     © Copyright составитель - Олег Колесников, 2006
     WWW: http://zhurnal.lib.ru/k/kolesnikow_o/sfbest.shtml
     Date: 22 Dec 2006

Abbot, Edwin A. Flatland 1884
Adams, Douglas The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 1979
Adams, Douglas The Restaurant At the End of the Universe 1980
Adams, Richard Watership Down 1972
Alderman, Gill The Memory Palace 1996
Aldiss, Brian W. Non-Stop 1958
Aldiss, Brian W. The Long Afternoon of Earth 1961
Aldiss, Brian W. "The Saliva Tree" 1965
Aldiss, Brian W. The Moment of Eclipse 1970
Aldiss, Brian W. Billion Year Spree [nonfiction] 1974
Aldiss, Brian W. The Malacia Tapestry 1976
Aldiss, Brian W. Helliconia Spring 1982
Aldiss, Brian W. Helliconia Summer 1983
Aldiss, Brian W. Helliconia Winter 1985
Aldiss, Brian W. Trillion Year Spree [nonfiction] 1986
Aldridge, Ray Gate of Faces 1991
Aldridge, Ray The Beauty Addict 1993
Allen, Roger MacBride Orphan of Creation 1988
Anderson, Kevin J. Resurrection, Inc. 1988
Anderson, Kevin J. Assemblers of Infinity [by KJA & Doug Beason] 1992
Anderson, Kevin J. Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights [by KJA & Rebecca Moestra] 1998
Anderson, Kevin J. Dune: House Atreides [by Brian Herbert & KJA] 1999
Anderson, M. T. Feed 2002
Anderson, Poul The High Crusade 1960
Anderson, Poul Trader to the Stars 1964
Anderson, Poul The Star Fox 1965
Anderson, Poul Tau Zero 1970
Anderson, Poul The Byworlder 1971
Anderson, Poul "The Queen of Air and Darkness" 1971
Anderson, Poul There Will Be Time 1972
Anderson, Poul Hrolf Kraki's Saga 1973
Anderson, Poul The People of the Wind 1973
Anderson, Poul Fire Time 1974
Anderson, Poul A Midsummer Tempest 1974
Anderson, Poul The Avatar 1978
Anderson, Poul Orion Shall Rise 1983
Anderson, Poul The Boat of a Million Years 1989
Anderson, Poul The Stars Are Also Fire 1994
Anderson, Poul The Fleet of Stars 1997
Anderson, Poul Genesis 2000
Anthony, Patricia Cold Allies 1993
Anthony, Piers Chthon 1967
Anthony, Piers A Spell for Chameleon 1977
Anthony, Piers Castle Roogna 1979
Armstrong, Michael After the Zap 1987
Arnason, Eleanor A Woman of the Iron People 1991
Arnason, Eleanor Ring of Swords 1993
Arnaud, G. J. La Compagnie des Glaces (The Ice Corporation) 1987
Arnzen, Michael A. Grave Markings 1994
Asaro, Catherine Primary Inversion 1995
Asaro, Catherine Catch the Lightning 1997
Asaro, Catherine The Veiled Web 1999
Asaro, Catherine The Quantum Rose 2000
Asimov, Isaac I, Robot [coll.] 1950
Asimov, Isaac The Caves of Steel 1953
Asimov, Isaac The Foundation Trilogy 1953
Asimov, Isaac The End of Eternity 1955
Asimov, Isaac The Gods Themselves 1972
Asimov, Isaac Foundation's Edge 1982
Asimov, Isaac The Robots of Dawn 1983
Asprin, Robert Another Fine Myth 1978
Asprin, Robert Thieves' World [ed] 1979
Asprin, Robert Tales from the Vulgar Unicorn [ed] 1980
Asprin, Robert Shadows of Sanctuary [ed] 1981
Asprin, Robert Storm Season [ed] 1982
Attanasio, A. A. Radix 1981
Attanasio, A. A. Solis 1994
Atwood, Margaret The Handmaid's Tale 1985
Baird, Wilhelmina CrashCourse 1993
Baker, Kage The Anvil of the World 2003
Baker, Scott The Idiot King 1981
Bakis, Kirsten Lives of the Monster Dogs 1997
Ballard, J. G. The Crystal World 1966
Ballard, J. G. The Unlimited Dream Company 1979
Banks, Iain The Wasp Factory 1984
Banks, Iain The Bridge 1986
Banks, Iain The Player of Games 1988
Banks, Iain Use of Weapons 1990
Banks, Iain Feersum Endjinn 1994
Banks, Iain Excession 1996
Banks, Iain Inversions 1998
Banks, Iain The Algebraist 2004
Barker, Clive Clive Barker's Books of Blood, Vols. I-III 1984
Barker, Clive Clive Barker's Books of Blood, Vols. IV-VI 1985
Barker, Clive The Damnation Game 1985
Barker, Clive Weaveworld 1987
Barker, Clive Cabal 1987
Barker, Clive Imajica 1991
Barker, Clive Sacrament 1996
Barker, Clive Galilee 1998
Barker, Clive Coldheart Canyon 2001
Barker, Clive Abarat [graphic narrative] 2002
Barker, Clive Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War 2004
Barnes, John Orbital Resonance 1991
Barnes, John A Million Open Doors 1992
Barnes, John Mother of Storms 1994
Barnes, John One for the Morning Glory 1996
Barnes, John Earth Made of Glass 1998
Barnes, Rory The Book of Revelation [by Damien Broderick & RB] 1999
Barnes, Steven Lion's Blood 2002
Barrington Bayley Collision with Chronos 1977
Barrington Bayley The Garments of Caean 1978
Barrington Bayley The Zen Gun 1983
Barth, John Giles Goat-Boy 1966
Barton, William "Age of Aquarius" 1996
Barton, William Heart of Glass 2000
Barton, William Off on a Starship 2003
Batchelor, John Calvin The Birth of the People's Republic of Antarctica 1983
Baxter, Stephen Raft 1991
Baxter, Stephen Timelike Infinity 1993
Baxter, Stephen The Time Ships 1995
Baxter, Stephen Voyage 1996
Baxter, Stephen Titan 1997
Baxter, Stephen Vacuum Diagrams 1997
Baxter, Stephen Time: Manifold 1 1999
Baxter, Stephen Omegatropic [nonfiction] 2002
Baxter, Stephen Coalescent 2003
Beagle, Peter S. A Fine And Private Place 1960
Beagle, Peter S. The Last Unicorn 1968
Beagle, Peter S. The Folk of the Air 1986
Beagle, Peter S. The Innkeeper's Song 1993
Beagle, Peter S. Giant Bones 1997
Beagle, Peter S. Tamsin 1999
Bear, Greg "Blood Music" 1983
Bear, Greg Blood Music [novel] 1985
Bear, Greg Eon 1985
Bear, Greg "Tangents" 1986
Bear, Greg The Forge of God 1987
Bear, Greg Queen of Angels 1990
Bear, Greg Moving Mars 1993
Bear, Greg Dinosaur Summer 1998
Bear, Greg Darwin's Radio 1999
Bear, Greg Darwin's Children 2003
Bell, Douglas Mojo and the Pickle Jar 1991
Bell, Hillary Mirror, Mirror 1996
Benford, Gregory In the Ocean of Night 1977
Benford, Gregory Timescape 1980
Benford, Gregory Against Infinity 1983
Benford, Gregory Great Sky River 1987
Bergeron, Alain (fr.) Phaos 2003
Berliner, Janet Children of the Dusk [by JB & George Guthridge] 1997
Bertin, Joanne The Last Dragonlord 1998
Bester, Alfred The Demolished Man 1952
Bester, Alfred The Stars My Destination 1956
Bester, Alfred The Computer Connection 1975
Bethke, Bruce Headcrash 1995
Bishop, Anne Daughter of the Blood 1998
Bishop, K. J. The Etched City 2003
Bishop, Michael A Funeral for the Eyes of Fire 1975
Bishop, Michael Transfigurations 1979
Bishop, Michael No Enemy But Time 1982
Bishop, Michael Ancient of Days 1985
Bishop, Michael Unicorn Mountain 1988
Bishop, Michael Apartheid, Superstrings, and Mordecai Thubana 1989
Bishop, Michael Brittle Innings 1994
Bisson, Terry Talking Man 1986
Bisson, Terry "Bears Discover Fire" 1990
Bisson, Terry The Pickup Artist 2001
Bisson, Terry Dear Abbey 2003
Blake, Katherine The Interior Life 1990
Blaylock, James P. The Digging Leviathan 1984
Blaylock, James P. Homunculus 1986
Blaylock, James P. The Last Coin 1988
Blaylock, James P. The Paper Grail 1991
Blaylock, James P. Lord Kelvin's Machine 1992
Blaylock, James P. All the Bells on Earth 1995
Blaylock, James P. The Rainy Season 1999
Blish, James A Case of Conscience 1958
Blom, Suzanne Allés Inca 2000
Blum, Jonathan Fallen Gods [by JB & Kate Orman] 2003
Blumlein, Michael X, Y 1993
Bowes, Richard Minions of the Moon 1999
Bowker, Richard Dover Beach 1987
Bradbury, Ray The Martian Chronicles 1950
Bradbury, Ray Fahrenheit 451 1953
Bradbury, Ray Something Wicked This Way Comes 1962
Bradbury, Ray From the Dust Returned 2001
Bradley, Marion Zimmer The Heritage of Hastur 1975
Bradley, Marion Zimmer The Forbidden Tower 1977
Bradley, Marion Zimmer Hawkmistress! 1982
Bradley, Marion Zimmer The Mists of Avalon 1983
Bradley, Marion Zimmer Thendara House 1983
Brenchley, Chaz Light Errant 1997
Brin, David Sundiver 1980
Brin, David Startide Rising 1983
Brin, David The Practice Effect 1984
Brin, David The Postman 1985
Brin, David The Uplift War 1987
Brin, David Earth 1990
Brin, David Glory Season 1993
Brin, David Brightness Reef 1995
Brin, David Infinity's Shore 1996
Brin, David Heaven's Reach 1998
Brin, David Kiln People 2002
Brite, Poppy Z. Lost Souls 1992
Brite, Poppy Z. Drawing Blood 1993
Broderick, Damien The Dreaming Dragons 1980
Broderick, Damien Striped Holes 1988
Broderick, Damien The White Abacus 1997
Broderick, Damien Transcension 2002
Brown, Fredric Martians, Go Home! 1955
Brown, Simon Winter 1997
Brunner, John Stand on Zanzibar 1968
Brunner, John The Jagged Orbit 1969
Brunner, John The Sheep Look Up 1972
Brunner, John The Shockwave Rider 1975
Bryant, Edward Fetish 1991
Buckner, M. M. Hyperthought 2003
Budrys, Algis Who? 1958
Budrys, Algis Rogue Moon 1960
Budrys, Algis Michaelmas 1977
Bujold, Lois McMaster Shards of Honor 1986
Bujold, Lois McMaster Falling Free 1988
Bujold, Lois McMaster The Vor Game 1990
Bujold, Lois McMaster Barrayar 1991
Bujold, Lois McMaster Mirror Dance 1994
Bujold, Lois McMaster Cetaganda 1996
Bujold, Lois McMaster Memory 1996
Bujold, Lois McMaster Komarr 1998
Bujold, Lois McMaster A Civil Campaign 1999
Bujold, Lois McMaster The Curse of Chalion 2001
Bujold, Lois McMaster Diplomatic Immunity 2002
Bujold, Lois McMaster Paladin of Souls 2003
Bull, Emma War for the Oaks 1987
Bull, Emma Bone Dance 1991
Bunch, Chris The Warrior's Tale [by Allan Cole & CB] 1994
Bunch, David Moderan 1971
Burgess, Anthony A Clockwork Orange 1962
Burke, Kealan-Patrick The Turtle Boy 2004
Burroughs, Edgar Rice A Princess Of Mars 1912
Butler, Octavia E. Wild Seed 1980
Butler, Octavia E. "Bloodchild" 1984
Butler, Octavia E. Dawn 1987
Butler, Octavia E. Parable of the Sower 1993
Butler, Octavia E. Parable of the Talents 1998
Cadigan, Pat Mindplayers 1987
Cadigan, Pat Synners 1991
Cadigan, Pat Fools 1994
Calder, Richard Dead Girls 1992
Calvino, Italo Cosmicomics 1969
Campbell, Ramsey To Wake the Dead 1980
Campbell, Ramsey The Nameless 1981
Campbell, Ramsey Incarnate 1983
Campbell, Ramsey The Hungry Moon 1986
Campbell, Ramsey The Influence 1988
Campbell, Ramsey Midnight Sun 1990
Campbell, Ramsey Nazareth Hill 1997
Campbell, Ramsey Silent Children 2000
Campbell, Ramsey The Darkest Part of the Woods 2002
Campbell, Ramsey The Overnight 2004
Cantrell, Lisa W. The Manse 1987
Card, Orson Scott Ender's Game 1985
Card, Orson Scott Speaker for the Dead 1986
Card, Orson Scott Seventh Son 1987
Card, Orson Scott Red Prophet 1988
Card, Orson Scott Prentice Alvin 1989
Card, Orson Scott Xenocide 1991
Card, Orson Scott The Memory of Earth 1992
Card, Orson Scott Alvin Journeyman 1995
Card, Orson Scott Children of the Mind 1996
Card, Orson Scott Ender's Shadow 1999
Card, Orson Scott Shadow of the Hegemon 2001
Carey, Jacqueline Kushiel's Dart 2001
Carey, Peter Illywhacker 1985
Carmody, Isobelle Greylands 1997
Carroll, Jonathan The Land of Laughs 1980
Carroll, Jonathan Sleeping In Flame 1988
Carroll, Jonathan A Child Across the Sky 1989
Carroll, Jonathan Outside the Dog Museum 1991
Carroll, Jonathan From the Teeth of Angels 1994
Carroll, Jonathan The Marriage of Sticks 1999
Carroll, Jonathan The Wooden Sea 2001
Carroll, Jonathan White Apples 2002
Carter, Angela Heroes And Villains 1969
Carter, Angela The Infernal Desire Machine Of Dr. Hoffman 1972
Carter, Angela Nights at the Circus 1984
Caswell, Brian Deucalion 1995
Chabon, Michael Summerland 2002
Chalker, Jack Laurence Midnight At The Well Of Souls 1977
Chalker, Jack Laurence The Wars Of The Well 1980
Chandler, A. Bertram False Fatherland 1968
Chandler, A. Bertram The Bitter Pill 1974
Chandler, A. Bertram The Big Black Mark 1975
Chant, Joy Red Moon and Black Mountain 1971
Chant, Joy The Grey Mane of Morning 1977
Chant, Joy When Voiha Wakes 1983
Chapman, Stepan The Troika 1997
Charnas, Suzy McKee Walk to the End of the World 1974
Charnas, Suzy McKee Motherlines 1978
Charnas, Suzy McKee The Vampire Tapestry 1980
Charnas, Suzy McKee The Kingdom of Kevin Malone 1993
Charnas, Suzy McKee The Furies 1994
Charnas, Suzy McKee The Conqueror's Child 1999
Chase, Robert R. The Game of Fox and Lion 1986
Cherryh, C. J. The Faded Sun: Kesrith 1978
Cherryh, C. J. Fires of Azeroth 1979
Cherryh, C. J. Downbelow Station 1981
Cherryh, C. J. Ealdwood 1981
Cherryh, C. J. The Pride of Chanur 1982
Cherryh, C. J. The Tree Of Swords And Jewels 1983
Cherryh, C. J. Cuckoo's Egg 1985
Cherryh, C. J. Cyteen 1988
Cherryh, C. J. Invader 1995
Cherryh, C. J. Finity's End 1997
Cherryh, C. J. Precursor 1999
Chiang, Ted "Hell Is the Absence of God" 2001
Cisco, Michael The Divinity Student 1999
Claiborne, Sybil In the Garden of Dead Cars 1993
Clark, Simon The Night of the Triffids 2001
Clarke, Arthur C. Childhood's End 1953
Clarke, Arthur C. The City and the Stars 1956
Clarke, Arthur C. 2001: A Space Odyssey 1968
Clarke, Arthur C. Rendezvous with Rama 1973
Clarke, Arthur C. Imperial Earth 1975
Clarke, Arthur C. The Fountains of Paradise 1979
Clarke, Arthur C. 2010: Odyssey Two 1982
Clarke, Susanna Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell 2004
Clegg, Douglas The Hour Before Dark 2002
Clement, Hal Mission of Gravity 1954
Clement, Hal Star Light 1970
Clifton, Mark They'd Rather Be Right (aka: The Forever Machine) [by MC & Frank Riley] 1954
Clute, John The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction [by JC & Peter Nicholls, eds.] 1993
Clute, John Science Fiction: The Illustrated Encyclopedia 1995
Clute, John The Encyclopedia of Fantasy [by JC & John Grant, eds.] 1997
Colfer, Eoin Artemis Fowl 2001
Colfer, Eoin The Supernaturalist 2004
Collins, Nancy A. Sunglasses After Dark 1989
Compton, D. G. The Steel Crocodile 1970
Condon, Richard Manchurian Candidate 1959
Coney, Michael G. Hello Summer, Goodbye 1975
Coney, Michael G. Brontomek! 1976
Coney, Michael G. Cat Karina 1982
Connolly, Flynn The Rising of the Moon 1993
Constantine, Storm The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit 1987
Courtenay Grimwood, Jon Pashazade: The First Arabesk 2001
Courtenay Grimwood, Jon Felaheen: The Third Arabesk 2003
Courtenay Grimwood, Jon Stamping Butterflies 2004
Coville, Bruce My Teacher Glows in the Dark 1992
Coville, Bruce I Was a 6th Grade Alien 1999
Cowper, Richard The Road to Corlay 1978
Cramer, John G. Twistor 1989
Crew, Gary Beneath the Surface [by GC & Steven Woolman] 2004
Crichton, Michael The Andromeda Strain 1969
Crowley, John The Deep 1975
Crowley, John Engine Summer 1979
Crowley, John Little, Big 1981
Crowley, John Ægypt 1987
Crowley, John Love & Sleep 1994
Curval, Philippe Cette Chére Humanité 1976
Czerneda, Julie E. In the Company of Others 2001
Dalkey, Kara The Nightingale 1988
Daniel, Tony Metaplanetary 2001
Danielewski, Mark Z. House of Leaves 2000
Dann, Jack The Man Who Melted 1984
Dann, Jack The Memory Cathedral 1996
Dann, Jack The Rebel 2004
Danvers, Dennis Wilderness 1991
Davies, Murray Collaborator 2003
de Camp, L. Sprague The Incomplete Enchanter [by Fletcher Pratt & LSdC] 1941
de Camp, L. Sprague Lest Darkness Fall 1941
de Lint, Charles Moonheart 1984
de Lint, Charles Mulengro 1985
de Lint, Charles Yarrow 1986
de Lint, Charles Jack the Giant Killer 1987
de Lint, Charles The Little Country 1991
de Lint, Charles Our Lady of the Harbour 1991
de Lint, Charles Dreams Underfoot 1993
de Lint, Charles The Ivory and the Horn 1995
de Lint, Charles Trader 1997
de Lint, Charles Someplace to Be Flying 1998
de Lint, Charles Forests of the Heart 2000
de Lint, Charles The Onion Girl 2001
de Lint, Charles Seven Wild Sisters 2002
de Lint, Charles Waifs and Strays 2002
Dean, Pamela The Dubious Hills 1994
Dedman, Stephen The Art of Arrow Cutting 1997
Delacorte, Peter Time on My Hands: A Novel with Photographs 1997
Delany, Samuel R. Babel-17 1966
Delany, Samuel R. The Einstein Intersection 1967
