college, he will step into a job in his father's bank./ [step into one's shoes] {v. phr.} To do what someone else usually does after he has stopped doing it. * /When Bill's father died, Bill had to step into his father's shoes to support his mother./ * /A coach trains the junior varsity to step into the shoes of the members of the varsity team when they graduate./ * /When the boss retires, his son will step into his shoes./ Compare: IN ONE'S SHOES. [step off] {v.} 1. To walk or march quickly. * /The drum major lowered his baton and the band stepped off./ 2. or [pace off]. To measure by taking a series of steps in a line. * /The farmer stepped off the edge of the field to see how much fencing he would need./ * /The referee stepped off a five-yard penalty against our team./ [step on it] or [step on the gas] {v. phr.} 1. To push down on the gas pedal to make a car go faster. * /Be very careful when you step on the gas. Don't go too fast./ Compare: GIVE IT THE GUN. 2. {informal} To go faster; hurry. * /Step on it, or we'll be late for school./ * /John is a slow starter, but he can step on the gas when it looks as if he might lose the race./ * /Lee was wasting time at breakfast and his father told him to step on it or they would miss the bus./ [step on one's toes] or [tread on one's toes] {v. phr.} To do something that embarrasses or offends someone else. * /If you break in when other people are talking, you may step on their toes./ * /Mary is pretty, and she often treads on the toes of the girls by stealing their boyfriend./ [step on the gas] See: STEP ON IT. [step out] {v. phr.} 1. To go out, particularly socially, as on a date. * /Paul said to Sylvia, "You look so dressed up tonight - you must be stepping out, eh?"/ 2. To leave for a short period during the work day to go to the lavatory or to get a cup of coffee. (Frequently said by secretaries over the phone.) * /"May I speak to Mr. Kotz?" Roy asked. "I'm sorry, sir. He just stepped out for a minute," the secretary answered./ [step out on] {v. phr.} To be unfaithful to one's marriage partner or steady lover. * /It is rumored that he has been stepping out on his wife. That's why she's so upset./ [stepped up] {adj.} Carried on at a faster or more active rate; increased. * /To fill the increase in orders, the factory had to operate at a stepped-up rate./ [step up] {v.} 1. To go from a lower to a higher place. * /John stepped up onto the platform and began to speak./ 2. To come towards or near; approach. * /The sergeant called for volunteers and Private Jones stepped up to volunteer./ * /John waited until the teacher had finished speaking to Mary, and then he stepped up./ 3. To go or to make (something) go faster or more actively. * /When John found he was going to be late, he stepped up his pace./ * /After we had reached the outskirts of town, we stepped up the engine./ * /The enemy was near, and the army stepped up its patrols to find them before they got too close./ 4. To rise to a higher or more important position; be promoted. * /This year Mary is secretary of the club, but I am sure she will step up to president next year./ Contrast: STEP DOWN(3). [sterling character] {n. phr.} A person of irreproachable character; one of the highest professional standards. * /The nominee for the Supreme Court must be a sterling character in every possible way./ [stew in one's own juice] {v. phr.}, {informal} To suffer from something that you have caused to happen yourself. * /John lied to Tom, but Tom found out. Now Tom is making John stew in his own juice./ * /I warned you not to steal those apples. You got caught, and you can stew in your own juice./ [stick] See: CARROT AND STICK, MORE THAN ONE COULD SHAKE A STICK AT. [stick around] {v.}, {informal} To stay or wait nearby. * /John's father told him to stick around and they would go fishing./ * /After work Mr. Harris stuck around to ride home with his friend./ [stick by one] {v. phr.} To support; remain loyal to. * /All of Peter's friends stuck by him faithfully, in spite of what has been said about him in the press./ [stick in one's craw] or [stuck in one's crop] {v. phr.} To make you angry; bother you; annoy you. * /His parents' praise of his brother stuck in Jerry's craw./ * /Sue's failure to get a better grade than Ann stuck in her crop./ [stick in one's throat] {v. phr.} To be something you do not want to say; be hard to say. * /Jean wanted to ask the teacher's pardon, but the words stuck in her throat./ [stick-in-the-mud] {n.}, {informal} An overcareful person; someone who is old-fashioned and fights change. * /Mabel said her mother was a real stick-in-the-mud to make a rule that she must be home by 10 o'clock on weeknights and 11:30 Saturdays./ * /Mr. Thomas is a stick-in-the-mud who plows with mules; he won't buy a tractor./ [stick one's neck out] or [stick one's chin out] {v. phr.}, {informal} To do something dangerous or risky. * /When I was in trouble, Paul was the only one who would stick his neck out to help me./ * /John is always sticking his chin out by saying something he shouldn't./ [stick one's nose into] See: NOSE INTO. [stick out] {v.