accounts of diamond merchants as though it were their profits and is later transferred to Colonibia. Sophisticated diamond deals are made between various parties with the aiin of "releasing" large amounts of money on the side. Sums of less than $10,000 are deposited in various bank accounts, converted into travelers' checks and then transported to their final destination. But in spite of the ingenuity, undoubtedly one of the most popular and successful ways to launder money is through Jewish religious institutions, such as yeshivas and synagogues. Since the majority of the 47th Street gold and diamond merchants are religious Jews the process is made easier. The Jewish religious institutions badly need funds. The Colombian drug traders can be generous. They transfer their drug money as donations, which go to the Jewish religious institutions one way and come out by the other way back to the donors. On the way, the synagogue or yeshiva obtains a respectable percentage for its pious uses. Everyone is happy, the drug barons who launder their money quickly and efficiently and the synagogue or yeshiva which makes easy money. The first laundering operation in which a Jewish institute in New York was involved was exposed in 1984. A ring which laundered about $23 million while making a profit of $2 million operated at the oldest yeshiva in the city, Tifereth Yerushalayim, located in Manhattan. The laundering was performed for the Kali cartel. The contact man was David Va'anunu, mentioned in the context of the Prism affair, who worked with the cartel's major launderer, Jose Satro. The yeshiva's representative was a very pious Hassid, Mendel Goldenberger, who daily received cash from Va'anunu and deposited the money in the yeshiva's accounts. Goldenberger, who claimed not to have known the source of the money, was convicted of forging bank documents and given five years' suspended imprisonment. Va'anunu was convicted, sentenced to eight years' imprisonment but released much earlier after he became an informer for the DEA. Later, as was stated, he ran into trouble again and fled the US. Nine persons were convicted in that affair, including Rabbi Israel Eidelman, Vice President of the yeshiva and some of its dignitaries. Tiferet Yer-ushalayim faced financial difficulties at that time. It leaders attempted to maintain the students by paying them from the laundered drug profits. The phenomenon, incidentally, is very common among New York Jews. Many Jewish congregations are dying because their members are leaving the city or their former neighborhoods. Thus, the congregations are losing their sources of income and facing large debts. In that situation the road is short for the synagogue or yeshiva to launder drug money as a pious duty, since it means easy money and lots of it. "Laundering money is extremely beneficial to the yeshivas and other Jewish religious institutions," said a source close to the investigation. "They are in a difficult situation and therefore they turn a blind eye to the drug problem. They don't ask what the source of the money is as long as it keeps coming in." The attitude of the pious Jewish community, according to the same source, is: "Drugs are sold anyway. As long as it does not harm our own community and only does good for it, it doesn't matter if we benefit from drug trade." The role of the Israelis is, in many cases, to make the connection between the religious Jewish communities of New York and the Colombians. The Colombians are more satisfied with this method of laundering than with any other because, for political reasons, it is a relatively secure way of which it could be initially assumed that it was not going to be forcibly investigated by the US authorities. Only in July 1990 the situation began to change. The Federal authorities renewed an investigation of some Williamsburg Hassids, owners of jewelry shops on 47th Street, who were suspected of laundering drug money. The investigation focused on the brothers Naftali, Naiklosh and Yitzhak Slilesinger, and on Ya'akov Shlesinger (Naftali's son) and Milon Jakloby, his nephew. The investigators found evidence of close connections between the Slilesingers and the Andonian brothers, members of a Colombian family accused of laundering, almost one billion dollars. The Shlesingers were suspected of laundering money by means of a subsidiary called Bali, through checks drawn from the account of "Camp Yereim" ["Camp of the Pious]" - a Hassidic summer camp in the Catskills. Camp Yereim denies any connection with these checks. On April 7 of this year, Rabbi Abraham Lau, a prominent Hassid from "Magen Abraham" synagogue in Los Angeles was convicted of conspiring to launder drug money. Lau is married to the niece of the Satmar Rebbe, Moshe