Delany, Samuel R. Nova 1968
Delany, Samuel R. Dhalgren 1975
Delany, Samuel R. Triton 1976
Delany, Samuel R. Tales of Nevèrÿon 1979
Delany, Samuel R. Stars In My Pocket Like Grains of Sand 1984
Denton, Bradley Buddy Holly Is Alive and Well on Ganymede 1991
Denton, Bradley Blackburn 1993
Denton, Bradley The Calvin Coolidge Home for Dead Comedians & A Conflagration Artist [coll.] 1994
Desmond, Sean Adam's Fall 2000
Di Filippo, Paul A Year in the Linear City 2002
Dick, Philip K. The Man in the High Castle 1962
Dick, Philip K. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? 1968
Dick, Philip K. Ubik 1969
Dick, Philip K. Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said 1974
Dick, Philip K. A Scanner Darkly 1977
Dick, Philip K. The Divine Invasion 1981
Dick, Philip K. VALIS 1981
Dick, Philip K. The Transmigration of Timothy Archer 1982
Dickson, Gordon R. The Dragon and the George 1976
Dickson, Gordon R. The Final Encyclopedia 1984
Dickson, Gordon R. Way of the Pilgrim 1987
Disch, Thomas M. Camp Concentration 1968
Disch, Thomas M. On Wings of Song 1979
Disch, Thomas M. The M.D. 1991
Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee Mistress of Spices 1997
Dix, Shane The Unknown Soldier [by Sean Williams & SD] 1995
Dix, Shane Evergence 2: The Dying Light [by Sean Williams & SD] 2000
Dix, Shane The Dark Imbalance [by Sean Williams & SD] 2001
Dix, Shane Echoes of Earth [by Sean Williams & SD] 2002
Dix, Shane Orphans of Earth [by Sean Williams & SD] 2003
Doctorow, Cory Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom 2003
Doctorow, Cory A Place So Foreign and 8 More [coll.] 2003
Dodd, Quenin Beatnik Rutabagas from beyond the Stars 2001
Donaldson, Stephen R. The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever
Donaldson, Stephen R. The Wounded Land 1980
Donaldson, Stephen R. The One Tree 1982
Donaldson, Stephen R. Daughter of Regals and Other Tales [coll.] 1984
Donaldson, Stephen R. Reave the Just and Other Tales [coll.] 1998
Dorsey, Candas Jane Black Wine 1997
Dorsey, Candas Jane A Paradigm of Earth 2001
Douglass, Sara Pilgrim 1998
Douglass, Sara The Wounded Hawk 2001
Dowling, Terry Rhynosseros 1990
Dowling, Terry Wormwood [coll.] 1991
Dowling, Terry Blue Tyson 1992
Dowling, Terry An Intimate Knowledge of the Night 1995
Dowling, Terry Blackwater Days 2000
Dozois, Gardner Strangers 1978
Duane, Diane The Door Into Fire 1979
DuBois, Brendan Resurrection Day 1999
Duchamp, L. Timmel Love's Body, Dancing in Time [coll.] 2004
Due, Tananarive My Soul to Keep 1997
Duncan, Dave West of January 1989
Dunkle, Clare B. The Hollow Kingdom 2003
Dunn, Katherine Geek Love 1989
Dunn, Mark Think Tank 2000
Eddison, E. R. The Worm Ouroboros 1922
Edgerton, Teresa Child of Saturn 1989
Effinger, George Alec What Entropy Means to Me 1972
Effinger, George Alec When Gravity Fails 1987
Effinger, George Alec A Fire in the Sun 1989
Egan, Greg Quarantine 1992
Egan, Greg Permutation City 1994
Egan, Greg Axiomatic [coll.] 1995
Egan, Greg Distress 1995
Egan, Greg Diaspora 1997
Egan, Greg Luminous [coll.] 1998
Egan, Greg Teranesia 1999
Egan, Greg Schild's Ladder 2002
Eisenstein, Phyllis Sorcerer's Son 1979
Elgin, Suzette Haden Native Tongue 1984
Elliott, Kate (aka Alis Rasmussen) The Golden Key [by Melanie Rawn, Jennifer Roberson & KE] 1996
Elliott, Kate (aka Alis Rasmussen) King's Dragon 1997
Ellison, Harlan Mefisto In Onyx 1993
Emshwiller, Carol The Mount 2002
Engh, M. J. Rainbow Man 1993
Erdrich, Louise The Antelope Wife 1998
Erikson, Steven Gardens of the Moon 1999
Eskridge, Kelley Solitaire 2002
Evangelisti, Valerio Nicholas Eymerich 1997
Evans, Christopher Aztec Century 1993
Everson, John Covenant 2004
Fancher, Jane Groundties 1991
Farmer, Nancy The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm 1994
Farmer, Nancy The Sea of Trolls 2004
Farmer, Philip José To Your Scattered Bodies Go 1972
Faust, Minister The Coyote Kings of the Space-Age Bachelor Pad 2004
Feist, Raymond E. Servant of the Empire [by REF & Janny Wurts] 1990
Fergusson, Bruce The Shadow of His Wings 1987
Fforde, Jasper The Eyre Affair 2001
Finch, Sheila Infinity's Web 1985
Finney, Jack Time and Again 1957
Flynn, Michael F. In the Country of the Blind 1990
Ford, Jeffrey The Physiognomy 1997
Ford, Jeffrey The Portrait of Mrs. Charbuque 2002
Ford, John M. The Dragon Waiting 1983
Ford, John M. Growing Up Weightless 1993
Forsyth, Kate Dragonclaw: Book One of The Witches of Eileanan 1997
Forward, Robert L. Dragon's Egg 1980
Forward, Robert L. Futue Magic 1988
Fowler, Christopher Full Dark House 2003
Fowler, Christopher Breathe 2004
Fowler, Karen Joy Artificial Things [coll.] 1986
Fowler, Karen Joy Sarah Canary 1991
Fowler, Karen Joy Black Glass [coll.] 1998
Frankowski, Leo The Cross-Time Engineer 1986
Freireich, Valerie J. Becoming Human 1995
Friedman, C. S. In Conquest Born 1987
Frost, Gregory Fitcher's Brides 2002
Fry, Stephen Making History 1996
Funke, Cornelia Inkheart 2003
Gaiman, Neil Good Omens [by Terry Pratchett & NG] 1990
Gaiman, Neil Smoke and Mirrors 1998
Gaiman, Neil Stardust 1998
Gaiman, Neil American Gods 2001
Gaiman, Neil Coraline 2002
Gardner, James Alan Hunted 2000
Garfinkle, Richard Celestial Matters 1996
Geary, Patricia Strange Toys 1987
Gemmell, David Legend 1984
Gentle, Mary Golden Witchbreed 1983
Gentle, Mary Rats and Gargoyles 1990
Gentle, Mary The Architecture of Desire 1991
Gentle, Mary Ash: A Secret History 2000
Gerdner, John Grendel 1971
Gerrold, David When Harlie Was One 1972
Gerrold, David The Man Who Folded Himself 1973
Gerrold, David Moonstar Odyssey 1977
Gerrold, David "The Martian Child" 1994
Gerrold, David Jumping Off the Planet 2000
Ghosh, Amitav The Calcutta Chromosome 1995
Gibson, William Neuromancer 1984
Gibson, William Count Zero 1986
Gibson, William Mona Lisa Overdrive 1988
Gibson, William The Difference Engine [by WG & Bruce Sterling] 1990
Gibson, William Virtual Light 1993
Gibson, William All Tomorrow's Parties 1999
Gibson, William Pattern Recognition 2003
Gidron, Martin J. The Severed Wing 2002
Gilman, Carolyn Ives Halfway Human 1998
Gilman, Greer Ilene Moonwise 1991
Gladney, Heather Teot's War 1987
Gloss, Molly The Dazzle of Day 1997
Gloss, Molly Wild Life 2000
Godwin, Parke Firelord 1980
Goingback, Owl Crota 1996
Golding, William Inheritors 1955
Golding, William Darkness Visible 1979
Goldman, E. M. The Night Room 1995
Goldstein, Lisa The Dream Years 1985
Goldstein, Lisa A Mask for the General 1987
Goldstein, Lisa Dark Cities Underground 1999
Goodkind, Terry Wizard's First Rule 1994
Goonan, Kathleen Ann Queen City Jazz 1994
Goonan, Kathleen Ann The Bones of Time 1996
Goonan, Kathleen Ann Crescent City Rhapsody 2000
Goonan, Kathleen Ann Light Music 2002
Gotlieb, Phyllis A Judgment of Dragons 1980
Gotlieb, Phyllis Flesh and Gold 1998
Goto, Hiromi The Kappa Child 2001
Gottlieb, Sherry Love Bite 1994
Gould, Steven Jumper 1992
Gould, Steven Wildside 1996
Grant, Charles L. In a Dark Dream 1989
Grant, Richard Saraband of Lost Time 1985
Grant, Richard Rumors of Spring 1987
Grant, Richard Through the Heart 1992
Gravel, Geary The Alchemists 1984
Gray, Alasdair Lanark 1981
Green, Terence M. Shadow of Ashland 1996
Greenhalgh, Zohra Contrarywise 1989
Greenland, Colin Take Back Plenty 1990
Greenland, Colin Harm's Way 1993
Greenwood, Kerry The Broken Wheel 1996
Griffin, Russell M. The Blind Man And The Elephant 1982
Griffith, Nicola Ammonite 1993
Griffith, Nicola Slow River 1995
Grimsley, Jim Kirith Kirin 2000
Grimsley, Jim The Ordinary 2004
Grimwood, Ken Replay 1987
Gunn, James The Listeners 1972
Gunn, Neil M. The Green Isle Od The Great Deep 1944
Haldeman, Joe The Forever War 1974
Haldeman, Joe Mindbridge 1976
Haldeman, Joe Forever Peace 1997
Haldeman, Joe Forever Free 1999
Haldeman, Joe Guardian 2002
Haldeman, Joe Camouflage 2004
Hambly, Barbara Dragonsbane 1986
Hambly, Barbara Those Who Hunt the Night 1988
Hamilton, Laurell K. Bloody Bones 1996
Hamilton, Peter F. Fallen Dragon 2001
Hand, Elizabeth Winterlong 1990
Hand, Elizabeth Æstival Tide 1992
Hand, Elizabeth Waking the Moon 1995
Hand, Elizabeth Glimmering 1997
Hand, Elizabeth Mortal Love 2004
Harlan, Thomas The Shadow of Ararat 1999
Harland, Richard The Dark Edge 1997
Harland, Richard The Black Crusade 2004
Harris, Charlaine Living Dead in Dallas 2002
Harris, Charlaine Dead to the World 2004
Harris, Christine Foreign Devils 1999
Harris, Thomas The Silence of the Lambs 1988
Harrison, Harry Deathworld 1960
Harrison, Harry The Stainless Steel Rat 1961
Harrison, Harry Make Room! Make Room! 1966
Harrison, Harry West of Eden 1984
Harrison, M. John A Storm of Wings 1980
Harrison, M. John In Viriconium 1982
Harrison, M. John Signs of Life 1997
Harrison, M. John Light 2002
Hartman, Keith The Gumshoe, the Witch, and the Virtual Corpse 1999
Hartnett, Sonya Thursday's Child 2000
Harwood, John The Ghost Writer 2004
Haydon, Elizabeth Rhapsody 1999
Heald, Denise Lopes Mistwalker 1994
Hegland, Jean Into the Forest 1996
Heinlein, Robert A. Farmer in the Sky 1950
Heinlein, Robert A. The Man Who Sold the Moon 1950
Heinlein, Robert A. Double Star 1956
Heinlein, Robert A. The Door Into Summer 1957
Heinlein, Robert A. Have Space Suit -- Will Travel 1958
Heinlein, Robert A. Methuselah's Children 1958
Heinlein, Robert A. Starship Troopers 1959
Heinlein, Robert A. Stranger in a Strange Land 1961
Heinlein, Robert A. Glory Road 1963
Heinlein, Robert A. The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress 1966
Heinlein, Robert A. I Will Fear No Evil 1970
Heinlein, Robert A. Time Enough for Love 1973
Heinlein, Robert A. Friday 1982
Heinlein, Robert A. Job: A Comedy of Justice 1984
Heinlein, Robert A. To Sail Beyond the Sunset 1987
Helprin, Mark A City in Winter 1986
Herbert, Frank Dune 1965
Herbert, Frank Hellstrom's Hive 1973
Herbert, Frank Children of Dune 1976
Herbert, Frank The Dosadi Experiment 1978
Herbert, James Nobody True 2003
Hetley, James A. The Summer Country 2002
Hinz, Christopher Liege-Killer 1987
Hoban, Russell Riddley Walker 1981
Hobb, Robin Assassin's Apprentice 1995
Hodgell, P. C. God Stalk 1982
Hodgell, P. C. Dark of the Moon 1985
Hodgson, William Hope The House On The Borderland 1908
Hodgson, William Hope The Night Land 1912
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki The Thread That Binds the Bones 1993
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki The Silent Strength of Stones 1995
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki A Red Heart of Memories 1999
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki Past the Size of Dreaming 2001
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki A Fistful of Sky 2002
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki A Stir of Bones 2003
Hogan, James P. Inherit the Stars 1977
Hogan, James P. The Genesis Machine 1978
Hogan, James P. Voyage from Yesteryear 1982
Hogan, James P. Entoverse 1991
Hogan, James P. The Multiplex Man 1992
Holder, Nancy Dead in the Water 1994
Holdstock, Robert Mythago Wood 1984
Holdstock, Robert Lavondyss 1988
Holdstock, Robert The Fetch 1991
Holdstock, Robert The Hollowing 1993
Hopkinson, Nalo Brown Girl in the Ring 1998
Hopkinson, Nalo Midnight Robber 2000
Hopkinson, Nalo The Salt Roads 2003
Houssin, Joél Argentine 1989
Hoyt, Sarah A. Ill Met by Moonlight 2001
Huff, Tanya Gate of Darkness, Circle of Light 1989
Huff, Tanya Blood Price 1991
Huff, Tanya No Quarter 1996
Hughart, Barry Bridge of Birds 1984
Hughes, Matthew Black Brillion 2004
Huxley, Aldous Brave New World 1932
Ingpen, Robert Australian Gnomes 1979
Irvine, Alexander C. A Scattering of Jades 2002
Jablokov, Alexander Carve the Sky 1991
Jacob, Charlee The Symbiotic Fascination 1997
Jens, Tina L. The Blues Ain't Nothing' 2002
Jensen, Jan Lars Shiva 3000 1999
Jeter, K. W. Farewell Horizontal 1989
Jinks, Catherine Eye to Eye 1997
Johnson, Kij Fudoki 2003
Johnson, Toby Secret Matter 1990
Jones, Dennis Feltham Colossus: Forbin Project 1966
Jones, Diana Wynne Fire and Hemlock 1984
Jones, Diana Wynne The Crown of Dalemark 1995
Jones, Diana Wynne Dark Lord of Derkholm 1998
Jones, Gwyneth White Queen 1991
Jones, Gwyneth North Wind 1994
Jones, Gwyneth Bold as Love 2001
Jones, Gwyneth Castles Made of Sand 2002
Jones, Gwyneth Midnight Lamp 2003
Jones, Gwyneth Life 2004
Jones, Tamara Siler Ghosts in the Snow 2004
Joy, Dara Knight of a Trillion Stars 1995
Joyce, Graham Dark Sister 1992
Joyce, Graham Requiem 1995
Joyce, Graham The Tooth Fairy 1996
Joyce, Graham Indigo 1999
Joyce, Graham Leningrad Nights 1999
Joyce, Graham Smoking Poppy 2001
Joyce, Graham The Facts of Life 2002
Kandel, Michael In Between Dragons 1990
Katz, Judith Running Fiercely Toward a High Thin Sound 1992
Katz, Louise The Other Face of Janus 2001
Kavan, Anna Ice 1967
Kay, Guy Gavriel The Darkest Road 1986
Kay, Guy Gavriel The Wandering Fire 1986
Kay, Guy Gavriel Tigana 1990
Kay, Guy Gavriel A Song for Arbonne 1992
Kay, Guy Gavriel The Lions of Al-Rassan 1995
Kay, Guy Gavriel Sailing to Sarantium 1998
Kay, Guy Gavriel Lord of Emperors 2000
Kay, Guy Gavriel The Last Light of the Sun 2004
Keene, Brian The Rising 2003
Kelleher, Victor Beast of Heaven 1984
Kelleher, Victor Born of the Sea 2003
Kellogg, M. Bradley A Rumor of Angels 1983
Kelly, James Patrick Wildlife 1994
Kendall, Carol The Firelings 1982
Kernaghan, Eileen Songs from the Drowned Lands (Journey to Apriloth) 1983
Kernaghan, Eileen The Snow Queen 2000
Kerr, Peg The Wild Swans 1999
Kessel, John Good News from Outer Space 1989
Kessel, John Meeting in Infinity 1992
Keyes, Daniel Flowers for Algernon 1966
Keyes, J. Gregory Newton's Cannon 1998
Keyes, J. Gregory A Calculus of Angels 1999
Kiernan, Caitlín R. Silk 1998
Kiernan, Caitlín R. Threshold 2001
Kiernan, Caitlín R. Murder of Angels 2004
Kilpatrick, Nancy Near Death 1994
Kindl, Patrice Owl in Love 1993
King, Stephen Salem's Lot 1975
King, Stephen The Shining 1977
King, Stephen The Stand 1978
King, Stephen Night Shift [coll.] 1978
King, Stephen The Dead Zone 1979
King, Stephen Firestarter 1980
King, Stephen Cujo 1981
King, Stephen Danse Macabre [nonfiction] 1981
King, Stephen Different Seasons [coll.] 1982
King, Stephen The Gunslinger 1982
King, Stephen Pet Sematary 1983
King, Stephen The Talisman [by SK & Peter Straub] 1984
King, Stephen Skeleton Crew [coll.] 1985
King, Stephen It 1986
King, Stephen Misery 1987
King, Stephen Four Past Midnight [coll.] 1990
King, Stephen The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands 1991
King, Stephen Needful Things 1991
King, Stephen Nightmares & Dreamscapes [coll.] 1993
King, Stephen Insomnia 1994
King, Stephen Desperation 1996
King, Stephen The Green Mile 1996
King, Stephen The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass 1997
King, Stephen Bag of Bones 1998
King, Stephen Hearts in Atlantis 1999
King, Stephen On Writing [nonfiction] 2000
King, Stephen Black House [by SK & Peter Straub] 2001
King, Stephen Everything's Eventual [coll.] 2002
King, Stephen The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla 2003
King, Stephen The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower 2006
Kingsbury, Donald Courtship Rite 1982
Kingsbury, Donald Psychohistorical Crisis 2001
Kirstein, Rosemary The Steerswoman 1989
Klein, T. E. D. The Ceremonies 1984
Koestler, Arthur The Call Girls 1972
Koja, Kathe The Cipher 1991
Koman, Victor The Jehovah Contract 1987
Koman, Victor Solomon's Knife 1989
Koman, Victor Kings of the High Frontier 1996