} 1a. To stand out from a wall or other surface; project; extend. * /The limb stuck out from the trunk of the tree./ 1b. To be seen or noticed more easily or quickly than others; be noticeable. * /My house is the only brick one on the street. It sticks out and you can't miss it./ * /Mary plays basketball very well. The others on the team are good, but she really sticks out./ 1c. Often used in the informal phrase stick out like a sore thumb. * /John is so shy and awkward that he sticks out like a sore thumb./ Syn.: STAND OUT. 2. {informal} To keep on doing something until it is done no matter how long, hard, or unpleasant. * /Bill is not a fast runner and he doesn't have a chance of winning the marathon, but he will stick out the race even if he finishes last./ - Often used in the phrase "stick it out". * /Mathematics is hard, but if you stick it out you will understand it./ Compare: HANG ON(2), STICK WITH(1). [stick out like a sore thumb] {v. phr.} To be conspicuous; be different from the rest. * /When the foreign student was placed in an advanced English grammar class by mistake, it was no wonder that he stuck out like a sore thumb./ [stick together] {v.} To remain close together in a situation. * /Stick together in the cave so that no one gets lost./ * /The gang stuck together after the game./ * /Bill and Bob stick together in a game or in a fight./ Syn.: HANG TOGETHER(1). [stick to one's guns] or [stand by one's guns] {v. phr.} To hold to an aim or an opinion even though people try to stop you or say you are wrong. * /People laughed at Columbus when he said the world was round. He stuck to his guns and proved he was right./ * /At first the boss would not give Jane the raise in pay she wanted, but she stood by her guns and he gave it to her./ Compare: STAND ONE'S GROUND. [stick to one's knitting] or [tend to one's knitting] {v. phr.}, {informal} To do your own job and not bother other people. * /The trouble with Henry is that he is always telling other people what to do; he can't stick to his knitting./ [stick to one's ribs] or [stick to the ribs] {v. phr.}, {informal} To keep you from getting hungry again too quickly. * /Doctors say you should eat a good breakfast that sticks to your ribs./ * /Farmers eat food that sticks to the ribs./ [stick to the point] {v. phr.} To stay on course during a discussion; adhere to the topic; not talk about extraneous matters. * /Stick to the point and stop telling us your life history!/ See: COME TO THE POINT. [stick up] {v.}, {informal} To rob with a gun. * /When the messenger left the bank, a man jumped out of an alley and stuck him up./ Syn.: HOLD UP. * /In the old West, outlaws sometimes stuck up the stagecoaches./ [stick-up] {n.}, {informal} A robbery by a man with a gun. * /Mr. Smith was the victim of a stick-up last night./ [stick up for] See: STAND UP FOR. [stick with] {v.}, {informal} 1. or [stay with] To continue doing; not quit. * /Fred stayed with his homework until it was done./ * /Practicing is tiresome, but stick with it and some day you will be a good pianist./ Compare: STICK TO. 2. To stay with; not leave. * /Stick with me until we get out of the crowd./ * /For two months Bill's boss could not pay his salary, but Bill stuck with him because he thought the company would soon succeed./ 3. To sell (someone) something poor or worthless; cheat. * /Father said that the man in the store tried to stick him with a bad TV set./ 4. To leave (someone) with (something unpleasant); force to do or keep something because others cannot or will not. - Usually used in the passive. * /When Harry and I went to the store to buy ice cream cones, Harry ran out with his cone without paying and I was stuck with paying for it./ * /Mary didn't wash the dishes before she left so I'm stuck with it./ * /Mr. Jones bought a house that is too big and expensive, but now he's stuck with it./ [stick with] {v. phr.} To unfairly thrust upon; encumber one with. * /In the restaurant my friends stuck me with the bill although it was supposed to be Dutch treat./ [sticky fingers] {n. phr.}, {slang} 1. The habit of stealing things you see and want. * /Don't leave money in your locker; some of the boys have sticky fingers./ * /Don't leave that girl alone in the room with so many valuable objects around, because she has sticky fingers./ 2. Ability to catch a ball, especially football forward passes. * /Jack is very tall and has sticky fingers. He is an end on the football team./ [stiff] See: KEEP A STIFF UPPER LIP, SCARE OUT OF ONE'S WITS or SCARE STIFF. [still] See: HEART STAND STILL. [still life] {n. phr.} A term used by artists to describe a motionless picture of a bowl of fruit, flowers, etc. * /One of van Gogh's most famous still lifes is a vase of yellow flowers./ [still waters run deep] Quiet people probably are profound thinkers. - A proverb. * /He doesn't say much, but he sure looks smart. Well, still waters run deep, isn't that true?/ [stir up] {v.} 1. To bring (something) into being, often by great exertion or activity; cause. * /It was a quiet afternoon, and John tried to stir up some excitement./ * /Bob stirred up a fight between Tom and Bill./ Compare: WHIP UP(2). 2. To cause (someone) to act; incite to action or movement; rouse. * /The coach's pep talk stirred up the team to win./ * /When Mary heard what Betty said about her, she became stirred up./ [stir up a hornet's nest] {v. phr.} To make many people angry; do something that many people don't like. * /The principal stirred up a hornet's nes