Teitlebaumi, who wields enormous political influence in New York State. Unfortunately, Lau told an undercover FBI agent about a "sacred network" of Satmar Hassids in which other Orthodox Jews had also participated. The "sacred network", whose membership was strictly limited to pious Jews, operated in the 47th Street area in New York and was capable of laundering up to $5 million weekly, thanks to its widespread contacts with Jewish charitable institutions. Unfortunately, law enforcement agents in New York do not believe that the "sacred network" and the many other Jewish laundering rings have any sanctity. In the past year the Federal activity concerning Israelis and Jews on 47th Street has greatly increased. The investigators now employ the services of many Hebrew translators since the rings, even if composed of native American Jews, employ only "the sacred language" for their operations. Aharon Sharir is, undoubtedly, the major Israeli launderer. He was born in Iraq about 45 years ago, immigrated to Israel with his family at the age of one year, graduated from an Israeli high school, served with distinction in the army and became an expert in fixing delicate mechanical instruments used to mend gold jewelry. In 1979, Sharir came to New York on a tourist visa with $6,000 in his pocket. He went into the gold business, established a small plant for manufacturing gold jewelry and did well. Then, through another Israeli diamond trader, he discovered the laundering business. Sharir reached a laundering activity of about $160,000 per day, six days per week (laundering is not done on the Sabbath), but in 1985 his wings were clipped when he was accused of having swindled a New York bank to the tune of $3 million. He quickly returned the money and was sentenced to a fine and a suspended prison sentence. In 1988 Sharir's laundering activities reached amazing heights. His gold shop on 47tll Street became one of the greatest laundering centers in the entire US. "Three times a week," Sharir told the court at one of the many trials in which he is now testifying, "we received the cash. It used to arrive in canvas sacks, in cardboard boxes or in suitcases. Sometimes there were a million dollars in one shipment." Roy Lopez, representing the Colombian cartels, would arrive from Miami equipped with a document sent from Colombia which contained detailed coded instructions about where to send the money. "Even with automatic money-counting machines it was difficult to count the money," Sharir testified. "It arrived in bills of 5, 10 and 20 dollars. The bills, most of which had been used to sniff cocaine, had a strong odor of coke. A real stink. My employees could not stand it. Every 2-3 hours they had to take a break, go out for some fresh air, so as not to get ill." Sharir's role was to see to it that the money would be transported out of the US and arrive in the bank accounts of the Colombian cartels in Panama and in Colombia. For that purpose he deposited money into his bank accounts, as though it was his profits from the shop, purchased assets for the use of the drug cartels, bought and sold gold at inflated prices from merchants who were part of the conspiracy and concealed money through various manipulations. Finally, all the money was turned into checks drawn on the accounts of Jewish religious institutions. Sharir received from the Colombians 6 percent of the turnover for his labors. Within a short period of time he moved with his family to a luxurious house in Woodmere, on Long Island. He purchased a luxury Jaguar car, showered his wife Miryam with expensive jewels and donated lavishly to Jewish charities. The troubles began in late 1988. In December his shop was raided by American customs and internal revenue agents, after they received notice from his banks concerning the volume of his deposits. They brought dogs to sniff out drugs, carried out a meticulous search of the offices and took away cars fall of documents. Sharir did no lose his cool. While the agents were milling around his offices, he managed to conceal $600,000 which were in his bank account at the time and to transfer the money to a safe place. Simultaneously, Sharir fell out with his Colombian operators who claimed that he stole $26 million of their drug money. Sharir, who denied the accusation, hired an Israeli professional investigator, Lihu Ichilov, to solve the mystery. Ichilov soon became Sharir's partner. He flew to Panama, established two dummy corporations there, opened bank accounts and improved the laundering routes. Following the Federal agents' raid on his offices Sharir did not give up.Within two weeks he opened two other offices on 47th Street and resumed work. When asked by one of his lawyers how he had expected to escape the attentions