Koontz, Dean Midnight 1989
Koontz, Dean Strange Highways [coll.] 1995
Kornbluth, C. M. The Syndic 1953
Kosinski, Jerzy Being There 1970
Kotzwinkle, William Doctor Rat 1976
Kress, Nancy "Beggars in Spain" 1991
Kress, Nancy Beggars In Spain 1993
Kress, Nancy Beggars and Choosers 1994
Kress, Nancy Maximum Light 1998
Kress, Nancy Probability Sun 2001
Kress, Nancy Probability Space 2002
Kritzer, Naomi Fires of the Faithful 2002
Kube-McDowell, Michael P. Emprise 1985
Kube-McDowell, Michael P. The Quiet Pools 1990
Kurtz, Katherine Deryni Rising 1970
Kurtz, Katherine Camber the Heretic 1981
Kushner, Ellen Swordspoint 1987
Kushner, Ellen Thomas the Rhymer 1991
Kushner, Ellen The Fall of the Kings [by EK & Delia Sherman] 2002
Lackey, Mercedes Storm Warning 1994
Lafferty, R. A. Past Master 1968
Lafferty, R. A. Fourth Mansions 1970
Lafferty, R. A. The Devil Is Dead 1971
Lafferty, R. A. Aurelia 1982
Lai, Larissa Salt Fish Girl 2002
Laidlaw, Marc Neon Lotus 1988
Laidlaw, Marc The 37th Mandala 1996
Lake, David J. Walkers on the Sky 1976
Lake, David J. The Man Who Loved Morlocks 1981
Landis, Geoffrey A. Mars Crossing 2000
Langford, David The Space Eater 1982
Lansdale, Joe R. The Drive-In 1988
Larson, Jeanne Silk Road 1989
Laymon, Richard The Traveling Vampire Show 2000
Le Guin, Ursula K. A Wizard of Earthsea 1968
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Left Hand of Darkness 1969
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Lathe of Heaven 1971
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Dispossessed 1974
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Beginning Place 1980
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Compass Rose [coll.] 1982
Le Guin, Ursula K. Always Coming Home 1985
Le Guin, Ursula K. Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea 1990
Le Guin, Ursula K. Four Ways to Forgiveness [coll.] 1995
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Telling 2000
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Other Wind 2001
Le Guin, Ursula K. Tales from Earthsea [coll.] 2001
Le Guin, Ursula K. Changing Planes [coll.] 2003
Lebbon, Tim White 1999
Lebbon, Tim Naming of Parts 2000
Lee, Sharon Balance of Trade [by SL & Steve Miller] 2004
Lee, Tanith The Birthgrave 1975
Lee, Tanith Death's Master 1979
Lee, Tanith Kill the Dead 1980
Leiber, Fritz The Big Time 1958
Leiber, Fritz The Wanderer 1964
Leiber, Fritz Our Lady of Darkness 1977
Lem, Stanislaw Solaris 1970
L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time 1962
Lethem, Jonathan Gun, With Occasional Music 1994
Lethem, Jonathan The Wall of the Sky, the Wall of the Eye [coll.] 1996
Levin, Ira This Perfect Day 1970
Levinson, Paul The Silk Code 1999
Lewis, C. S. That Hideous Strength 1945
Lewis, C. S. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 1950
Lewis, Roy What We Did To Father 1960
Lewis, Sinclair It Can't Happen Here 1935
Linaweaver, Brad Moon of Ice 1988
Lindsay, David A Voyage To Arcturus 1920
Lisle, Holly Fire in the Mist 1992
Little, Bentley The Revelation 1990
Longyear, Barry B. "Enemy Mine" 1979
Longyear, Barry B. Infinity Hold 1989
Lowachee, Karin Warchild 2002
Lowry, Lois The Giver 1993
Lucashenko, Melissa Killing Darcy 1998
Luckett, Dave A Dark Winter 1998
Luckett, Dave A Dark Victory 1999
Lupoff, Richard A. Sword of the Demon 1977
Lupoff, Richard A. Space War Blues 1978
Lynn, Elizabeth A. The Dancers of Arun 1979
Lynn, Elizabeth A. Watchtower 1979
Lynn, Elizabeth A. Dragon's Winter 1998
MacAvoy, R. A. Tea with the Black Dragon 1983
MacLean, Katherine "The Missing Man" 1971
MacLean, Katherine The Missing Man 1975
MacLeod, Ian R. The Great Wheel 1997
MacLeod, Ian R. The Light Ages 2003
MacLeod, Ken The Star Fraction 1995
MacLeod, Ken The Stone Canal 1996
MacLeod, Ken The Cassini Division 1998
MacLeod, Ken The Sky Road 1999
MacLeod, Ken Cosmonaut Keep 2000
MacLeod, Ken Dark Light 2001
MacLeod, Ken Newton's Wake 2004
Malzberg, Barry N. Beyond Apollo 1972
Malzberg, Barry N. Herovit's World 1973
Malzberg, Barry N. The Remaking of Sigmund Freud 1985
Mamatas, Nick Move Under Ground 2004
Marano, Michael Dawn Song 1998
Marillier, Juliet Daughter of the Forest 1999
Marillier, Juliet Son of the Shadows 2000
Marley, Louise The Terrorists of Irustan 1999
Marley, Louise The Child Goddess 2004
Marquardt, Michelle Blue Silence 2002
Martin, George R. R. Dying of the Light 1977
Martin, George R. R. Fevre Dream 1982
Martin, George R. R. The Armageddon Rag 1983
Martin, George R. R. A Game of Thrones 1996
Martin, George R. R. A Clash of Kings 1998
Martin, George R. R. A Storm of Swords 2000
Martin, Valerie Mary Reilly 1990
Mason, Lisa Summer of Love 1994
Massie, Elizabeth Sineater 1992
Masson, David The Caltrap Of Time [coll.] 1968
Masson, Sophie The Hand of Glory 2002
Matheson, Richard Bid Time Return 1975
Matthews, Susan R. An Exchange of Hostages 1997
Matthews, Susan R. Prisoner of Conscience 1998
May, Julian The Many-Colored Land 1981
McArthur, Maxine Time Future 1999
McArthur, Maxine Less Than Human 2004
McAuley, Paul J. 400 Billion Stars 1988
McAuley, Paul J. Eternal Light 1991
McAuley, Paul J. Pasquale's Angel 1994
McAuley, Paul J. Fairyland 1995
McAuley, Paul J. The Secret of Life 2001
McAuley, Paul J. White Devils 2004
McCaffrey, Anne Dragonflight 1968
McCaffrey, Anne The Ship Who Sang 1969
McCaffrey, Anne Dragonquest 1971
McCaffrey, Anne The White Dragon 1978
McCaffrey, Anne Dragondrums 1979
McCaffrey, Anne The Crystal Singer 1982
McCaffrey, Anne Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern 1983
McCaffrey, Anne Dragonsdawn 1988
McCaffrey, Anne All the Weyrs of Pern 1991
McCaffrey, Anne The Dolphins of Pern 1994
McCammon, Robert R. Swan Song 1987
McCammon, Robert R. Stinger 1988
McCammon, Robert R. The Wolf's Hour 1989
McCammon, Robert R. Mine 1990
McCammon, Robert R. Boy's Life 1991
McCammon, Robert R. Speaks the Nightbird 2002
McCann, A. L. The White Body of Evening 2002
McCarthy, Wil The Collapsium 2000
McDevitt, Jack The Hercules Text 1986
McDevitt, Jack The Engines of God 1994
McDevitt, Jack Eternity Road 1997
McDevitt, Jack Moonfall 1998
McDevitt, Jack Infinity Beach 2000
McDevitt, Jack Deepsix 2001
McDevitt, Jack Chindi 2002
McDevitt, Jack Omega 2003
McDevitt, Jack Polaris 2004
McDonald, Ian Desolation Road 1988
McDonald, Ian King of Morning, Queen of Day 1991
McDonald, Ian Hearts, Hands and Voices 1992
McDonald, Ian Necroville (US title: Terminal Café) 1994
McDonald, Ian Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone 1994
McDonald, Ian Chaga (US title: Evolution's Shore) 1995
McDonald, Ian Sacrifice of Fools 1997
McDonald, Ian Tendeléo's Story 2000
McDonald, Ian River of Gods 2004
McDowell, Ian Mordred's Curse 1996
McHugh, Maureen F. China Mountain Zhang 1992
McHugh, Maureen F. Mission Child 1998
McHugh, Maureen F. Nekropolis 2001
McIntyre, Vonda N. The Exile Waiting 1975
McIntyre, Vonda N. Dreamsnake 1978
McIntyre, Vonda N. The Moon and the Sun 1997
McKillip, Patricia A. The Forgotten Beasts of Eld 1974
McKillip, Patricia A. The Riddle-Master of Hed 1976
McKillip, Patricia A. Heir Of Sea And Fire 1977
McKillip, Patricia A. Harpist in the Wind 1979
McKillip, Patricia A. The Changeling Sea 1988
McKillip, Patricia A. The Sorceress and the Cygnet 1991
McKillip, Patricia A. The Cygnet and the Firebird 1993
McKillip, Patricia A. Something Rich and Strange 1994
McKillip, Patricia A. The Book of Atrix Wolfe 1995
McKillip, Patricia A. Winter Rose 1996
McKillip, Patricia A. Song for the Basilisk 1998
McKillip, Patricia A. The Tower at Stony Wood 2000
McKillip, Patricia A. Ombria in Shadow 2002
McKillip, Patricia A. In the Forests of Serre 2003
McKillip, Patricia A. Alphabet of Thorn 2004
McKinley, Robin The Blue Sword 1982
McKinley, Robin The Hero and the Crown 1984
McKinley, Robin Deerskin 1993
McKinley, Robin Rose Daughter 1997
McKinley, Robin Sunshine 2003
McMullen, Sean Mirrorsun Rising 1995
McMullen, Sean The Centurion's Empire 1998
McMullen, Sean Souls in the Great Machine 1999
McMullen, Sean The Miocene Arrow 2000
McMullen, Sean Eyes of the Calculor 2001
McMullen, Sean Voyage of the Shadowmoon 2002
McQuay, Mike Memories 1987
Merle, Robert Malevil 1973
Meynard, Yves The Book of Knights 1998
Michalson, Karen Enemy Glory 2001
Miéville, China King Rat 1998
Miéville, China Perdido Street Station 2000
Miéville, China The Scar 2003
Miéville, China The Tain 2003
Miéville, China Iron Council 2004
Milán, Victor The Cybernetic Samurai 1985
Miller, Faren The Illusionists 1991
Miller, Walter M., Jr. A Canticle for Leibowitz 1959
Misha Red Spider, White Web 1990
Mitchell, David Cloud Atlas 2004
Mitchell, Mary Ann Drawn to the Grave 1997
Monteleone, Thomas F. Blood of the Lamb 1992
Moon, Elizabeth Sheepfarmer's Daughter 1988
Moon, Elizabeth Remnant Population 1996
Moon, Elizabeth The Speed of Dark 2002
Moorcock, Michael Behold the Man 1966
Moorcock, Michael The Knight of the Swords 1971
Moorcock, Michael The King of the Swords 1971
Moorcock, Michael The Sword and the Stallion 1974
Moorcock, Michael The Hollow Lands 1975
Moorcock, Michael The Condition Of Muzak 1977
Moorcock, Michael Gloriana 1978
Moorcock, Michael The War Hound and the World's Pain 1981
Moorcock, Michael Blood 1995
Moore, Alan Watchmen [AM & Dave Gibbons] 1987
Moore, Alan V for Vendetta [by AM & David Lloyd] 1989
Moore, Alan The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 2000
Morgan, Richard Altered Carbon 2002
Morgan, Richard Market Forces 2004
Moriarty, Chris Spin State 2003
Morrow, James This Is the Way the World Ends 1986
Morrow, James Only Begotten Daughter 1990
Morrow, James City of Truth 1991
Morrow, James Towing Jehovah 1994
Morse, David The Iron Bridge 1998
Mujica Lainez, Manuelv The Wandering Unicorn 1983
Munn, H. Warner Merlin's Ring 1974
Murphy, Pat The Falling Woman 1986
Murphy, Pat The City, Not Long After 1989
Murphy, Pat Nadya 1996
Nagata, Linda The Bohr Maker 1995
Nagata, Linda Memory 2003
Nasir, Jamil Tower of Dreams 1999
Nassise, Joseph M. Riverwatch 2001
Navarro, Yvonne Afterage 1993
Newman, Kim Anno Dracula 1992
Newman, Kim The Quorum 1994
Newman, Kim The Bloody Red Baron 1995
Nicholson, Scott The Red Church 2002
Niffenegger, Audrey The Time Traveler's Wife 2003
Nissenson, Hugh The Song of the Earth 2001
Niven, Larry Ringworld 1970
Niven, Larry Protector 1973
Niven, Larry The Mote In God's Eye [by LN & Jerry Pournelle] 1974
Niven, Larry Inferno 1976
Niven, Larry A World Out of Time 1976
Niven, Larry Lucifer's Hammer [by LN & Jerry Pournelle] 1977
Niven, Larry The Ringworld Engineers 1980
Niven, Larry Oath of Fealty [by LN & Jerry Pournelle] 1981
Niven, Larry The Integral Trees 1984
Niven, Larry Footfall [by LN & Jerry Pournelle] 1985
Niven, Larry Fallen Angels [by LN, Jerry Pournelle & Michael Flynn] 1991
Nix, Garth Sabriel 1995
Nix, Garth Lirael 2001
Nix, Garth Abhorsen 2003
Noon, Jeff Vurt 1993
Norton, Andre Sargasso of Space 1955
Norton, Andre The Beast Master 1959
Norton, Andre Witch World 1963
Oates, Joyce Carol Zombie 1995
O'Brien, Flann The Third Policeman 1967
O'Brien, Robert Z For Zachariah 1975
O'Leary, Patrick The Gift 1997
O'Leary, Patrick The Impossible Bird 2002
Oliveri, Michael Deadliest of the Species 2001
O'Nan, Stewart A Prayer for the Dying 1999
O'Nan, Stewart The Night Country 2003
Ore, Rebecca Becoming Alien 1988
Ore, Rebecca Being Alien 1989
Orwell, George Animal Farm 1945
Orwell, George Nineteen Eighty-Four 1949
O'Shea, Pat The Hounds of the Morrigan 1985
Palmer, David R. Emergence 1984
Palwick, Susan Flying in Place 1992
Pangborn, Edgar A Mirror for Observers 1954
Pangborn, Edgar Davy 1964
Pangborn, Edgar The Company of Glory 1974
Panshin, Alexei Rite of Passage 1968
Park, Paul Soldiers of Paradise 1987
Park, Severna The Annunciate 1999
Passarella, J. G. Wither 1999
Paxson, Diana L. Lady of Light 1982
Paxson, Diana L. The White Raven 1988
Peak, Mervyn Titus Groan 1946
Pearce, Philippa Tom's Midnight Garden 1958
Piccirilli, Tom The Night Class 2002
Pinto, Ricardo The Chosen 1999
Piper, H. Beam A Planet for Texans (Lonestar Planet) [by HBP & John J. McGuire] 1958
Piper, H. Beam Little Fuzzy 1962
Platt, Charles The Silicon Man 1991
Pohl, Frederik The Space Merchants [by FP & C. M. Kornbluth] 1953
Pohl, Frederik Man Plus 1976
Pohl, Frederik Gateway 1977
Pohl, Frederik Jem 1979
Pohl, Frederik Beyond the Blue Event Horizon 1980
Pohl, Frederik The Years of the City 1984
Pohl, Frederik Stopping at Slowyear 1992
Pollack, Rachel Temporary Agency 1994
Pollack, Rachel Godmother Night 1996
Pournelle, Jerry Janissaries 1979
Powers, Tim The Drawing of the Dark 1979
Powers, Tim The Anubis Gates 1983
Powers, Tim Dinner at Deviant's Palace 1985
Powers, Tim On Stranger Tides 1987
Powers, Tim The Stress of Her Regard 1989
Powers, Tim Last Call 1992
Powers, Tim Expiration Date 1995
Powers, Tim Earthquake Weather 1997
Powers, Tim Declare 2000
Pratchett, Terry Pyramids 1989
Pratchett, Terry Good Omens [by TP & Neil Gaiman] 1990
Pratchett, Terry Hogfather 1996
Pratchett, Terry Night Watch 2002
Pratchett, Terry Monstrous Regiment 2003
Pratchett, Terry The Wee Free Men 2003
Pratchett, Terry Going Postal 2004
Pratchett, Terry A Hat Full of Sky 2004
Preuss, Paul Secret Passages 1997
Priest, Christopher The Inverted World 1974
Priest, Christopher The Space Machine 1976
Priest, Christopher The Affirmation 1981
Priest, Christopher The Glamour 1984
Priest, Christopher The Prestige 1995
Priest, Christopher The Extremes 1998
Priest, Christopher The Separation 2002
Pullman, Philip His Dark Materials 3: The Amber Spyglass 2000
Pynchon, Thomas Gravity's Rainbow 1973
Rand, Ayn Anthem 1937
Rand, Ayn Atlas Shrugged 1957
Rawn, Melanie Dragon Prince 1988
Rawn, Melanie The Golden Key [by MR, Jennifer Roberson & Kate Elliott] 1996
Reamy, Tom Blind Voices 1978
Reed, Robert Down the Bright Way 1991
Reed, Robert Sister Alice 2003
Reed, Robert Mere 2004
Reeves-Stevens, Garfield Dark Matter 1990
Resnick, Mike Ivory 1988
Resnick, Mike Bully! 1990
Resnick, Mike "Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge" 1994
Reynolds, Alastair Revelation Space 2000
Reynolds, Alastair Chasm City 2001
Reynolds, Alastair Absolution Gap 2003
Rice, Anne Interview with the Vampire 1976
Rice, Anne The Vampire Lestat 1985
Rice, Anne The Queen of the Damned 1988
Rice, Anne The Witching Hour 1990
Rice, Anne The Tale of the Body Thief 1992
Roberts, Adam Salt 2000
Roberts, Keith Pavana 1968
Roberts, Keith Molly Zero 1980
Roberts, Keith Kiteworld 1985
Roberts, Keith Gráinne 1987
Robinson, Frank M. The Dark Beyond the Stars 1991
Robinson, Kim Stanley The Wild Shore 1984
Robinson, Kim Stanley The Memory of Whiteness 1985
Robinson, Kim Stanley The Gold Coast 1988
Robinson, Kim Stanley Pacific Edge 1990
Robinson, Kim Stanley A Short, Sharp Shock 1990
Robinson, Kim Stanley Red Mars 1992
Robinson, Kim Stanley Green Mars 1993
Robinson, Kim Stanley Blue Mars 1996
Robinson, Kim Stanley The Years of Rice and Salt 2002
Robinson, Kim Stanley Forty Signs of Rain 2004
Robinson, Spider "Stardance" [by SR & Jeanne Robinson] 1977
Robson, Justina Silver Screen 1999
Robson, Justina Natural History 2003
Rosenblum, Mary The Drylands 1993
Roszak, Theodore The Memoirs of Elizabeth Frankenstein 1995
Roth, Philip The Plot Against America 2004
Routley, Jane Fire Angels 1998
Routley, Jane Aramaya 1999
Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 1997
Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 1999
Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 2000
Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 2003
Rucker, Rudy White Light 1980
Rucker, Rudy Software 1982
Rucker, Rudy Wetware 1988
Rucker, Rudy Spaceland 2002
Ruff, Matt Fool on the Hill 1988
Rusch, Kristine Kathryn The Gallery of His Dreams 1991
Rusch, Kristine Kathryn The White Mists of Power 1991
Rushdie, Salman Haroun and the Sea of Stories 1992
Russ, Joanna And Chaos Died 1970
Russ, Joanna The Female Man 1975
Russ, Joanna We Who Are About To... 1977
Russell, Eric Frank The Great Explosion 1962
Russell, Mary Doria The Sparrow 1996
Russell, Mary Doria Children of God 1998
Russo, Richard Paul Subterranean Gallery 1989
Russo, Richard Paul Ship of Fools 2001
Ryman, Geoff The Warrior Who Carried Life 1985
Ryman, Geoff The Unconquered Country 1986
Ryman, Geoff The Child Garden 1989
Ryman, Geoff Was 1992
Ryman, Geoff 253: The Print Remix 1998
Ryman, Geoff Lust 2001
Ryman, Geoff Air 2004
Sagan, Carl Contact 1985
Saint, H. F. Memoirs of an Invisible Man 1987
Sarban Ringstones 1951
Sarban The Sound Of His Horn 1952
Sargent, Pamela "Danny Goes to Mars" 1992
Saul, John The God Project 1983
Sawyer, Robert J. Golden Fleece 1990
Sawyer, Robert J. Far-Seer 1992
Sawyer, Robert J. End of an Era 1994
Sawyer, Robert J. The Terminal Experiment 1995
Sawyer, Robert J. Starplex 1996
Sawyer, Robert J. Frameshift 1997
Sawyer, Robert J. Illegal Alien 1997
Sawyer, Robert J. Factoring Humanity 1998
Sawyer, Robert J. Flashforward 1999
Sawyer, Robert J. Calculating God 2000
Sawyer, Robert J. Hominids 2002
Sawyer, Robert J. Humans 2003
Saxton, Josephine Queen of the States 1986
Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann The Healer's War 1988
Schenck, Hilbert At the Eye of the Ocean 1981
Schenck, Hilbert A Rose For Armageddon 1982
Schmitz, James H. The Witches of Karres 1966
Schroeder, Karl Permanence 2002
Schulman, J. Neil Alongside Night 1979
Schulman, J. Neil The Rainbow Cadenza 1983
Scott, Martin Thraxas 1999
Scott, Melissa The Game Beyond 1984
Scott, Melissa Burning Bright 1993
Scott, Melissa Trouble and Her Friends 1994
Scott, Melissa Shadow Man 1995
Scott, Melissa Point of Dreams [by MS & Lisa A. Barnett] 2001
Searcy, David Ordinary Horror 2001
Sebold, Alice The Lovely Bones 2002
Segriff, Larry Alien Dreams 1998
Shaw, Bob Night Walk 1967
Shaw, Bob Other Days, Other Eyes 1972
Shaw, Bob Orbitsville 1975
Shaw, Bob A Wreath Of Stars 1976
Shaw, Bob The Ragged Astronauts 1986
Shea, Michael Nifft the Lean 1982
Shea, Robert Illuminatus! [by RS & Robert Anton Wilson] 1975
Sheckley, Robert Mindswap 1966
Sheckley, Robert Options 1975
Sheffield, Charles Sight Of Proteus 1978
Sheffield, Charles The Web Between The Worlds 1979
Sheffield, Charles Brother to Dragons 1992
Sheffield, Charles "Georgia on My Mind" 1993
Shelley, Mary Frankenstein 1818
Shepard, Lucius Green Eyes 1984
Shepard, Lucius Life During Wartime 1987
Shepard, Lucius "The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter" 1988
Shepard, Lucius "The Father of Stones" 1989
Shepard, Lucius "Barnacle Bill the Spacer" 1992
Shepard, Lucius The Golden 1993
Shepard, Lucius Louisiana Breakdown 2003
Shepard, Lucius Viator 2004
Sherman, Delia Through a Brazen Mirror 1989
Sherman, Delia The Porcelain Dove 1993
Shiner, Lewis Frontera 1984
Shiner, Lewis Deserted Cities of the Heart 1988
Shiner, Lewis Glimpses 1993
Shinn, Sharon The Shape-Changer's Wife 1995
Shusterman, Neal The Dark Side of Nowhere 1997
Silverberg, Robert Thorns 1967
Silverberg, Robert Hawksbill Station 1967
Silverberg, Robert "Nightwings" 1968
Silverberg, Robert Nightwings 1969
Silverberg, Robert Up the Line 1969
Silverberg, Robert Tower of Glass 1970
Silverberg, Robert A Time of Changes 1971
Silverberg, Robert The World Inside 1971
Silverberg, Robert The Book of Skulls 1972
Silverberg, Robert Dying Inside 1972
Silverberg, Robert The Stochastic Man 1975
Silverberg, Robert Shadrach in the Furnace 1977
Silverberg, Robert Lord Valentine's Castle 1980
Silverberg, Robert Thebes of the Hundred Gates 1992
Simak, Clifford D. City 1952
Simak, Clifford D. Way Station 1963
Simak, Clifford D. The Goblin Reservation 1968
Simak, Clifford D. A Choice of Gods 1972
Simak, Clifford D. A Heritage of Stars 1977
Simak, Clifford D. "Grotto of the Dancing Deer" 1980
Simak, Clifford D. Project Pope 1981
Simmons, Dan Song of Kali 1985
Simmons, Dan Carrion Comfort 1989
Simmons, Dan Hyperion 1989
Simmons, Dan Entropy's Bed at Midnight 1990
Simmons, Dan The Fall of Hyperion 1990
Simmons, Dan Summer of Night 1991
Simmons, Dan Children of the Night 1992
Simmons, Dan Fires of Eden 1994
Simmons, Dan Endymion 1996
Simmons, Dan The Rise of Endymion 1997
Simmons, Dan A Winter Haunting 2002
Simmons, Dan Ilium 2003
Sinisalo, Johanna Not Before Sundown 2003
Siodmak, Curt Donovan's Brain 1943
Skinner, B.F. Walden Two 1948
Sladek, John Roderick 1982
Sladek, John Tik-Tok 1983
Slonczewski, Joan A Door Into Ocean 1986
Slonczewski, Joan The Children Star 1998
Smith, Cordwainer Norstrilia 1975
Smith, Dean Wesley Laying the Music to Rest 1989
Smith, Kristine Code of Conduct 1999
Smith, L. Neil The Probability Broach 1980
Smith, L. Neil Pallas 1993
Smith, L. Neil Forge of the Elders 2000
Smith, Michael Marshall Only Forward 1994
Smith, Michael Marshall One of Us 1998
Snyder, Midori The Innamorati 1998
Somtow, S. P. Moon Dance 1990
Somtow, S. P. Darker Angels 1997
Spencer, Wen Alien Taste 2001
Spencer, William Browning Resume with Monsters 1995
Spencer, William Browning Irrational Fears 1998
Spinrad, Norman Bug Jack Barron 1969
Spinrad, Norman The Iron Dream 1972
Spinrad, Norman A World Between 1979
Spinrad, Norman Songs from the Stars 1980
Spinrad, Norman The Void Captain's Tale 1983
Spinrad, Norman Greenhouse Summer 1999
Springer, Nancy The Sable Moon 1981
Springer, Nancy Larque on the Wing 1994
Springer, Nancy Metal Angel 1994
Springer, Nancy Fair Peril 1996
Stableford, Brian The Halcyon Drift 1972
Stableford, Brian The Empire of Fear 1988
Stallman, Robert The Orphan 1980
Stanton, Mary The Heavenly Horse from the Outermost West 1988
Stapledon, Olaf Last and First Men 1930
Stapledon, Olaf Star Maker 1937
Stasheff, Christopher The Warlock in Spite of Himself 1969
Steele, Allen Orbital Decay 1989
Steele, Allen Clarke County, Space 1990
Steele, Allen "...Where Angels Fear to Tread" 1997
Stephenson, Neal Snow Crash 1992
Stephenson, Neal The Diamond Age 1995
Stephenson, Neal Cryptonomicon 1999
Stephenson, Neal Quicksilver 2003
Stephenson, Neal The System of the World 2004
Sterling, Bruce Schismatrix 1985
Sterling, Bruce Islands in the Net 1988
Sterling, Bruce Holy Fire 1996
Sterling, Bruce Distraction 1998
Stevermer, Caroline River Rats 1992
Stevermer, Caroline A College of Magics 1994
Stewart, George R. Earth Abides 1949
Stewart, Mary The Crystal Cave 1970
Stewart, Mary The Hollow Hills 1973
Stewart, Sean Passion Play 1992
Stewart, Sean Nobody's Son 1993
Stewart, Sean Resurrection Man 1995
Stewart, Sean Clouds End 1996
Stewart, Sean Mockingbird 1998
Stewart, Sean Galveston 2000
Stewart, Sean Perfect Circle 2004
Stith, John E. Redshift Rendezvous 1990
Stith, John E. Manhattan Transfer 1993
Stoddard, James The High House 1998
Stoker, Bram Dracula 1897
Stone, Del, Jr. Dead Heat 1996
Stover, Matthew Woodring Iron Dawn 1997
Straub, Peter Shadowland 1980
Straub, Peter Floating Dragon 1983
Straub, Peter Koko 1988
Straub, Peter The Throat 1993
Straub, Peter The Hellfire Club 1996
Straub, Peter Mr. X 1998
Straub, Peter lost boy lost girl 2003
Straub, Peter In the Night Room 2004
Stross, Charles Singularity Sky 2003
Stross, Charles Iron Sunrise 2004
Sturgeon, Theodore More Than Human 1953
Sucharitkul, Somtow Starship & Haiku 1981
Sullivan, Tricia Dreaming in Smoke 1998
Sullivan, Tricia Maul 2003
Süskind, Patrick Perfume 1986
Sussex, Lucy The Scarlet Rider 1996
Swann, Thomas Burnett The Forest of Forever 1971
Swann, Thomas Burnett How Are the Mighty Fallen 1974
Swanwick, Michael Griffin's Egg 1991
Swanwick, Michael Stations of the Tide 1991
Swanwick, Michael The Iron Dragon's Daughter 1993
Swanwick, Michael Jack Faust 1997
Swanwick, Michael Bones of the Earth 2002
Sweet, Caitlin A Telling of Stars 2003
Tarr, Judith Lord of the Two Lands 1993
Taylor, Keith Bard III: The Wild Sea 1986
Taylor, Lucy The Safety of Unknown Cities 1995
Tem, Melanie Prodigal 1991
Tem, Melanie The Man on the Ceiling [by Steve Rasnic Tem & MT] 2000
Tem, Steve Rasnic In These Final Days of Sales 2001
Tepper, Sheri S. Grass 1989
Tepper, Sheri S. Beauty 1991
Tepper, Sheri S. Sideshow 1992
Tepper, Sheri S. A Plague of Angels 1993
Tepper, Sheri S. Shadow's End 1994
Tepper, Sheri S. Gibbon's Decline and Fall 1996
Tepper, Sheri S. The Family Tree 1997
Tepper, Sheri S. Six Moon Dance 1998
Tepper, Sheri S. Singer from the Sea 1999
Tepper, Sheri S. The Fresco 2000
Tepper, Sheri S. The Visitor 2002
Tessier, Thomas Fog Heart 1997
Tevis, Walter The Man Who Fell To Earth 1963
Tevis, Walter Mockingbird 1980
Thomas, Donald Michael The White Hotel 1981
Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall Reindeer Moon 1987
Thomas, Lee Stained 2004
Thomson, Amy Virtual Girl 1993
Thomson, Amy The Color of Distance 1995
Thomson, Amy Storyteller 2003
Tilley, Patrick Mission 1982
Tiptree, James, Jr. Up the Walls of the World 1978
Tolkien, J. R. R. The Hobbit 1937
Tolkien, J. R. R. The Lord of the Rings 1955
Tolkien, J. R. R. The Silmarillion 1977
Traviss, Karen City of Pearl 2004
Tucker, Wilson The Year of the Quiet Sun 1970
Turner, Delia Marshall Nameless Magery 1998
Turner, George The Sea and Summer 1987
Turner, George Brain Child 1991
Turner, George Genetic Soldier 1994
Turtledove, Harry Worldwar: In the Balance 1994
Turtledove, Harry How Few Remain 1997
Turtledove, Harry Ruled Britannia 2002
Turtledove, Harry Gunpowder Empire 2003
Tuttle, Lisa Lost Futures 1992
Tuttle, Lisa The Pillow Friend 1996
Tuttle, Lisa My Death 2004
Van Gores, Alida Mermaid's Song 1989
van Vogt, A. E. Slan 1946
van Vogt, A. E. The World of Null-A 1948
van Vogt, A. E. The Weapon Shops of Isher 1951
Vance, Jack The Dying Earth 1950
Vance, Jack "The Dragon Masters" 1963
Vance, Jack "The Last Castle" 1966
Vance, Jack Lyonesse 1983
Vance, Jack Lyonesse: Madouc 1989
VanderMeer, Jeff Veniss Underground 2003
Varley, John Titan 1979
Varley, John Wizard 1980
Varley, John Millennium 1983
Varley, John "PRESS ENTER[]" 1984
Varley, John Steel Beach 1992
Varley, John The Golden Globe 1998
Varley, John Red Thunder 2003
Vidal, Gore Kalki 1978
Vinge, Joan D. The Snow Queen 1980
Vinge, Joan D. The Summer Queen 1991
Vinge, Vernor The Peace War 1984
Vinge, Vernor Marooned in Realtime 1986
Vinge, Vernor A Fire Upon the Deep 1992
Vinge, Vernor A Deepness in the Sky 1999
Volsky, Paula The Grand Ellipse 2000
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. The Sirens of Titan 1959
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. Slaughterhouse-Five 1969
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. Breakfast of Champions 1973
Waitman, Katie The Merro Tree 1997
Waldrop, Howard Them Bones 1984
Waldrop, Howard A Dozen Tough Jobs 1989
Walton, Evangeline The Song of Rhiannon 1972
Walton, Evangeline Prince of Annwn 1974
Walton, Jo The King's Peace 2000
Walton, Jo Tooth and Claw 2003
Watson, Ian The Embedding 1973
Watson, Ian The Jonah Kit 1975
Watson, Ian Alien Embassy 1977
Watts, Peter Starfish 1999
Watts, Peter Maelstrom 2001
Wells, H. G. The War of the Worlds 1898
Wells, H. G. The Time Machine 1985
Wells, Martha The Element of Fire 1993
Westerfeld, Scott Midnighters: The Secret Hour 2004
Wharton, Ken Divine Intervention 2001
White, T. H. The Once and Future King 1958
White, T. H. The Book of Merlyn 1977
Whiteford, Wynne Lake of the Sun 1989
Wilde, Kelley The Suiting 1988
Wilder, Cherry The Luck of Brin's Five 1977
Wilhelm, Kate Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang 1976
Wilhelm, Kate Juniper Time 1979
Wilhelm, Kate Naming the Flowers 1992
Wilkins, Kim The Infernal 1997
Wilkins, Kim The Resurrectionists 2000
Wilkins, Kim Angel of Ruin 2001
Wilkinson, Carole Dragonkeeper 2003
Willard, Nancy Things Invisible to See 1985
Willey, Elizabeth The Well-Favored Man 1993
Williams, Conrad Nearly People 2001
Williams, Liz The Ghost Sister 2001
Williams, Liz The Poison Master 2003
Williams, Liz Banner of Souls 2004
Williams, Sean The Unknown Soldier [by SW & Shane Dix] 1995
Williams, Sean Metal Fatigue 1996
Williams, Sean The Resurrected Man 1998
Williams, Sean Evergence 2: The Dying Light [by SW & Shane Dix] 2000
Williams, Sean The Dark Imbalance [by SW & Shane Dix] 2001
Williams, Sean Echoes of Earth [by SW & Shane Dix] 2002
Williams, Sean The Storm Weaver and the Sand 2002
Williams, Sean Orphans of Earth [by SW & Shane Dix] 2003
Williams, Sean The Crooked Letter 2004
Williams, Tad Tailchaser's Song 1985
Williams, Tess Map of Power 1996
Williams, Tess Sea as Mirror 2000
Williams, Walter Jon Wall, Stone, Craft 1993
Williams, Walter Jon Metropolitan 1995
Williams, Walter Jon City on Fire 1997
Williamson, Jack The Humanoids 1949
Willis, Connie "Fire Watch" 1982
Willis, Connie Lincoln's Dreams 1987
Willis, Connie "The Last of the Winnebagos" 1988
Willis, Connie Doomsday Book 1992
Willis, Connie Remake 1995
Willis, Connie Bellwether 1996
Willis, Connie To Say Nothing of the Dog 1998
Willis, Connie Passage 2001
Wilson, F. Paul Healer 1976
Wilson, F. Paul Wheels Within Wheels 1978
Wilson, F. Paul An Enemy of the State 1980
Wilson, F. Paul The Keep 1981
Wilson, F. Paul Sims 2003
Wilson, Robert Charles A Hidden Place 1986
Wilson, Robert Charles The Divide 1990
Wilson, Robert Charles Mysterium 1994
Wilson, Robert Charles Darwinia 1998
Wilson, Robert Charles Bios 1999
Wilson, Robert Charles The Chronoliths 2001
Wilson, Robert Charles Blind Lake 2003
Windling, Terri The Wood Wife 1996
Winter, Douglas E. Run 2000
Winter, Laurel Growing Wings 2000
Wolfe, Gene "The Fifth Head of Cerberus" 1972
Wolfe, Gene The Shadow of the Torturer 1980
Wolfe, Gene The Claw of the Conciliator 1981
Wolfe, Gene The Sword of the Lictor 1982
Wolfe, Gene The Citadel of the Autarch 1983
Wolfe, Gene Free Live Free 1984
Wolfe, Gene Soldier of the Mist 1986
Wolfe, Gene The Urth of the New Sun 1987
Wolfe, Gene Soldier of Arete 1989
Wolfe, Gene Nightside the Long Sun 1993
Wolfe, Gene Caldé of the Long Sun 1994
Wolfe, Gene The Wizard Knight 2004
Wolverton, Dave On My Way to Paradise 1989
Womack, Jack Elvissey 1993
Wood, N. Lee Looking for the Mahdi 1996
Wren, Thomas The Doomsday Effect 1986
Wright, John C. The Golden Age 2002
Wright, S. Fowler The World Below 1929
Wyndham, John The Day of the Triffids 1951
Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn The Palace 1979
Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn Ariosto 1980
Yolen, Jane The Devil's Arithmetic 1988
Yolen, Jane Sister Light, Sister Dark 1988
Yolen, Jane White Jenna 1989
Yolen, Jane Briar Rose 1992
Yulsman, Jerry Elleander Morning 1984
Zahn, Timothy The Blackcollar 1983
Zebrowski, George Brute Orbits 1998
Zelazny, Roger "...And Call Me Conrad" 1965
Zelazny, Roger This Immortal 1966
Zelazny, Roger Lord of Light 1967
Zelazny, Roger Isle of the Dead 1969
Zelazny, Roger Nine Princes in Amber 1970
Zelazny, Roger Jack of Shadows 1971
Zelazny, Roger The Guns of Avalon 1972
Zelazny, Roger Doorways in the Sand 1975
Zelazny, Roger "Home Is the Hangman" 1975