of the law, Sharir replied: "I changed my system and believed that now, with God's help, I would never be caught." Sharir's new system included Rabbi Yosef Crozet whom we discussed earlier. Crozer's big mouth brought Sharir down, and he was arrested in March 1990. Crozer also led to Sharir confessing to having laundered $200 million. His wife Miryam was arrested together with him. Sharir, under the pressure of the interrogation, agreed to cooperate in exchange for his wife's release and the cancellation of the charges against her. The prosecution agreed. It was an extremely good deal as far as the prosecution was concerned. For three months Sharir fed the Federal investigators with most valuable information concerning the Jewish laundering industry. The information included names, methods of operation, codes, and bank accounts. Sharir led them to the exposure of what is termed the new "cocaine triangle". His information led to the incrimination of more than 35 Jewish launderers, the capture of $10 million and the breakup of numerous Jewish laundering rings. Among others, Sharir incriminated the biggest laundering shark in the history of the US, Stephan Scorkia. The information given by Sharir, who testified at his trial, directly led to his conviction. Scorkia was charged with laundering $300 million, and was sentenced to 660 years' imprisonment. Sharir is now enrolled in the US witness protection program. He lives under an assumed identity, has been released on bail, travels under heavy security between New York, Rhode Island, Arizona and other states, testifies in criminal trials and goes on. His wife Miryam divorced him shortly after the affair erupted. She refuses to comment on the matter and told the Daily News: "I have no intention of talking. I divorced Aharon in order to distance myself from him and from his friends, and that is exactly what I am doing." Sharir was directly responsible for the flight of at least 35 Colombians from the US back to Colombia. One of the escapees was Duvan Arbolda, one of the Kali cartel's major launderers. Arbolda was charged in a Manhattan court of laundering on a vast scale, following Sliarir's testimony. Afler he completes his testifying, Sharir himself will stand trial. The prosecution will agree to a very low sentence, but this does not improve his chances of survival. "At present, Aharon Sharir heads the Kali cartel's wanted list," said an American customs official. Charges have also been served against Lihu Ichilov, Sharir's partner. However, Ichilov fled to Israel on the eve of his trial, in January 199 1. That was the period of the Gulf War and the judge, Richard Owen, who tried Ichilov in absentia, said: "Mr. Ichilov apparently prefers to face the horror of Scud missiles falling on Israel than the American justice system." Note 1. The Satmar Hassidic sect fiercely opposes Zionism. The present rabbi's uncle and predecessor (the position of a rabbi among the Hassids is limited to the members of "the sacred family"), Yoel Taitelbaum, had published learned books in which Zionism was described as an invention of Satan, Israeli victories (especially the one in the Six Day War) were attributed solely to the direct help given to the Israeli army, while the Holocaust was being "justified" as the Divine punishment of the Jews for the sin of some of them becoming Zionists. The present rabbi, although formally continuing the teachings of his uncle, has the most amicable relations with the Israeli government. ===================== CODOH - Box 439016/P-111, San Diego, CA, USA 92143 David Irving's Reply to Jeffrey Shallit's "Lies of Our Times" Installed: 5/16/98, 6: 00 PM, PST Last updated July 21, 1997 Calendar of Conspiracy: A Chronology of Anti-Government Extremist Criminal Activity, January to June 1997 A Militia Watchdog Special Report INTRODUCTION The following is a chronology of some of the events surrounding anti-government criminal activity in the United States during the first half of the year 1997. It illustrates both the scope of such activity-from large-scale acts of terrorism to local acts of harassment and intimidation-and its geographic extent-from major cities like Los Angeles and New York to remote rural areas in Texas and Montana. The chronology is not comprehensive. Although all major events are included, no systemized reporting system exists for smaller scale events. As a result, arrests or convictions for charges such as placing bogus liens, impersonating a public official or committing similar offenses are considerably underrepresented in this report. Such activities occur with a high level of frequency across the nation. More than thirty-three states are listed in this report; however, incidents are occurring in every state. JANUARY