Zelazny, Roger The Hand of Oberon 1976
Zelazny, Roger The Courts of Chaos 1978
Zelazny, Roger Trumps of Doom 1985
Zettel, Sarah Reclamation 1996
Zindell, David Neverness 1988
Zindell, David The Broken God 1993
  сортировка по дате:
Shelley, Mary Frankenstein 1818
Abbot, Edwin A. Flatland 1884
Stoker, Bram Dracula 1897
Wells, H. G. The War of the Worlds 1898
Hodgson, William Hope The House On The Borderland 1908
Burroughs, Edgar Rice A Princess Of Mars 1912
Hodgson, William Hope The Night Land 1912
Lindsay, David A Voyage To Arcturus 1920
Eddison, E. R. The Worm Ouroboros 1922
Wright, S. Fowler The World Below 1929
Stapledon, Olaf Last and First Men 1930
Huxley, Aldous Brave New World 1932
Lewis, Sinclair It Can't Happen Here 1935
Rand, Ayn Anthem 1937
Stapledon, Olaf Star Maker 1937
Tolkien, J. R. R. The Hobbit 1937
de Camp, L. Sprague The Incomplete Enchanter [by Fletcher Pratt & LSdC] 1941
de Camp, L. Sprague Lest Darkness Fall 1941
Siodmak, Curt Donovan's Brain 1943
Gunn, Neil M. The Green Isle Od The Great Deep 1944
Lewis, C. S. That Hideous Strength 1945
Orwell, George Animal Farm 1945
Peak, Mervyn Titus Groan 1946
van Vogt, A. E. Slan 1946
Skinner, B.F. Walden Two 1948
van Vogt, A. E. The World of Null-A 1948
Orwell, George Nineteen Eighty-Four 1949
Stewart, George R. Earth Abides 1949
Williamson, Jack The Humanoids 1949
Asimov, Isaac I, Robot [coll.] 1950
Bradbury, Ray The Martian Chronicles 1950
Heinlein, Robert A. Farmer in the Sky 1950
Heinlein, Robert A. The Man Who Sold the Moon 1950
Lewis, C. S. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe 1950
Vance, Jack The Dying Earth 1950
Sarban Ringstones 1951
van Vogt, A. E. The Weapon Shops of Isher 1951
Wyndham, John The Day of the Triffids 1951
Bester, Alfred The Demolished Man 1952
Sarban The Sound Of His Horn 1952
Simak, Clifford D. City 1952
Asimov, Isaac The Caves of Steel 1953
Asimov, Isaac The Foundation Trilogy 1953
Bradbury, Ray Fahrenheit 451 1953
Clarke, Arthur C. Childhood's End 1953
Kornbluth, C. M. The Syndic 1953
Pohl, Frederik The Space Merchants [by FP & C. M. Kornbluth] 1953
Sturgeon, Theodore More Than Human 1953
Clement, Hal Mission of Gravity 1954
Clifton, Mark They'd Rather Be Right (aka: The Forever Machine) [by MC & Frank Riley] 1954
Pangborn, Edgar A Mirror for Observers 1954
Asimov, Isaac The End of Eternity 1955
Brown, Fredric Martians, Go Home! 1955
Golding, William Inheritors 1955
Norton, Andre Sargasso of Space 1955
Tolkien, J. R. R. The Lord of the Rings 1955
Bester, Alfred The Stars My Destination 1956
Clarke, Arthur C. The City and the Stars 1956
Heinlein, Robert A. Double Star 1956
Finney, Jack Time and Again 1957
Heinlein, Robert A. The Door Into Summer 1957
Rand, Ayn Atlas Shrugged 1957
Aldiss, Brian W. Non-Stop 1958
Blish, James A Case of Conscience 1958
Budrys, Algis Who? 1958
Heinlein, Robert A. Have Space Suit -- Will Travel 1958
Heinlein, Robert A. Methuselah's Children 1958
Leiber, Fritz The Big Time 1958
Pearce, Philippa Tom's Midnight Garden 1958
Piper, H. Beam A Planet for Texans (Lonestar Planet) [by HBP & John J. McGuire] 1958
White, T. H. The Once and Future King 1958
Condon, Richard Manchurian Candidate 1959
Heinlein, Robert A. Starship Troopers 1959
Miller, Walter M., Jr. A Canticle for Leibowitz 1959
Norton, Andre The Beast Master 1959
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. The Sirens of Titan 1959
Anderson, Poul The High Crusade 1960
Beagle, Peter S. A Fine And Private Place 1960
Budrys, Algis Rogue Moon 1960
Harrison, Harry Deathworld 1960
Lewis, Roy What We Did To Father 1960
Aldiss, Brian W. The Long Afternoon of Earth 1961
Harrison, Harry The Stainless Steel Rat 1961
Heinlein, Robert A. Stranger in a Strange Land 1961
Bradbury, Ray Something Wicked This Way Comes 1962
Burgess, Anthony A Clockwork Orange 1962
Dick, Philip K. The Man in the High Castle 1962
L'Engle, Madeleine A Wrinkle in Time 1962
Piper, H. Beam Little Fuzzy 1962
Russell, Eric Frank The Great Explosion 1962
Heinlein, Robert A. Glory Road 1963
Norton, Andre Witch World 1963
Simak, Clifford D. Way Station 1963
Tevis, Walter The Man Who Fell To Earth 1963
Vance, Jack "The Dragon Masters" 1963
Anderson, Poul Trader to the Stars 1964
Leiber, Fritz The Wanderer 1964
Pangborn, Edgar Davy 1964
Aldiss, Brian W. "The Saliva Tree" 1965
Anderson, Poul The Star Fox 1965
Herbert, Frank Dune 1965
Zelazny, Roger "...And Call Me Conrad" 1965
Ballard, J. G. The Crystal World 1966
Barth, John Giles Goat-Boy 1966
Delany, Samuel R. Babel-17 1966
Harrison, Harry Make Room! Make Room! 1966
Heinlein, Robert A. The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress 1966
Jones, Dennis Feltham Colossus: Forbin Project 1966
Keyes, Daniel Flowers for Algernon 1966
Moorcock, Michael Behold the Man 1966
Schmitz, James H. The Witches of Karres 1966
Sheckley, Robert Mindswap 1966
Vance, Jack "The Last Castle" 1966
Zelazny, Roger This Immortal 1966
Anthony, Piers Chthon 1967
Delany, Samuel R. The Einstein Intersection 1967
Kavan, Anna Ice 1967
O'Brien, Flann The Third Policeman 1967
Shaw, Bob Night Walk 1967
Silverberg, Robert Thorns 1967
Silverberg, Robert Hawksbill Station 1967
Zelazny, Roger Lord of Light 1967
Beagle, Peter S. The Last Unicorn 1968
Brunner, John Stand on Zanzibar 1968
Chandler, A. Bertram False Fatherland 1968
Clarke, Arthur C. 2001: A Space Odyssey 1968
Delany, Samuel R. Nova 1968
Dick, Philip K. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? 1968
Disch, Thomas M. Camp Concentration 1968
Lafferty, R. A. Past Master 1968
Le Guin, Ursula K. A Wizard of Earthsea 1968
Masson, David The Caltrap Of Time [coll.] 1968
McCaffrey, Anne Dragonflight 1968
Panshin, Alexei Rite of Passage 1968
Roberts, Keith Pavana 1968
Silverberg, Robert "Nightwings" 1968
Simak, Clifford D. The Goblin Reservation 1968
Brunner, John The Jagged Orbit 1969
Calvino, Italo Cosmicomics 1969
Carter, Angela Heroes And Villains 1969
Crichton, Michael The Andromeda Strain 1969
Dick, Philip K. Ubik 1969
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Left Hand of Darkness 1969
McCaffrey, Anne The Ship Who Sang 1969
Silverberg, Robert Nightwings 1969
Silverberg, Robert Up the Line 1969
Spinrad, Norman Bug Jack Barron 1969
Stasheff, Christopher The Warlock in Spite of Himself 1969
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. Slaughterhouse-Five 1969
Zelazny, Roger Isle of the Dead 1969
Aldiss, Brian W. The Moment of Eclipse 1970
Anderson, Poul Tau Zero 1970
Clement, Hal Star Light 1970
Compton, D. G. The Steel Crocodile 1970
Heinlein, Robert A. I Will Fear No Evil 1970
Kosinski, Jerzy Being There 1970
Kurtz, Katherine Deryni Rising 1970
Lafferty, R. A. Fourth Mansions 1970
Lem, Stanislaw Solaris 1970
Levin, Ira This Perfect Day 1970
Niven, Larry Ringworld 1970
Russ, Joanna And Chaos Died 1970
Silverberg, Robert Tower of Glass 1970
Stewart, Mary The Crystal Cave 1970
Tucker, Wilson The Year of the Quiet Sun 1970
Zelazny, Roger Nine Princes in Amber 1970
Anderson, Poul The Byworlder 1971
Anderson, Poul "The Queen of Air and Darkness" 1971
Bunch, David Moderan 1971
Chant, Joy Red Moon and Black Mountain 1971
Gerdner, John Grendel 1971
Lafferty, R. A. The Devil Is Dead 1971
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Lathe of Heaven 1971
MacLean, Katherine "The Missing Man" 1971
McCaffrey, Anne Dragonquest 1971
Moorcock, Michael The Knight of the Swords 1971
Moorcock, Michael The King of the Swords 1971
Silverberg, Robert A Time of Changes 1971
Silverberg, Robert The World Inside 1971
Swann, Thomas Burnett The Forest of Forever 1971
Zelazny, Roger Jack of Shadows 1971
Adams, Richard Watership Down 1972
Anderson, Poul There Will Be Time 1972
Asimov, Isaac The Gods Themselves 1972
Brunner, John The Sheep Look Up 1972
Carter, Angela The Infernal Desire Machine Of Dr. Hoffman 1972
Effinger, George Alec What Entropy Means to Me 1972
Farmer, Philip José To Your Scattered Bodies Go 1972
Gerrold, David When Harlie Was One 1972
Gunn, James The Listeners 1972
Koestler, Arthur The Call Girls 1972
Malzberg, Barry N. Beyond Apollo 1972
Shaw, Bob Other Days, Other Eyes 1972
Silverberg, Robert The Book of Skulls 1972
Silverberg, Robert Dying Inside 1972
Simak, Clifford D. A Choice of Gods 1972
Spinrad, Norman The Iron Dream 1972
Stableford, Brian The Halcyon Drift 1972
Walton, Evangeline The Song of Rhiannon 1972
Wolfe, Gene "The Fifth Head of Cerberus" 1972
Zelazny, Roger The Guns of Avalon 1972
Anderson, Poul Hrolf Kraki's Saga 1973
Anderson, Poul The People of the Wind 1973
Clarke, Arthur C. Rendezvous with Rama 1973
Gerrold, David The Man Who Folded Himself 1973
Heinlein, Robert A. Time Enough for Love 1973
Herbert, Frank Hellstrom's Hive 1973
Malzberg, Barry N. Herovit's World 1973
Merle, Robert Malevil 1973
Niven, Larry Protector 1973
Pynchon, Thomas Gravity's Rainbow 1973
Stewart, Mary The Hollow Hills 1973
Vonnegut, Kurt, Jr. Breakfast of Champions 1973
Watson, Ian The Embedding 1973
Aldiss, Brian W. Billion Year Spree [nonfiction] 1974
Anderson, Poul Fire Time 1974
Anderson, Poul A Midsummer Tempest 1974
Chandler, A. Bertram The Bitter Pill 1974
Charnas, Suzy McKee Walk to the End of the World 1974
Dick, Philip K. Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said 1974
Haldeman, Joe The Forever War 1974
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Dispossessed 1974
McKillip, Patricia A. The Forgotten Beasts of Eld 1974
Moorcock, Michael The Sword and the Stallion 1974
Munn, H. Warner Merlin's Ring 1974
Niven, Larry The Mote In God's Eye [by LN & Jerry Pournelle] 1974
Pangborn, Edgar The Company of Glory 1974
Priest, Christopher The Inverted World 1974
Swann, Thomas Burnett How Are the Mighty Fallen 1974
Walton, Evangeline Prince of Annwn 1974
Bester, Alfred The Computer Connection 1975
Bishop, Michael A Funeral for the Eyes of Fire 1975
Bradley, Marion Zimmer The Heritage of Hastur 1975
Brunner, John The Shockwave Rider 1975
Chandler, A. Bertram The Big Black Mark 1975
Clarke, Arthur C. Imperial Earth 1975
Coney, Michael G. Hello Summer, Goodbye 1975
Crowley, John The Deep 1975
Delany, Samuel R. Dhalgren 1975
King, Stephen Salem's Lot 1975
Lee, Tanith The Birthgrave 1975
MacLean, Katherine The Missing Man 1975
Matheson, Richard Bid Time Return 1975
McIntyre, Vonda N. The Exile Waiting 1975
Moorcock, Michael The Hollow Lands 1975
O'Brien, Robert Z For Zachariah 1975
Russ, Joanna The Female Man 1975
Shaw, Bob Orbitsville 1975
Shea, Robert Illuminatus! [by RS & Robert Anton Wilson] 1975
Sheckley, Robert Options 1975
Silverberg, Robert The Stochastic Man 1975
Smith, Cordwainer Norstrilia 1975
Watson, Ian The Jonah Kit 1975
Zelazny, Roger Doorways in the Sand 1975
Zelazny, Roger "Home Is the Hangman" 1975
Aldiss, Brian W. The Malacia Tapestry 1976
Coney, Michael G. Brontomek! 1976
Curval, Philippe Cette Chére Humanité 1976
Delany, Samuel R. Triton 1976
Dickson, Gordon R. The Dragon and the George 1976
Haldeman, Joe Mindbridge 1976
Herbert, Frank Children of Dune 1976
Kotzwinkle, William Doctor Rat 1976
Lake, David J. Walkers on the Sky 1976
McKillip, Patricia A. The Riddle-Master of Hed 1976
Niven, Larry Inferno 1976
Niven, Larry A World Out of Time 1976
Pohl, Frederik Man Plus 1976
Priest, Christopher The Space Machine 1976
Rice, Anne Interview with the Vampire 1976
Shaw, Bob A Wreath Of Stars 1976
Wilhelm, Kate Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang 1976
Wilson, F. Paul Healer 1976
Zelazny, Roger The Hand of Oberon 1976
Anthony, Piers A Spell for Chameleon 1977
Barrington Bayley Collision with Chronos 1977
Benford, Gregory In the Ocean of Night 1977
Bradley, Marion Zimmer The Forbidden Tower 1977
Budrys, Algis Michaelmas 1977
Chalker, Jack Laurence Midnight At The Well Of Souls 1977
Chant, Joy The Grey Mane of Morning 1977
Dick, Philip K. A Scanner Darkly 1977
Gerrold, David Moonstar Odyssey 1977
Hogan, James P. Inherit the Stars 1977
King, Stephen The Shining 1977
Leiber, Fritz Our Lady of Darkness 1977
Lupoff, Richard A. Sword of the Demon 1977
Martin, George R. R. Dying of the Light 1977
McKillip, Patricia A. Heir Of Sea And Fire 1977
Moorcock, Michael The Condition Of Muzak 1977
Niven, Larry Lucifer's Hammer [by LN & Jerry Pournelle] 1977
Pohl, Frederik Gateway 1977
Robinson, Spider "Stardance" [by SR & Jeanne Robinson] 1977
Russ, Joanna We Who Are About To... 1977
Silverberg, Robert Shadrach in the Furnace 1977
Simak, Clifford D. A Heritage of Stars 1977
Tolkien, J. R. R. The Silmarillion 1977
Watson, Ian Alien Embassy 1977
White, T. H. The Book of Merlyn 1977
Wilder, Cherry The Luck of Brin's Five 1977
Anderson, Poul The Avatar 1978
Asprin, Robert Another Fine Myth 1978
Barrington Bayley The Garments of Caean 1978
Charnas, Suzy McKee Motherlines 1978
Cherryh, C. J. The Faded Sun: Kesrith 1978
Cowper, Richard The Road to Corlay 1978
Dozois, Gardner Strangers 1978
Herbert, Frank The Dosadi Experiment 1978
Hogan, James P. The Genesis Machine 1978
King, Stephen The Stand 1978
King, Stephen Night Shift [coll.] 1978
Lupoff, Richard A. Space War Blues 1978
McCaffrey, Anne The White Dragon 1978
McIntyre, Vonda N. Dreamsnake 1978
Moorcock, Michael Gloriana 1978
Reamy, Tom Blind Voices 1978
Sheffield, Charles Sight Of Proteus 1978
Tiptree, James, Jr. Up the Walls of the World 1978
Vidal, Gore Kalki 1978
Wilson, F. Paul Wheels Within Wheels 1978
Zelazny, Roger The Courts of Chaos 1978
Adams, Douglas The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 1979
Anthony, Piers Castle Roogna 1979
Asprin, Robert Thieves' World [ed] 1979
Ballard, J. G. The Unlimited Dream Company 1979
Bishop, Michael Transfigurations 1979
Cherryh, C. J. Fires of Azeroth 1979
Clarke, Arthur C. The Fountains of Paradise 1979
Crowley, John Engine Summer 1979
Delany, Samuel R. Tales of Nevèrÿon 1979
Disch, Thomas M. On Wings of Song 1979
Duane, Diane The Door Into Fire 1979
Eisenstein, Phyllis Sorcerer's Son 1979
Golding, William Darkness Visible 1979
Ingpen, Robert Australian Gnomes 1979
King, Stephen The Dead Zone 1979
Lee, Tanith Death's Master 1979
Longyear, Barry B. "Enemy Mine" 1979
Lynn, Elizabeth A. The Dancers of Arun 1979
Lynn, Elizabeth A. Watchtower 1979
McCaffrey, Anne Dragondrums 1979
McKillip, Patricia A. Harpist in the Wind 1979
Pohl, Frederik Jem 1979
Pournelle, Jerry Janissaries 1979
Powers, Tim The Drawing of the Dark 1979
Schulman, J. Neil Alongside Night 1979
Sheffield, Charles The Web Between The Worlds 1979
Spinrad, Norman A World Between 1979
Varley, John Titan 1979
Wilhelm, Kate Juniper Time 1979
Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn The Palace 1979
Adams, Douglas The Restaurant At the End of the Universe 1980
Asprin, Robert Tales from the Vulgar Unicorn [ed] 1980
Benford, Gregory Timescape 1980
Brin, David Sundiver 1980
Broderick, Damien The Dreaming Dragons 1980
Butler, Octavia E. Wild Seed 1980
Campbell, Ramsey To Wake the Dead 1980
Carroll, Jonathan The Land of Laughs 1980
Chalker, Jack Laurence The Wars Of The Well 1980
Charnas, Suzy McKee The Vampire Tapestry 1980
Donaldson, Stephen R. The Wounded Land 1980
Forward, Robert L. Dragon's Egg 1980
Godwin, Parke Firelord 1980
Gotlieb, Phyllis A Judgment of Dragons 1980
Harrison, M. John A Storm of Wings 1980
King, Stephen Firestarter 1980
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Beginning Place 1980
Lee, Tanith Kill the Dead 1980
Niven, Larry The Ringworld Engineers 1980
Pohl, Frederik Beyond the Blue Event Horizon 1980
Roberts, Keith Molly Zero 1980
Rucker, Rudy White Light 1980
Silverberg, Robert Lord Valentine's Castle 1980
Simak, Clifford D. "Grotto of the Dancing Deer" 1980
Smith, L. Neil The Probability Broach 1980
Spinrad, Norman Songs from the Stars 1980
Stallman, Robert The Orphan 1980
Straub, Peter Shadowland 1980
Tevis, Walter Mockingbird 1980
Varley, John Wizard 1980
Vinge, Joan D. The Snow Queen 1980
Wilson, F. Paul An Enemy of the State 1980
Wolfe, Gene The Shadow of the Torturer 1980
Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn Ariosto 1980
Asprin, Robert Shadows of Sanctuary [ed] 1981
Attanasio, A. A. Radix 1981
Baker, Scott The Idiot King 1981
Campbell, Ramsey The Nameless 1981
Cherryh, C. J. Downbelow Station 1981
Cherryh, C. J. Ealdwood 1981
Crowley, John Little, Big 1981
Dick, Philip K. The Divine Invasion 1981
Dick, Philip K. VALIS 1981
Gray, Alasdair Lanark 1981
Hoban, Russell Riddley Walker 1981
King, Stephen Cujo 1981
King, Stephen Danse Macabre [nonfiction] 1981
Kurtz, Katherine Camber the Heretic 1981
Lake, David J. The Man Who Loved Morlocks 1981
May, Julian The Many-Colored Land 1981
Moorcock, Michael The War Hound and the World's Pain 1981
Niven, Larry Oath of Fealty [by LN & Jerry Pournelle] 1981
Priest, Christopher The Affirmation 1981
Schenck, Hilbert At the Eye of the Ocean 1981
Simak, Clifford D. Project Pope 1981
Springer, Nancy The Sable Moon 1981
Sucharitkul, Somtow Starship & Haiku 1981
Thomas, Donald Michael The White Hotel 1981
Wilson, F. Paul The Keep 1981
Wolfe, Gene The Claw of the Conciliator 1981
Aldiss, Brian W. Helliconia Spring 1982
Asimov, Isaac Foundation's Edge 1982
Asprin, Robert Storm Season [ed] 1982
Bishop, Michael No Enemy But Time 1982
Bradley, Marion Zimmer Hawkmistress! 1982
Cherryh, C. J. The Pride of Chanur 1982
Clarke, Arthur C. 2010: Odyssey Two 1982
Coney, Michael G. Cat Karina 1982
Dick, Philip K. The Transmigration of Timothy Archer 1982
Donaldson, Stephen R. The One Tree 1982
Griffin, Russell M. The Blind Man And The Elephant 1982
Harrison, M. John In Viriconium 1982
Heinlein, Robert A. Friday 1982
Hodgell, P. C. God Stalk 1982
Hogan, James P. Voyage from Yesteryear 1982
Kendall, Carol The Firelings 1982
King, Stephen Different Seasons [coll.] 1982
King, Stephen The Gunslinger 1982
Kingsbury, Donald Courtship Rite 1982
Lafferty, R. A. Aurelia 1982
Langford, David The Space Eater 1982
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Compass Rose [coll.] 1982
Martin, George R. R. Fevre Dream 1982
McCaffrey, Anne The Crystal Singer 1982
McKinley, Robin The Blue Sword 1982
Paxson, Diana L. Lady of Light 1982
Rucker, Rudy Software 1982
Schenck, Hilbert A Rose For Armageddon 1982
Shea, Michael Nifft the Lean 1982
Sladek, John Roderick 1982
Tilley, Patrick Mission 1982
Willis, Connie "Fire Watch" 1982
Wolfe, Gene The Sword of the Lictor 1982
Aldiss, Brian W. Helliconia Summer 1983
Anderson, Poul Orion Shall Rise 1983
Asimov, Isaac The Robots of Dawn 1983
Barrington Bayley The Zen Gun 1983
Batchelor, John Calvin The Birth of the People's Republic of Antarctica 1983
Bear, Greg "Blood Music" 1983
Benford, Gregory Against Infinity 1983
Bradley, Marion Zimmer The Mists of Avalon 1983
Bradley, Marion Zimmer Thendara House 1983
Brin, David Startide Rising 1983
Campbell, Ramsey Incarnate 1983
Chant, Joy When Voiha Wakes 1983
Cherryh, C. J. The Tree Of Swords And Jewels 1983
Ford, John M. The Dragon Waiting 1983
Gentle, Mary Golden Witchbreed 1983
Kellogg, M. Bradley A Rumor of Angels 1983
Kernaghan, Eileen Songs from the Drowned Lands (Journey to Apriloth) 1983
King, Stephen Pet Sematary 1983
MacAvoy, R. A. Tea with the Black Dragon 1983
Martin, George R. R. The Armageddon Rag 1983
McCaffrey, Anne Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern 1983
Mujica Lainez, Manuelv The Wandering Unicorn 1983
Powers, Tim The Anubis Gates 1983
Saul, John The God Project 1983
Schulman, J. Neil The Rainbow Cadenza 1983
Sladek, John Tik-Tok 1983
Spinrad, Norman The Void Captain's Tale 1983
Straub, Peter Floating Dragon 1983
Vance, Jack Lyonesse 1983
Varley, John Millennium 1983
Wolfe, Gene The Citadel of the Autarch 1983
Zahn, Timothy The Blackcollar 1983
Banks, Iain The Wasp Factory 1984
Barker, Clive Clive Barker's Books of Blood, Vols. I-III 1984
Blaylock, James P. The Digging Leviathan 1984
Brin, David The Practice Effect 1984
Butler, Octavia E. "Bloodchild" 1984
Carter, Angela Nights at the Circus 1984
Dann, Jack The Man Who Melted 1984
de Lint, Charles Moonheart 1984
Delany, Samuel R. Stars In My Pocket Like Grains of Sand 1984
Dickson, Gordon R. The Final Encyclopedia 1984
Donaldson, Stephen R. Daughter of Regals and Other Tales [coll.] 1984
Elgin, Suzette Haden Native Tongue 1984
Gemmell, David Legend 1984
Gibson, William Neuromancer 1984
Gravel, Geary The Alchemists 1984
Harrison, Harry West of Eden 1984
Heinlein, Robert A. Job: A Comedy of Justice 1984
Holdstock, Robert Mythago Wood 1984
Hughart, Barry Bridge of Birds 1984
Jones, Diana Wynne Fire and Hemlock 1984
Kelleher, Victor Beast of Heaven 1984
King, Stephen The Talisman [by SK & Peter Straub] 1984
Klein, T. E. D. The Ceremonies 1984
McKinley, Robin The Hero and the Crown 1984
Niven, Larry The Integral Trees 1984
Palmer, David R. Emergence 1984
Pohl, Frederik The Years of the City 1984
Priest, Christopher The Glamour 1984
Robinson, Kim Stanley The Wild Shore 1984
Scott, Melissa The Game Beyond 1984
Shepard, Lucius Green Eyes 1984
Shiner, Lewis Frontera 1984
Varley, John "PRESS ENTER[]" 1984
Vinge, Vernor The Peace War 1984
Waldrop, Howard Them Bones 1984
Wolfe, Gene Free Live Free 1984
Yulsman, Jerry Elleander Morning 1984
Aldiss, Brian W. Helliconia Winter 1985
Atwood, Margaret The Handmaid's Tale 1985
Barker, Clive Clive Barker's Books of Blood, Vols. IV-VI 1985
Barker, Clive The Damnation Game 1985
Bear, Greg Blood Music [novel] 1985
Bear, Greg Eon 1985
Bishop, Michael Ancient of Days 1985
Brin, David The Postman 1985
Card, Orson Scott Ender's Game 1985
Carey, Peter Illywhacker 1985
Cherryh, C. J. Cuckoo's Egg 1985
de Lint, Charles Mulengro 1985
Finch, Sheila Infinity's Web 1985
Goldstein, Lisa The Dream Years 1985
Grant, Richard Saraband of Lost Time 1985
Hodgell, P. C. Dark of the Moon 1985
King, Stephen Skeleton Crew [coll.] 1985
Kube-McDowell, Michael P. Emprise 1985
Le Guin, Ursula K. Always Coming Home 1985
Malzberg, Barry N. The Remaking of Sigmund Freud 1985
Milán, Victor The Cybernetic Samurai 1985
Niven, Larry Footfall [by LN & Jerry Pournelle] 1985
O'Shea, Pat The Hounds of the Morrigan 1985
Powers, Tim Dinner at Deviant's Palace 1985
Rice, Anne The Vampire Lestat 1985
Roberts, Keith Kiteworld 1985
Robinson, Kim Stanley The Memory of Whiteness 1985
Ryman, Geoff The Warrior Who Carried Life 1985
Sagan, Carl Contact 1985
Simmons, Dan Song of Kali 1985
Sterling, Bruce Schismatrix 1985
Wells, H. G. The Time Machine 1985
Willard, Nancy Things Invisible to See 1985
Williams, Tad Tailchaser's Song 1985
Zelazny, Roger Trumps of Doom 1985
Aldiss, Brian W. Trillion Year Spree [nonfiction] 1986
Banks, Iain The Bridge 1986
Beagle, Peter S. The Folk of the Air 1986
Bear, Greg "Tangents" 1986
Bisson, Terry Talking Man 1986
Blaylock, James P. Homunculus 1986
Bujold, Lois McMaster Shards of Honor 1986
Campbell, Ramsey The Hungry Moon 1986
Card, Orson Scott Speaker for the Dead 1986
Chase, Robert R. The Game of Fox and Lion 1986
de Lint, Charles Yarrow 1986
Fowler, Karen Joy Artificial Things [coll.] 1986
Frankowski, Leo The Cross-Time Engineer 1986
Gibson, William Count Zero 1986
Hambly, Barbara Dragonsbane 1986
Helprin, Mark A City in Winter 1986
Kay, Guy Gavriel The Darkest Road 1986
Kay, Guy Gavriel The Wandering Fire 1986
King, Stephen It 1986
McDevitt, Jack The Hercules Text 1986
Morrow, James This Is the Way the World Ends 1986
Murphy, Pat The Falling Woman 1986
Ryman, Geoff The Unconquered Country 1986
Saxton, Josephine Queen of the States 1986
Shaw, Bob The Ragged Astronauts 1986
Slonczewski, Joan A Door Into Ocean 1986
Süskind, Patrick Perfume 1986
Taylor, Keith Bard III: The Wild Sea 1986
Vinge, Vernor Marooned in Realtime 1986
Wilson, Robert Charles A Hidden Place 1986
Wolfe, Gene Soldier of the Mist 1986
Wren, Thomas The Doomsday Effect 1986
Armstrong, Michael After the Zap 1987
Arnaud, G. J. La Compagnie des Glaces (The Ice Corporation) 1987
Barker, Clive Weaveworld 1987
Barker, Clive Cabal 1987
Bear, Greg The Forge of God 1987
Benford, Gregory Great Sky River 1987
Bowker, Richard Dover Beach 1987
Brin, David The Uplift War 1987
Bull, Emma War for the Oaks 1987
Butler, Octavia E. Dawn 1987
Cadigan, Pat Mindplayers 1987
Cantrell, Lisa W. The Manse 1987
Card, Orson Scott Seventh Son 1987
Constantine, Storm The Enchantments of Flesh and Spirit 1987
Crowley, John Ægypt 1987
de Lint, Charles Jack the Giant Killer 1987
Dickson, Gordon R. Way of the Pilgrim 1987
Effinger, George Alec When Gravity Fails 1987
Fergusson, Bruce The Shadow of His Wings 1987
Friedman, C. S. In Conquest Born 1987
Geary, Patricia Strange Toys 1987
Gladney, Heather Teot's War 1987
Goldstein, Lisa A Mask for the General 1987
Grant, Richard Rumors of Spring 1987
Grimwood, Ken Replay 1987
Heinlein, Robert A. To Sail Beyond the Sunset 1987
Hinz, Christopher Liege-Killer 1987
King, Stephen Misery 1987
Koman, Victor The Jehovah Contract 1987
Kushner, Ellen Swordspoint 1987
McCammon, Robert R. Swan Song 1987
McQuay, Mike Memories 1987
Moore, Alan Watchmen [AM & Dave Gibbons] 1987
Park, Paul Soldiers of Paradise 1987
Powers, Tim On Stranger Tides 1987
Roberts, Keith Gráinne 1987
Saint, H. F. Memoirs of an Invisible Man 1987
Shepard, Lucius Life During Wartime 1987
Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall Reindeer Moon 1987
Turner, George The Sea and Summer 1987
Willis, Connie Lincoln's Dreams 1987
Wolfe, Gene The Urth of the New Sun 1987
Allen, Roger MacBride Orphan of Creation 1988
Anderson, Kevin J. Resurrection, Inc. 1988
Banks, Iain The Player of Games 1988
Bishop, Michael Unicorn Mountain 1988
Blaylock, James P. The Last Coin 1988
Broderick, Damien Striped Holes 1988
Bujold, Lois McMaster Falling Free 1988
Campbell, Ramsey The Influence 1988
Card, Orson Scott Red Prophet 1988
Carroll, Jonathan Sleeping In Flame 1988
Cherryh, C. J. Cyteen 1988
Dalkey, Kara The Nightingale 1988
Forward, Robert L. Futue Magic 1988
Gibson, William Mona Lisa Overdrive 1988
Hambly, Barbara Those Who Hunt the Night 1988
Harris, Thomas The Silence of the Lambs 1988
Holdstock, Robert Lavondyss 1988
Laidlaw, Marc Neon Lotus 1988
Lansdale, Joe R. The Drive-In 1988
Linaweaver, Brad Moon of Ice 1988
McAuley, Paul J. 400 Billion Stars 1988
McCaffrey, Anne Dragonsdawn 1988
McCammon, Robert R. Stinger 1988
McDonald, Ian Desolation Road 1988
McKillip, Patricia A. The Changeling Sea 1988
Moon, Elizabeth Sheepfarmer's Daughter 1988
Ore, Rebecca Becoming Alien 1988
Paxson, Diana L. The White Raven 1988
Rawn, Melanie Dragon Prince 1988
Resnick, Mike Ivory 1988
Rice, Anne The Queen of the Damned 1988
Robinson, Kim Stanley The Gold Coast 1988
Rucker, Rudy Wetware 1988
Ruff, Matt Fool on the Hill 1988
Scarborough, Elizabeth Ann The Healer's War 1988
Shepard, Lucius "The Scalehunter's Beautiful Daughter" 1988
Shiner, Lewis Deserted Cities of the Heart 1988
Stableford, Brian The Empire of Fear 1988
Stanton, Mary The Heavenly Horse from the Outermost West 1988
Sterling, Bruce Islands in the Net 1988
Straub, Peter Koko 1988
Wilde, Kelley The Suiting 1988
Willis, Connie "The Last of the Winnebagos" 1988
Yolen, Jane The Devil's Arithmetic 1988
Yolen, Jane Sister Light, Sister Dark 1988
Zindell, David Neverness 1988
Anderson, Poul The Boat of a Million Years 1989
Bishop, Michael Apartheid, Superstrings, and Mordecai Thubana 1989
Card, Orson Scott Prentice Alvin 1989
Carroll, Jonathan A Child Across the Sky 1989
Collins, Nancy A. Sunglasses After Dark 1989
Cramer, John G. Twistor 1989
Duncan, Dave West of January 1989
Dunn, Katherine Geek Love 1989
Edgerton, Teresa Child of Saturn 1989
Effinger, George Alec A Fire in the Sun 1989
Grant, Charles L. In a Dark Dream 1989
Greenhalgh, Zohra Contrarywise 1989
Houssin, Joél Argentine 1989
Huff, Tanya Gate of Darkness, Circle of Light 1989
Jeter, K. W. Farewell Horizontal 1989
Kessel, John Good News from Outer Space 1989
Kirstein, Rosemary The Steerswoman 1989
Koman, Victor Solomon's Knife 1989
Koontz, Dean Midnight 1989
Larson, Jeanne Silk Road 1989
Longyear, Barry B. Infinity Hold 1989
McCammon, Robert R. The Wolf's Hour 1989
Moore, Alan V for Vendetta [by AM & David Lloyd] 1989
Murphy, Pat The City, Not Long After 1989
Ore, Rebecca Being Alien 1989
Powers, Tim The Stress of Her Regard 1989
Pratchett, Terry Pyramids 1989
Russo, Richard Paul Subterranean Gallery 1989
Ryman, Geoff The Child Garden 1989
Shepard, Lucius "The Father of Stones" 1989
Sherman, Delia Through a Brazen Mirror 1989
Simmons, Dan Carrion Comfort 1989
Simmons, Dan Hyperion 1989
Smith, Dean Wesley Laying the Music to Rest 1989
Steele, Allen Orbital Decay 1989
Tepper, Sheri S. Grass 1989
Van Gores, Alida Mermaid's Song 1989
Vance, Jack Lyonesse: Madouc 1989
Waldrop, Howard A Dozen Tough Jobs 1989
Whiteford, Wynne Lake of the Sun 1989
Wolfe, Gene Soldier of Arete 1989
Wolverton, Dave On My Way to Paradise 1989
Yolen, Jane White Jenna 1989
Banks, Iain Use of Weapons 1990
Bear, Greg Queen of Angels 1990
Bisson, Terry "Bears Discover Fire" 1990
Blake, Katherine The Interior Life 1990
Brin, David Earth 1990
Bujold, Lois McMaster The Vor Game 1990
Campbell, Ramsey Midnight Sun 1990
Dowling, Terry Rhynosseros 1990
Feist, Raymond E. Servant of the Empire [by REF & Janny Wurts] 1990
Flynn, Michael F. In the Country of the Blind 1990
Gaiman, Neil Good Omens [by Terry Pratchett & NG] 1990
Gentle, Mary Rats and Gargoyles 1990
Gibson, William The Difference Engine [by WG & Bruce Sterling] 1990
Greenland, Colin Take Back Plenty 1990
Hand, Elizabeth Winterlong 1990
Johnson, Toby Secret Matter 1990
Kandel, Michael In Between Dragons 1990
Kay, Guy Gavriel Tigana 1990
King, Stephen Four Past Midnight [coll.] 1990
Kube-McDowell, Michael P. The Quiet Pools 1990
Le Guin, Ursula K. Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea 1990
Little, Bentley The Revelation 1990
Martin, Valerie Mary Reilly 1990
McCammon, Robert R. Mine 1990
Misha Red Spider, White Web 1990
Morrow, James Only Begotten Daughter 1990
Pratchett, Terry Good Omens [by TP & Neil Gaiman] 1990
Reeves-Stevens, Garfield Dark Matter 1990
Resnick, Mike Bully! 1990
Rice, Anne The Witching Hour 1990
Robinson, Kim Stanley Pacific Edge 1990
Robinson, Kim Stanley A Short, Sharp Shock 1990
Sawyer, Robert J. Golden Fleece 1990
Simmons, Dan Entropy's Bed at Midnight 1990
Simmons, Dan The Fall of Hyperion 1990
Somtow, S. P. Moon Dance 1990
Steele, Allen Clarke County, Space 1990
Stith, John E. Redshift Rendezvous 1990
Wilson, Robert Charles The Divide 1990
Aldridge, Ray Gate of Faces 1991
Arnason, Eleanor A Woman of the Iron People 1991
Barker, Clive Imajica 1991
Barnes, John Orbital Resonance 1991
Baxter, Stephen Raft 1991
Bell, Douglas Mojo and the Pickle Jar 1991
Blaylock, James P. The Paper Grail 1991
Bryant, Edward Fetish 1991
Bujold, Lois McMaster Barrayar 1991
Bull, Emma Bone Dance 1991
Cadigan, Pat Synners 1991
Card, Orson Scott Xenocide 1991
Carroll, Jonathan Outside the Dog Museum 1991