January 2, South Dakota: In Rapid City, South Dakota, "freeman" Bill Huseby is bound over for trial. He is charged with sending false documents to the Pennington county Sheriff's Office, a former judge, and a private citizen; also, three misdemeanor charges. January 6, Washington: Seattle resident Richard Frank Burton, arrested with eight other individuals last July on various weapons and conspiracy charges, pleads guilty in U.S. District court to one count of conspiracy and three other charges. His wife, Caitlin Hansen, pleads guilty to one count of destroying and concealing evidence. A third individual, Theodore Carter, pleads guilty to one conspiracy charge and agrees to testify against his fellow defendants. The three are part of a mixed group of militia members and "sovereign citizens." January 6, Oklahoma: Three common-law court advocates plead guilty in Tulsa, Oklahoma, to a federal conspiracy charge. Kenny Moore, Colleen Moore and Wayne Gunwall had filed bogus liens on IRS agents to the amount of $7 million, and had issued "citizens arrest warrants" against several federal officials. The trial of another defendant, Dan Meador, begins on January 8. January 10, Oklahoma: Dan Meador is convicted of obstructing justice and illegally communicating with a member of a federal grand jury (see above). January 13, Virginia: Two Mechanicsville, VA, residents are sentenced to eighteen months in prison on tax evasion charges. Jerry Martin and his wife Sadie Martin, Christian Identity adherents, were "sovereign citizens" who denied the legal existence of the United States. January 16, Oregon: Common law court activist Charles Stewart, leader of a Portland, Oregon group, tries "in absentia" seven IRS agents at his Kangaroo court. Two weeks later, the "court" rules that four of the agents should pay fines of $100,000 each for seizing a Portland home. However, it was up to the man whose home was seized to collect the money. January 22, Georgia, North Carolina: District Attorney Albert Taylor, Jr., prosecutor for the Enotah Circuit in Georgia, requests and receives a "writ of non molestando" to stop a "sovereign citizen," Melvin Julius Robinson, from harassing him. Robinson's actions included filing a $100 million frivolous lawsuit against him and demanding that Taylor appear before the "Our One Supreme Court" of Franklin, North Carolina. In response, Taylor dusted off an ancient writ that probably had never been used in the state to restrain Robinson from using the legal process to "molest, vilify, obstruct, or hinder" the lawful discharge of official duties. January 24, Missouri: Five common law court advocates in Lincoln County, Missouri, are sentenced to two years in prison and a $5,000 fine, and a sixth, Dennis Logan, is sentenced to seven years in prison and a $5,000 fine. The defendants were charged with tampering with a judicial official-specifically, filing a $10.8 million bogus lien against a judge to force him to drop a speeding case involving the daughter of one of the defendants. Nine other defendants, also convicted, have yet to be sentenced. January 24, Minnesota: Michael Moeller is charged in Winona County, Minnesota, of making terroristic threats. Moeller, a militia sympathizer, threatened to blow up the headquarters of the state Department of Natural Resources, where he formerly worked. January 28, Wisconsin: Sally Minniecheske, the wife of Wisconsin Posse Comitatus leader Donald Minniecheskie, is sentenced to nine months for disorderly conduct, obstructing an officer and fleeing arrest. The charges stemmed from a 1995 incident during a property seizure in which Minniecheskie threatened a police chief and led him on a car chase through Tigerton, Wisconsin. The Minniecheskies have been involved in anti-government activities in Tigerton for more than twenty years. January 30, Pennsylvania: In Philadelphia, Christian Identity minister Mark Thomas is indicted on conspiracy charges related to the armed robberies committed by the "Midwestern Bank Bandits," who dubbed themselves the "Aryan Republican Army." Also arrested is Michael Brescia. Brescia and Thomas bring the total number arrested for these robberies to six. January 30, Mississippi, Tennessee: Armed militia members from Mississippi precipitate an unexpected standoff near Memphis, Tennessee, when they show up to halt the eviction of two Southaven residents from their home. Local officials back away from the eviction and say they will pursue the matter in court some more. FEBRUARY February 6, California: Two California men are found guilty of fraud in San Jose for passing bogus checks created by the Montana Freemen. The jury finds Robert Young guilty of conspiracy, three counts of bank fraud, two counts of mail fraud, and one count of filing