Danvers, Dennis Wilderness 1991
de Lint, Charles The Little Country 1991
de Lint, Charles Our Lady of the Harbour 1991
Denton, Bradley Buddy Holly Is Alive and Well on Ganymede 1991
Disch, Thomas M. The M.D. 1991
Dowling, Terry Wormwood [coll.] 1991
Fancher, Jane Groundties 1991
Fowler, Karen Joy Sarah Canary 1991
Gentle, Mary The Architecture of Desire 1991
Gilman, Greer Ilene Moonwise 1991
Hogan, James P. Entoverse 1991
Holdstock, Robert The Fetch 1991
Huff, Tanya Blood Price 1991
Jablokov, Alexander Carve the Sky 1991
Jones, Gwyneth White Queen 1991
King, Stephen The Dark Tower III: The Waste Lands 1991
King, Stephen Needful Things 1991
Koja, Kathe The Cipher 1991
Kress, Nancy "Beggars in Spain" 1991
Kushner, Ellen Thomas the Rhymer 1991
McAuley, Paul J. Eternal Light 1991
McCaffrey, Anne All the Weyrs of Pern 1991
McCammon, Robert R. Boy's Life 1991
McDonald, Ian King of Morning, Queen of Day 1991
McKillip, Patricia A. The Sorceress and the Cygnet 1991
Miller, Faren The Illusionists 1991
Morrow, James City of Truth 1991
Niven, Larry Fallen Angels [by LN, Jerry Pournelle & Michael Flynn] 1991
Platt, Charles The Silicon Man 1991
Reed, Robert Down the Bright Way 1991
Robinson, Frank M. The Dark Beyond the Stars 1991
Rusch, Kristine Kathryn The Gallery of His Dreams 1991
Rusch, Kristine Kathryn The White Mists of Power 1991
Simmons, Dan Summer of Night 1991
Swanwick, Michael Griffin's Egg 1991
Swanwick, Michael Stations of the Tide 1991
Tem, Melanie Prodigal 1991
Tepper, Sheri S. Beauty 1991
Turner, George Brain Child 1991
Vinge, Joan D. The Summer Queen 1991
Anderson, Kevin J. Assemblers of Infinity [by KJA & Doug Beason] 1992
Barnes, John A Million Open Doors 1992
Blaylock, James P. Lord Kelvin's Machine 1992
Brite, Poppy Z. Lost Souls 1992
Calder, Richard Dead Girls 1992
Card, Orson Scott The Memory of Earth 1992
Coville, Bruce My Teacher Glows in the Dark 1992
Dowling, Terry Blue Tyson 1992
Egan, Greg Quarantine 1992
Gould, Steven Jumper 1992
Grant, Richard Through the Heart 1992
Hand, Elizabeth Æstival Tide 1992
Hogan, James P. The Multiplex Man 1992
Joyce, Graham Dark Sister 1992
Katz, Judith Running Fiercely Toward a High Thin Sound 1992
Kay, Guy Gavriel A Song for Arbonne 1992
Kessel, John Meeting in Infinity 1992
Lisle, Holly Fire in the Mist 1992
Massie, Elizabeth Sineater 1992
McDonald, Ian Hearts, Hands and Voices 1992
McHugh, Maureen F. China Mountain Zhang 1992
Monteleone, Thomas F. Blood of the Lamb 1992
Newman, Kim Anno Dracula 1992
Palwick, Susan Flying in Place 1992
Pohl, Frederik Stopping at Slowyear 1992
Powers, Tim Last Call 1992
Rice, Anne The Tale of the Body Thief 1992
Robinson, Kim Stanley Red Mars 1992
Rushdie, Salman Haroun and the Sea of Stories 1992
Ryman, Geoff Was 1992
Sargent, Pamela "Danny Goes to Mars" 1992
Sawyer, Robert J. Far-Seer 1992
Sheffield, Charles Brother to Dragons 1992
Shepard, Lucius "Barnacle Bill the Spacer" 1992
Silverberg, Robert Thebes of the Hundred Gates 1992
Simmons, Dan Children of the Night 1992
Stephenson, Neal Snow Crash 1992
Stevermer, Caroline River Rats 1992
Stewart, Sean Passion Play 1992
Tepper, Sheri S. Sideshow 1992
Tuttle, Lisa Lost Futures 1992
Varley, John Steel Beach 1992
Vinge, Vernor A Fire Upon the Deep 1992
Wilhelm, Kate Naming the Flowers 1992
Willis, Connie Doomsday Book 1992
Yolen, Jane Briar Rose 1992
Aldridge, Ray The Beauty Addict 1993
Anthony, Patricia Cold Allies 1993
Arnason, Eleanor Ring of Swords 1993
Baird, Wilhelmina CrashCourse 1993
Baxter, Stephen Timelike Infinity 1993
Beagle, Peter S. The Innkeeper's Song 1993
Bear, Greg Moving Mars 1993
Blumlein, Michael X, Y 1993
Brin, David Glory Season 1993
Brite, Poppy Z. Drawing Blood 1993
Butler, Octavia E. Parable of the Sower 1993
Charnas, Suzy McKee The Kingdom of Kevin Malone 1993
Claiborne, Sybil In the Garden of Dead Cars 1993
Clute, John The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction [by JC & Peter Nicholls, eds.] 1993
Connolly, Flynn The Rising of the Moon 1993
de Lint, Charles Dreams Underfoot 1993
Denton, Bradley Blackburn 1993
Ellison, Harlan Mefisto In Onyx 1993
Engh, M. J. Rainbow Man 1993
Evans, Christopher Aztec Century 1993
Ford, John M. Growing Up Weightless 1993
Gibson, William Virtual Light 1993
Greenland, Colin Harm's Way 1993
Griffith, Nicola Ammonite 1993
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki The Thread That Binds the Bones 1993
Holdstock, Robert The Hollowing 1993
Kindl, Patrice Owl in Love 1993
King, Stephen Nightmares & Dreamscapes [coll.] 1993
Kress, Nancy Beggars In Spain 1993
Lowry, Lois The Giver 1993
McKillip, Patricia A. The Cygnet and the Firebird 1993
McKinley, Robin Deerskin 1993
Navarro, Yvonne Afterage 1993
Noon, Jeff Vurt 1993
Robinson, Kim Stanley Green Mars 1993
Rosenblum, Mary The Drylands 1993
Scott, Melissa Burning Bright 1993
Sheffield, Charles "Georgia on My Mind" 1993
Shepard, Lucius The Golden 1993
Sherman, Delia The Porcelain Dove 1993
Shiner, Lewis Glimpses 1993
Smith, L. Neil Pallas 1993
Stewart, Sean Nobody's Son 1993
Stith, John E. Manhattan Transfer 1993
Straub, Peter The Throat 1993
Swanwick, Michael The Iron Dragon's Daughter 1993
Tarr, Judith Lord of the Two Lands 1993
Tepper, Sheri S. A Plague of Angels 1993
Thomson, Amy Virtual Girl 1993
Wells, Martha The Element of Fire 1993
Willey, Elizabeth The Well-Favored Man 1993
Williams, Walter Jon Wall, Stone, Craft 1993
Wolfe, Gene Nightside the Long Sun 1993
Womack, Jack Elvissey 1993
Zindell, David The Broken God 1993
Anderson, Poul The Stars Are Also Fire 1994
Arnzen, Michael A. Grave Markings 1994
Attanasio, A. A. Solis 1994
Banks, Iain Feersum Endjinn 1994
Barnes, John Mother of Storms 1994
Bishop, Michael Brittle Innings 1994
Bujold, Lois McMaster Mirror Dance 1994
Bunch, Chris The Warrior's Tale [by Allan Cole & CB] 1994
Cadigan, Pat Fools 1994
Carroll, Jonathan From the Teeth of Angels 1994
Charnas, Suzy McKee The Furies 1994
Crowley, John Love & Sleep 1994
Dean, Pamela The Dubious Hills 1994
Denton, Bradley The Calvin Coolidge Home for Dead Comedians & A Conflagration Artist [coll.] 1994
Egan, Greg Permutation City 1994
Farmer, Nancy The Ear, the Eye, and the Arm 1994
Gerrold, David "The Martian Child" 1994
Goodkind, Terry Wizard's First Rule 1994
Goonan, Kathleen Ann Queen City Jazz 1994
Gottlieb, Sherry Love Bite 1994
Heald, Denise Lopes Mistwalker 1994
Holder, Nancy Dead in the Water 1994
Jones, Gwyneth North Wind 1994
Kelly, James Patrick Wildlife 1994
Kilpatrick, Nancy Near Death 1994
King, Stephen Insomnia 1994
Kress, Nancy Beggars and Choosers 1994
Lackey, Mercedes Storm Warning 1994
Lethem, Jonathan Gun, With Occasional Music 1994
Mason, Lisa Summer of Love 1994
McAuley, Paul J. Pasquale's Angel 1994
McCaffrey, Anne The Dolphins of Pern 1994
McDevitt, Jack The Engines of God 1994
McDonald, Ian Necroville (US title: Terminal Café) 1994
McDonald, Ian Scissors Cut Paper Wrap Stone 1994
McKillip, Patricia A. Something Rich and Strange 1994
Morrow, James Towing Jehovah 1994
Newman, Kim The Quorum 1994
Pollack, Rachel Temporary Agency 1994
Resnick, Mike "Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge" 1994
Sawyer, Robert J. End of an Era 1994
Scott, Melissa Trouble and Her Friends 1994
Simmons, Dan Fires of Eden 1994
Smith, Michael Marshall Only Forward 1994
Springer, Nancy Larque on the Wing 1994
Springer, Nancy Metal Angel 1994
Stevermer, Caroline A College of Magics 1994
Tepper, Sheri S. Shadow's End 1994
Turner, George Genetic Soldier 1994
Turtledove, Harry Worldwar: In the Balance 1994
Wilson, Robert Charles Mysterium 1994
Wolfe, Gene Caldé of the Long Sun 1994
Asaro, Catherine Primary Inversion 1995
Baxter, Stephen The Time Ships 1995
Bethke, Bruce Headcrash 1995
Blaylock, James P. All the Bells on Earth 1995
Brin, David Brightness Reef 1995
Card, Orson Scott Alvin Journeyman 1995
Caswell, Brian Deucalion 1995
Cherryh, C. J. Invader 1995
Clute, John Science Fiction: The Illustrated Encyclopedia 1995
de Lint, Charles The Ivory and the Horn 1995
Dix, Shane The Unknown Soldier [by Sean Williams & SD] 1995
Dowling, Terry An Intimate Knowledge of the Night 1995
Egan, Greg Axiomatic [coll.] 1995
Egan, Greg Distress 1995
Freireich, Valerie J. Becoming Human 1995
Ghosh, Amitav The Calcutta Chromosome 1995
Goldman, E. M. The Night Room 1995
Griffith, Nicola Slow River 1995
Hand, Elizabeth Waking the Moon 1995
Hobb, Robin Assassin's Apprentice 1995
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki The Silent Strength of Stones 1995
Jones, Diana Wynne The Crown of Dalemark 1995
Joy, Dara Knight of a Trillion Stars 1995
Joyce, Graham Requiem 1995
Kay, Guy Gavriel The Lions of Al-Rassan 1995
Koontz, Dean Strange Highways [coll.] 1995
Le Guin, Ursula K. Four Ways to Forgiveness [coll.] 1995
MacLeod, Ken The Star Fraction 1995
McAuley, Paul J. Fairyland 1995
McDonald, Ian Chaga (US title: Evolution's Shore) 1995
McKillip, Patricia A. The Book of Atrix Wolfe 1995
McMullen, Sean Mirrorsun Rising 1995
Moorcock, Michael Blood 1995
Nagata, Linda The Bohr Maker 1995
Newman, Kim The Bloody Red Baron 1995
Nix, Garth Sabriel 1995
Oates, Joyce Carol Zombie 1995
Powers, Tim Expiration Date 1995
Priest, Christopher The Prestige 1995
Roszak, Theodore The Memoirs of Elizabeth Frankenstein 1995
Sawyer, Robert J. The Terminal Experiment 1995
Scott, Melissa Shadow Man 1995
Shinn, Sharon The Shape-Changer's Wife 1995
Spencer, William Browning Resume with Monsters 1995
Stephenson, Neal The Diamond Age 1995
Stewart, Sean Resurrection Man 1995
Taylor, Lucy The Safety of Unknown Cities 1995
Thomson, Amy The Color of Distance 1995
Williams, Sean The Unknown Soldier [by SW & Shane Dix] 1995
Williams, Walter Jon Metropolitan 1995
Willis, Connie Remake 1995
Alderman, Gill The Memory Palace 1996
Banks, Iain Excession 1996
Barker, Clive Sacrament 1996
Barnes, John One for the Morning Glory 1996
Barton, William "Age of Aquarius" 1996
Baxter, Stephen Voyage 1996
Bell, Hillary Mirror, Mirror 1996
Brin, David Infinity's Shore 1996
Bujold, Lois McMaster Cetaganda 1996
Bujold, Lois McMaster Memory 1996
Card, Orson Scott Children of the Mind 1996
Dann, Jack The Memory Cathedral 1996
Elliott, Kate (aka Alis Rasmussen) The Golden Key [by Melanie Rawn, Jennifer Roberson & KE] 1996
Fry, Stephen Making History 1996
Garfinkle, Richard Celestial Matters 1996
Goingback, Owl Crota 1996
Goonan, Kathleen Ann The Bones of Time 1996
Gould, Steven Wildside 1996
Green, Terence M. Shadow of Ashland 1996
Greenwood, Kerry The Broken Wheel 1996
Hamilton, Laurell K. Bloody Bones 1996
Hegland, Jean Into the Forest 1996
Huff, Tanya No Quarter 1996
Joyce, Graham The Tooth Fairy 1996
King, Stephen Desperation 1996
King, Stephen The Green Mile 1996
Koman, Victor Kings of the High Frontier 1996
Laidlaw, Marc The 37th Mandala 1996
Lethem, Jonathan The Wall of the Sky, the Wall of the Eye [coll.] 1996
MacLeod, Ken The Stone Canal 1996
Martin, George R. R. A Game of Thrones 1996
McDowell, Ian Mordred's Curse 1996
McKillip, Patricia A. Winter Rose 1996
Moon, Elizabeth Remnant Population 1996
Murphy, Pat Nadya 1996
Pollack, Rachel Godmother Night 1996
Pratchett, Terry Hogfather 1996
Rawn, Melanie The Golden Key [by MR, Jennifer Roberson & Kate Elliott] 1996
Robinson, Kim Stanley Blue Mars 1996
Russell, Mary Doria The Sparrow 1996
Sawyer, Robert J. Starplex 1996
Simmons, Dan Endymion 1996
Springer, Nancy Fair Peril 1996
Sterling, Bruce Holy Fire 1996
Stewart, Sean Clouds End 1996
Stone, Del, Jr. Dead Heat 1996
Straub, Peter The Hellfire Club 1996
Sussex, Lucy The Scarlet Rider 1996
Tepper, Sheri S. Gibbon's Decline and Fall 1996
Tuttle, Lisa The Pillow Friend 1996
Williams, Sean Metal Fatigue 1996
Williams, Tess Map of Power 1996
Willis, Connie Bellwether 1996
Windling, Terri The Wood Wife 1996
Wood, N. Lee Looking for the Mahdi 1996
Zettel, Sarah Reclamation 1996
Anderson, Poul The Fleet of Stars 1997
Asaro, Catherine Catch the Lightning 1997
Bakis, Kirsten Lives of the Monster Dogs 1997
Baxter, Stephen Titan 1997
Baxter, Stephen Vacuum Diagrams 1997
Beagle, Peter S. Giant Bones 1997
Berliner, Janet Children of the Dusk [by JB & George Guthridge] 1997
Brenchley, Chaz Light Errant 1997
Broderick, Damien The White Abacus 1997
Brown, Simon Winter 1997
Campbell, Ramsey Nazareth Hill 1997
Carmody, Isobelle Greylands 1997
Chapman, Stepan The Troika 1997
Cherryh, C. J. Finity's End 1997
Clute, John The Encyclopedia of Fantasy [by JC & John Grant, eds.] 1997
de Lint, Charles Trader 1997
Dedman, Stephen The Art of Arrow Cutting 1997
Delacorte, Peter Time on My Hands: A Novel with Photographs 1997
Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee Mistress of Spices 1997
Dorsey, Candas Jane Black Wine 1997
Due, Tananarive My Soul to Keep 1997
Egan, Greg Diaspora 1997
Elliott, Kate (aka Alis Rasmussen) King's Dragon 1997
Evangelisti, Valerio Nicholas Eymerich 1997
Ford, Jeffrey The Physiognomy 1997
Forsyth, Kate Dragonclaw: Book One of The Witches of Eileanan 1997
Gloss, Molly The Dazzle of Day 1997
Haldeman, Joe Forever Peace 1997
Hand, Elizabeth Glimmering 1997
Harland, Richard The Dark Edge 1997
Harrison, M. John Signs of Life 1997
Jacob, Charlee The Symbiotic Fascination 1997
Jinks, Catherine Eye to Eye 1997
King, Stephen The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass 1997
MacLeod, Ian R. The Great Wheel 1997
Matthews, Susan R. An Exchange of Hostages 1997
McDevitt, Jack Eternity Road 1997
McDonald, Ian Sacrifice of Fools 1997
McIntyre, Vonda N. The Moon and the Sun 1997
McKinley, Robin Rose Daughter 1997
Mitchell, Mary Ann Drawn to the Grave 1997
O'Leary, Patrick The Gift 1997
Powers, Tim Earthquake Weather 1997
Preuss, Paul Secret Passages 1997
Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone 1997
Sawyer, Robert J. Frameshift 1997
Sawyer, Robert J. Illegal Alien 1997
Shusterman, Neal The Dark Side of Nowhere 1997
Simmons, Dan The Rise of Endymion 1997
Somtow, S. P. Darker Angels 1997
Steele, Allen "...Where Angels Fear to Tread" 1997
Stover, Matthew Woodring Iron Dawn 1997
Swanwick, Michael Jack Faust 1997
Tepper, Sheri S. The Family Tree 1997
Tessier, Thomas Fog Heart 1997
Turtledove, Harry How Few Remain 1997
Waitman, Katie The Merro Tree 1997
Wilkins, Kim The Infernal 1997
Williams, Walter Jon City on Fire 1997
Anderson, Kevin J. Star Wars: Young Jedi Knights [by KJA & Rebecca Moestra] 1998
Banks, Iain Inversions 1998
Barker, Clive Galilee 1998
Barnes, John Earth Made of Glass 1998
Bear, Greg Dinosaur Summer 1998
Bertin, Joanne The Last Dragonlord 1998
Bishop, Anne Daughter of the Blood 1998
Brin, David Heaven's Reach 1998
Bujold, Lois McMaster Komarr 1998
Butler, Octavia E. Parable of the Talents 1998
de Lint, Charles Someplace to Be Flying 1998
Donaldson, Stephen R. Reave the Just and Other Tales [coll.] 1998
Douglass, Sara Pilgrim 1998
Egan, Greg Luminous [coll.] 1998
Erdrich, Louise The Antelope Wife 1998
Fowler, Karen Joy Black Glass [coll.] 1998
Gaiman, Neil Smoke and Mirrors 1998
Gaiman, Neil Stardust 1998
Gilman, Carolyn Ives Halfway Human 1998
Gotlieb, Phyllis Flesh and Gold 1998
Hopkinson, Nalo Brown Girl in the Ring 1998
Jones, Diana Wynne Dark Lord of Derkholm 1998
Kay, Guy Gavriel Sailing to Sarantium 1998
Keyes, J. Gregory Newton's Cannon 1998
Kiernan, Caitlín R. Silk 1998
King, Stephen Bag of Bones 1998
Kress, Nancy Maximum Light 1998
Lucashenko, Melissa Killing Darcy 1998
Luckett, Dave A Dark Winter 1998