a false claim with the IRS. Frank Pepper is convicted on two counts of mail fraud. Two other defendants, Leonard Ferrier and Dawn Onalfo, had plead guilty before the trial. February 10, Connecticut: Nena Frankle and John Barney are arrested by local police on charges of interfering with police and criminal trespass, after they resisted attempts by authorities in Connecticut to take possession of their foreclosed residence. Frankle and Barney are members of a group of Connecticut common law court advocates and tax protesters which advocates such resistance. February 10, Ohio: Peter Langan is convicted in federal court in Columbus, Ohio, of five felonies related to 1994 armed robberies of banks in Columbus and Cincinnati. Langan is the leader of the "Midwestern Bank Bandits," who claimed to engage in armed robbery to support their revolutionary struggle. February 14, Missouri: The remaining seven common law court activists of the thirteen convicted earlier in Missouri receive their sentences: six activists sentenced to two years in prison and a seventh activist to seven years. All additionally must pay a $5,000 fine. Ca. February 15, Washington: Charles Miller and three other men are arrested in Washington on sixteen counts of conspiracy to defraud banks, mail fraud, and interstate transportation of stolen property. Another accomplice, Kathleen Cottam, was arrested earlier and pled guilty. The suspects had obtained bogus money orders from Montana Freeman leader LeRoy Schweitzer in 1995 and had been using them to buy cars and motor homes in Washington. Charles Christenson, Kurt Gilson, and Veryl Knowles were also arrested. February 15, Ohio, Washington, Arkansas, Montana, Utah: Near Wilmington, Ohio, Chevie and Cheyne Kehoe, two brothers from Washington, engage in two shootouts with local police during and following a routine traffic stop. A bystander is wounded. The Kehoes, Christian Identity adherents with ties to Aryan Nations and other white supremacist groups, avoid an intensive manhunt and vanish along with their families. Their mobile home is later found near Casper, Wyoming. Chevie Kehoe is wanted for questioning in connection with the murders of an Arkansas gun dealer with ties to the militia movement, and his family. February 18, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania Aryan Nations leader Mark Thomas pleads guilty to plotting seven bank robberies and using the cash to further the cause of white supremacy in connection with the Midwestern Bank Bandits. February 20, Georgia: Three Georgia militia members receive stiff sentences for their roles in a conspiracy to build pipe bombs for use against the federal government. Bob Starr is given 8 years, one month; while James McCranie and Troy Spain are sentenced to six ˝ years in prison each. February 20, Minnesota: Three Minnesota residents receive convictions for attempting to pass bogus checks obtained from the Montana Freemen. Marilyn Kerkvliet and Robert Leffler are convicted of eight counts of mail fraud and passing counterfeit checks each. Ronald Kerkvliet is convicted of a single count of mail fraud. February 21, Montana, North Carolina: The first conviction arrives for members of the Montana Freemen, who held off authorities for 81 days in the spring of 1996. Russell Landers and an associate, James Vincent Wells, are convicted of seven and twelve federal fraud and conspiracy counts, respectively, ending a trial marked by combative behavior by Landers. The two used bogus money orders to purchase vehicles to drive back to Montana. February 21, Washington: Supporters of the Washington militia/freemen defendants on trial in Seattle file a $1.76 billion lien against the judge, John Coughenour, and five prosecutors. February 24, Texas: Local authorities in Texas issue an arrest warrant for Rick McLaren, leader of the secessionist common-law group, "The Republic of Texas," after McLaren failed to appear for a preliminary hearing on a 1995 burglary charge. However, authorities take no steps to arrest McLaren, who is barricaded in a remote West Texas settlement. February 28, Washington: The Washington militia/freemen explosives conspiracy case ends in a mistrial. The mistrial is declared on federal conspiracy charges against seven people, while four defendants are convicted of weapons charges. Washington State Militia founder John Pitner is convicted of possession and transfer of machine guns. John Lloyd Kirk and Marlin Lane Mack is convicted of possession of unregistered destructive device. Gary Marvin Kuehnoel is convicted of possession of a machine gun. Jururs can not reach verdicts on additional weapons charges against Kirk and his wife Judy Carol Kirk, and against Kuehnoel. Kuehnoel is found innocent of three counts of possession