Lynn, Elizabeth A. Dragon's Winter 1998
MacLeod, Ken The Cassini Division 1998
Marano, Michael Dawn Song 1998
Martin, George R. R. A Clash of Kings 1998
Matthews, Susan R. Prisoner of Conscience 1998
McDevitt, Jack Moonfall 1998
McHugh, Maureen F. Mission Child 1998
McKillip, Patricia A. Song for the Basilisk 1998
McMullen, Sean The Centurion's Empire 1998
Meynard, Yves The Book of Knights 1998
Miéville, China King Rat 1998
Morse, David The Iron Bridge 1998
Priest, Christopher The Extremes 1998
Routley, Jane Fire Angels 1998
Russell, Mary Doria Children of God 1998
Ryman, Geoff 253: The Print Remix 1998
Sawyer, Robert J. Factoring Humanity 1998
Segriff, Larry Alien Dreams 1998
Slonczewski, Joan The Children Star 1998
Smith, Michael Marshall One of Us 1998
Snyder, Midori The Innamorati 1998
Spencer, William Browning Irrational Fears 1998
Sterling, Bruce Distraction 1998
Stewart, Sean Mockingbird 1998
Stoddard, James The High House 1998
Straub, Peter Mr. X 1998
Sullivan, Tricia Dreaming in Smoke 1998
Tepper, Sheri S. Six Moon Dance 1998
Turner, Delia Marshall Nameless Magery 1998
Varley, John The Golden Globe 1998
Williams, Sean The Resurrected Man 1998
Willis, Connie To Say Nothing of the Dog 1998
Wilson, Robert Charles Darwinia 1998
Zebrowski, George Brute Orbits 1998
Anderson, Kevin J. Dune: House Atreides [by Brian Herbert & KJA] 1999
Asaro, Catherine The Veiled Web 1999
Barnes, Rory The Book of Revelation [by Damien Broderick & RB] 1999
Baxter, Stephen Time: Manifold 1 1999
Beagle, Peter S. Tamsin 1999
Bear, Greg Darwin's Radio 1999
Blaylock, James P. The Rainy Season 1999
Bowes, Richard Minions of the Moon 1999
Bujold, Lois McMaster A Civil Campaign 1999
Card, Orson Scott Ender's Shadow 1999
Carroll, Jonathan The Marriage of Sticks 1999
Charnas, Suzy McKee The Conqueror's Child 1999
Cherryh, C. J. Precursor 1999
Cisco, Michael The Divinity Student 1999
Coville, Bruce I Was a 6th Grade Alien 1999
DuBois, Brendan Resurrection Day 1999
Egan, Greg Teranesia 1999
Erikson, Steven Gardens of the Moon 1999
Gibson, William All Tomorrow's Parties 1999
Goldstein, Lisa Dark Cities Underground 1999
Haldeman, Joe Forever Free 1999
Harlan, Thomas The Shadow of Ararat 1999
Harris, Christine Foreign Devils 1999
Hartman, Keith The Gumshoe, the Witch, and the Virtual Corpse 1999
Haydon, Elizabeth Rhapsody 1999
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki A Red Heart of Memories 1999
Jensen, Jan Lars Shiva 3000 1999
Joyce, Graham Indigo 1999
Joyce, Graham Leningrad Nights 1999
Kerr, Peg The Wild Swans 1999
Keyes, J. Gregory A Calculus of Angels 1999
King, Stephen Hearts in Atlantis 1999
Lebbon, Tim White 1999
Levinson, Paul The Silk Code 1999
Luckett, Dave A Dark Victory 1999
MacLeod, Ken The Sky Road 1999
Marillier, Juliet Daughter of the Forest 1999
Marley, Louise The Terrorists of Irustan 1999
McArthur, Maxine Time Future 1999
McMullen, Sean Souls in the Great Machine 1999
Nasir, Jamil Tower of Dreams 1999
O'Nan, Stewart A Prayer for the Dying 1999
Park, Severna The Annunciate 1999
Passarella, J. G. Wither 1999
Pinto, Ricardo The Chosen 1999
Robson, Justina Silver Screen 1999
Routley, Jane Aramaya 1999
Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 1999
Sawyer, Robert J. Flashforward 1999
Scott, Martin Thraxas 1999
Smith, Kristine Code of Conduct 1999
Spinrad, Norman Greenhouse Summer 1999
Stephenson, Neal Cryptonomicon 1999
Tepper, Sheri S. Singer from the Sea 1999
Vinge, Vernor A Deepness in the Sky 1999
Watts, Peter Starfish 1999
Wilson, Robert Charles Bios 1999
Anderson, Poul Genesis 2000
Asaro, Catherine The Quantum Rose 2000
Barton, William Heart of Glass 2000
Blom, Suzanne Allés Inca 2000
Campbell, Ramsey Silent Children 2000
Danielewski, Mark Z. House of Leaves 2000
de Lint, Charles Forests of the Heart 2000
Desmond, Sean Adam's Fall 2000
Dix, Shane Evergence 2: The Dying Light [by Sean Williams & SD] 2000
Dowling, Terry Blackwater Days 2000
Dunn, Mark Think Tank 2000
Gardner, James Alan Hunted 2000
Gentle, Mary Ash: A Secret History 2000
Gerrold, David Jumping Off the Planet 2000
Gloss, Molly Wild Life 2000
Goonan, Kathleen Ann Crescent City Rhapsody 2000
Grimsley, Jim Kirith Kirin 2000
Hartnett, Sonya Thursday's Child 2000
Hopkinson, Nalo Midnight Robber 2000
Kay, Guy Gavriel Lord of Emperors 2000
Kernaghan, Eileen The Snow Queen 2000
King, Stephen On Writing [nonfiction] 2000
Landis, Geoffrey A. Mars Crossing 2000
Laymon, Richard The Traveling Vampire Show 2000
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Telling 2000
Lebbon, Tim Naming of Parts 2000
MacLeod, Ken Cosmonaut Keep 2000
Marillier, Juliet Son of the Shadows 2000
Martin, George R. R. A Storm of Swords 2000
McCarthy, Wil The Collapsium 2000
McDevitt, Jack Infinity Beach 2000
McDonald, Ian Tendeléo's Story 2000
McKillip, Patricia A. The Tower at Stony Wood 2000
McMullen, Sean The Miocene Arrow 2000
Miéville, China Perdido Street Station 2000
Moore, Alan The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen 2000
Powers, Tim Declare 2000
Pullman, Philip His Dark Materials 3: The Amber Spyglass 2000
Reynolds, Alastair Revelation Space 2000
Roberts, Adam Salt 2000
Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 2000
Sawyer, Robert J. Calculating God 2000
Smith, L. Neil Forge of the Elders 2000
Stewart, Sean Galveston 2000
Tem, Melanie The Man on the Ceiling [by Steve Rasnic Tem & MT] 2000
Tepper, Sheri S. The Fresco 2000
Volsky, Paula The Grand Ellipse 2000
Walton, Jo The King's Peace 2000
Wilkins, Kim The Resurrectionists 2000
Williams, Sean Evergence 2: The Dying Light [by SW & Shane Dix] 2000
Williams, Tess Sea as Mirror 2000
Winter, Douglas E. Run 2000
Winter, Laurel Growing Wings 2000
Barker, Clive Coldheart Canyon 2001
Bisson, Terry The Pickup Artist 2001
Bradbury, Ray From the Dust Returned 2001
Bujold, Lois McMaster The Curse of Chalion 2001
Card, Orson Scott Shadow of the Hegemon 2001
Carey, Jacqueline Kushiel's Dart 2001
Carroll, Jonathan The Wooden Sea 2001
Chiang, Ted "Hell Is the Absence of God" 2001
Clark, Simon The Night of the Triffids 2001
Colfer, Eoin Artemis Fowl 2001
Courtenay Grimwood, Jon Pashazade: The First Arabesk 2001
Czerneda, Julie E. In the Company of Others 2001
Daniel, Tony Metaplanetary 2001
de Lint, Charles The Onion Girl 2001
Dix, Shane The Dark Imbalance [by Sean Williams & SD] 2001
Dodd, Quenin Beatnik Rutabagas from beyond the Stars 2001
Dorsey, Candas Jane A Paradigm of Earth 2001
Douglass, Sara The Wounded Hawk 2001
Fforde, Jasper The Eyre Affair 2001
Gaiman, Neil American Gods 2001
Goto, Hiromi The Kappa Child 2001
Hamilton, Peter F. Fallen Dragon 2001
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki Past the Size of Dreaming 2001
Hoyt, Sarah A. Ill Met by Moonlight 2001
Jones, Gwyneth Bold as Love 2001
Joyce, Graham Smoking Poppy 2001
Katz, Louise The Other Face of Janus 2001
Kiernan, Caitlín R. Threshold 2001
King, Stephen Black House [by SK & Peter Straub] 2001
Kingsbury, Donald Psychohistorical Crisis 2001
Kress, Nancy Probability Sun 2001
Le Guin, Ursula K. The Other Wind 2001
Le Guin, Ursula K. Tales from Earthsea [coll.] 2001
MacLeod, Ken Dark Light 2001
McAuley, Paul J. The Secret of Life 2001
McDevitt, Jack Deepsix 2001
McHugh, Maureen F. Nekropolis 2001
McMullen, Sean Eyes of the Calculor 2001
Michalson, Karen Enemy Glory 2001
Nassise, Joseph M. Riverwatch 2001
Nissenson, Hugh The Song of the Earth 2001
Nix, Garth Lirael 2001
Oliveri, Michael Deadliest of the Species 2001
Reynolds, Alastair Chasm City 2001
Russo, Richard Paul Ship of Fools 2001
Ryman, Geoff Lust 2001
Scott, Melissa Point of Dreams [by MS & Lisa A. Barnett] 2001
Searcy, David Ordinary Horror 2001
Spencer, Wen Alien Taste 2001
Tem, Steve Rasnic In These Final Days of Sales 2001
Watts, Peter Maelstrom 2001
Wharton, Ken Divine Intervention 2001
Wilkins, Kim Angel of Ruin 2001
Williams, Conrad Nearly People 2001
Williams, Liz The Ghost Sister 2001
Williams, Sean The Dark Imbalance [by SW & Shane Dix] 2001
Willis, Connie Passage 2001
Wilson, Robert Charles The Chronoliths 2001
Anderson, M. T. Feed 2002
Barker, Clive Abarat [graphic narrative] 2002
Barnes, Steven Lion's Blood 2002
Baxter, Stephen Omegatropic [nonfiction] 2002
Brin, David Kiln People 2002
Broderick, Damien Transcension 2002
Bujold, Lois McMaster Diplomatic Immunity 2002
Campbell, Ramsey The Darkest Part of the Woods 2002
Carroll, Jonathan White Apples 2002
Chabon, Michael Summerland 2002
Clegg, Douglas The Hour Before Dark 2002
de Lint, Charles Seven Wild Sisters 2002
de Lint, Charles Waifs and Strays 2002
Di Filippo, Paul A Year in the Linear City 2002
Dix, Shane Echoes of Earth [by Sean Williams & SD] 2002
Egan, Greg Schild's Ladder 2002
Emshwiller, Carol The Mount 2002
Eskridge, Kelley Solitaire 2002
Ford, Jeffrey The Portrait of Mrs. Charbuque 2002
Frost, Gregory Fitcher's Brides 2002
Gaiman, Neil Coraline 2002
Gidron, Martin J. The Severed Wing 2002
Goonan, Kathleen Ann Light Music 2002
Haldeman, Joe Guardian 2002
Harris, Charlaine Living Dead in Dallas 2002
Harrison, M. John Light 2002
Hetley, James A. The Summer Country 2002
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki A Fistful of Sky 2002
Irvine, Alexander C. A Scattering of Jades 2002
Jens, Tina L. The Blues Ain't Nothing' 2002
Jones, Gwyneth Castles Made of Sand 2002
Joyce, Graham The Facts of Life 2002
King, Stephen Everything's Eventual [coll.] 2002
Kress, Nancy Probability Space 2002
Kritzer, Naomi Fires of the Faithful 2002
Kushner, Ellen The Fall of the Kings [by EK & Delia Sherman] 2002
Lai, Larissa Salt Fish Girl 2002
Lowachee, Karin Warchild 2002
Marquardt, Michelle Blue Silence 2002
Masson, Sophie The Hand of Glory 2002
McCammon, Robert R. Speaks the Nightbird 2002
McCann, A. L. The White Body of Evening 2002
McDevitt, Jack Chindi 2002
McKillip, Patricia A. Ombria in Shadow 2002
McMullen, Sean Voyage of the Shadowmoon 2002
Moon, Elizabeth The Speed of Dark 2002
Morgan, Richard Altered Carbon 2002
Nicholson, Scott The Red Church 2002
O'Leary, Patrick The Impossible Bird 2002
Piccirilli, Tom The Night Class 2002
Pratchett, Terry Night Watch 2002
Priest, Christopher The Separation 2002
Robinson, Kim Stanley The Years of Rice and Salt 2002
Rucker, Rudy Spaceland 2002
Sawyer, Robert J. Hominids 2002
Schroeder, Karl Permanence 2002
Sebold, Alice The Lovely Bones 2002
Simmons, Dan A Winter Haunting 2002
Swanwick, Michael Bones of the Earth 2002
Tepper, Sheri S. The Visitor 2002
Turtledove, Harry Ruled Britannia 2002
Williams, Sean Echoes of Earth [by SW & Shane Dix] 2002
Williams, Sean The Storm Weaver and the Sand 2002
Wright, John C. The Golden Age 2002
Baker, Kage The Anvil of the World 2003
Barton, William Off on a Starship 2003
Baxter, Stephen Coalescent 2003
Bear, Greg Darwin's Children 2003
Bergeron, Alain (fr.) Phaos 2003
Bishop, K. J. The Etched City 2003
Bisson, Terry Dear Abbey 2003
Blum, Jonathan Fallen Gods [by JB & Kate Orman] 2003
Buckner, M. M. Hyperthought 2003
Bujold, Lois McMaster Paladin of Souls 2003
Courtenay Grimwood, Jon Felaheen: The Third Arabesk 2003
Davies, Murray Collaborator 2003
Dix, Shane Orphans of Earth [by Sean Williams & SD] 2003
Doctorow, Cory Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom 2003
Doctorow, Cory A Place So Foreign and 8 More [coll.] 2003
Dunkle, Clare B. The Hollow Kingdom 2003
Fowler, Christopher Full Dark House 2003
Funke, Cornelia Inkheart 2003
Gibson, William Pattern Recognition 2003
Herbert, James Nobody True 2003
Hoffman, Nina Kiriki A Stir of Bones 2003
Hopkinson, Nalo The Salt Roads 2003
Johnson, Kij Fudoki 2003
Jones, Gwyneth Midnight Lamp 2003
Keene, Brian The Rising 2003
Kelleher, Victor Born of the Sea 2003
King, Stephen The Dark Tower V: Wolves of the Calla 2003
Le Guin, Ursula K. Changing Planes [coll.] 2003
MacLeod, Ian R. The Light Ages 2003
McDevitt, Jack Omega 2003
McKillip, Patricia A. In the Forests of Serre 2003
McKinley, Robin Sunshine 2003
Miéville, China The Scar 2003
Miéville, China The Tain 2003
Moriarty, Chris Spin State 2003
Nagata, Linda Memory 2003
Niffenegger, Audrey The Time Traveler's Wife 2003
Nix, Garth Abhorsen 2003
O'Nan, Stewart The Night Country 2003
Pratchett, Terry Monstrous Regiment 2003
Pratchett, Terry The Wee Free Men 2003
Reed, Robert Sister Alice 2003
Reynolds, Alastair Absolution Gap 2003
Robson, Justina Natural History 2003
Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix 2003
Sawyer, Robert J. Humans 2003
Shepard, Lucius Louisiana Breakdown 2003
Simmons, Dan Ilium 2003
Sinisalo, Johanna Not Before Sundown 2003
Stephenson, Neal Quicksilver 2003
Straub, Peter lost boy lost girl 2003
Stross, Charles Singularity Sky 2003
Sullivan, Tricia Maul 2003
Sweet, Caitlin A Telling of Stars 2003
Thomson, Amy Storyteller 2003
Turtledove, Harry Gunpowder Empire 2003
VanderMeer, Jeff Veniss Underground 2003
Varley, John Red Thunder 2003
Walton, Jo Tooth and Claw 2003
Wilkinson, Carole Dragonkeeper 2003
Williams, Liz The Poison Master 2003
Williams, Sean Orphans of Earth [by SW & Shane Dix] 2003
Wilson, F. Paul Sims 2003
Wilson, Robert Charles Blind Lake 2003
Banks, Iain The Algebraist 2004
Barker, Clive Abarat: Days of Magic, Nights of War 2004
Burke, Kealan-Patrick The Turtle Boy 2004
Campbell, Ramsey The Overnight 2004
Clarke, Susanna Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell 2004
Colfer, Eoin The Supernaturalist 2004
Courtenay Grimwood, Jon Stamping Butterflies 2004
Crew, Gary Beneath the Surface [by GC & Steven Woolman] 2004
Dann, Jack The Rebel 2004
Duchamp, L. Timmel Love's Body, Dancing in Time [coll.] 2004
Everson, John Covenant 2004
Farmer, Nancy The Sea of Trolls 2004
Faust, Minister The Coyote Kings of the Space-Age Bachelor Pad 2004
Fowler, Christopher Breathe 2004
Grimsley, Jim The Ordinary 2004
Haldeman, Joe Camouflage 2004
Hand, Elizabeth Mortal Love 2004
Harland, Richard The Black Crusade 2004
Harris, Charlaine Dead to the World 2004
Harwood, John The Ghost Writer 2004
Hughes, Matthew Black Brillion 2004
Jones, Gwyneth Life 2004
Jones, Tamara Siler Ghosts in the Snow 2004
Kay, Guy Gavriel The Last Light of the Sun 2004
Kiernan, Caitlín R. Murder of Angels 2004
Lee, Sharon Balance of Trade [by SL & Steve Miller] 2004
MacLeod, Ken Newton's Wake 2004
Mamatas, Nick Move Under Ground 2004
Marley, Louise The Child Goddess 2004
McArthur, Maxine Less Than Human 2004
McAuley, Paul J. White Devils 2004
McDevitt, Jack Polaris 2004
McDonald, Ian River of Gods 2004
McKillip, Patricia A. Alphabet of Thorn 2004
Miéville, China Iron Council 2004
Mitchell, David Cloud Atlas 2004
Morgan, Richard Market Forces 2004
Pratchett, Terry Going Postal 2004
Pratchett, Terry A Hat Full of Sky 2004
Reed, Robert Mere 2004
Robinson, Kim Stanley Forty Signs of Rain 2004
Roth, Philip The Plot Against America 2004
Ryman, Geoff Air 2004
Shepard, Lucius Viator 2004
Stephenson, Neal The System of the World 2004
Stewart, Sean Perfect Circle 2004
Straub, Peter In the Night Room 2004
Stross, Charles Iron Sunrise 2004
Thomas, Lee Stained 2004
Traviss, Karen City of Pearl 2004
Tuttle, Lisa My Death 2004
Westerfeld, Scott Midnighters: The Secret Hour 2004
Williams, Liz Banner of Souls 2004
Williams, Sean The Crooked Letter 2004
Wolfe, Gene The Wizard Knight 2004
King, Stephen The Dark Tower VII: The Dark Tower 2006

Популярность: 132, Last-modified: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 11:27:26 GmT