of unregistered firearm. An eighth defendant previously had pled guilty. MARCH March 1, Wisconsin: $2 million cash bond is ordered for Wisconsin man charged with hiring a hit man to murder his estranged wife and her father. James Schuman, the man charged, is a member of Wisconsin Militia. March 2, Washington, Idaho: Trial begins for Charles Barbee, Robert Berry and Jay Merrell, Christian Identity white supremacists part of a bank-robbing gang in Spokane, WA, area associated with the Phineas Priesthood. March 2, Ohio: Ohio Aryan Nations member Morris Gulett is arrested for ramming a Dayton police cruiser then fleeing. March 3, New Hampshire: New Hampshire militia leader pleads guilty to federal charges of stealing $100,000 in equipment from Fort Devens Army base. Fitzhugh MacCrae, member of Hillsborough County Dragoons, admits to three counts. He is the second Dragoon to plead guilty. March 3, Texas: "Republic of Texas" member John Albert Crain files $27 million lawsuit over three traffic tickets in San Angelo. The atmosphere between "Republic of Texas" members and the real government of Texas grows increasingly tense. March 4, Texas: Pecos County Sheriff Steve Bailey warns he may have to use extreme measures to arrest Richard McLaren, "ambassador" for the Republic of Texas, for warrants on burglary and failure to appear in court. McLaren is holed up in a housing resort west of Fort Davis, Texas. March 6, Wisconsin: Federal prosecutors go to court to stop two Milwaukee area men, Robert Raymond and Robert Bernhoft, from selling their "De-Taxing America Program." March 9, Oregon: Salem, Oregon, Militia leader Michael Cross is sentenced to five years on probation for pleading guilty to criminal mistreatment after receiving $25,000 gift from an elderly foster-care resident. Ca. March 9, Texas: Members of extremist group Republic of Texas begin "impeachment" proceedings against Richard McLaren as the group, under pressure from law enforcement authorities, fragments. March 10, California: Elizabeth Broderick of Palmdale, California, is sentenced to nearly seventeen years in prison on 28 charges related to selling more than 8,000 fraudulent "Comptroller Warrants" with a face value of more than $800 million. Several accomplices also receive prison sentences in subsequent weeks. March 12, Connecticut: "Sovereign citizens" John Barney and Nina Barney of Salisbury, CT, appear in court on charges of criminal trespass and interfering with police. They are members of a common law court and they refuse to vacate the properties where they live despite having hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of unpaid loans. March 13, Washington, Idaho: FBI agents arrest a fourth suspect, Brian Ratigan, in the Spokane bombings, about the same time as the prosecution rests in the trial of three other suspects. March 13, Oklahoma: Former Tulsa opera singer Carol Elizabeth Howe is indicted in Federal court in Tulsa, accused of willfully making a bomb threat, possession of a non-registered destructive device and conspiracy. James Dodson Viefhous, already in custody, is also indicted. The two are founders and members of the National Socialist Alliance of Oklahoma, as well as part of the Aryan Intelligence Network. They left a message on this phone network that bombs would be detonated in 15 US cities unless action was taken by December 15 by "white warriors" against the government of the U.S. March 13, Ohio, Pennsylvania: Aryan Republican Army members Scott Stedeford and Peter Langan plead not guilty to conspiracy charges related to bank robberies they carried out. Both have been previously convicted on armed robbery charges. Mark Thomas, an Aryan Nations leader in Pennsylvania, previously pled guilty to the charges. Thomas and another defendant are cooperating with government investigators; a fifth defendant, Michael Brescia, is jailed and awaiting trial. Another suspect committed suicide in jail. March 17, Montana, Indiana: Joe Holland, leader of the North American Volunteer Militia, is sentenced in Missoula, Montana, to 10 years in prison for jury tampering and advocating violence. He is also indicted on charges in Indiana. March 17, Texas: Texas officials issue two more (civil) arrest warrants against Republic of Texas members Robert Kesterson ("secretary of state") and Carolyn Carney ("secretary of inter-agency coordination"). March 17, California: California "Patriot" Timothy Paul Kootenay, is sentenced to 300 days in county jail and four years' probation after pleading guilty to purchasing assault rifles with bogus money orders issued by Family Farm Preservation, a "patriot" group linked with the Posse Comitatus. March 19, Arizona: Six members of the Arizona Viper Militia are sentenced to jail terms for conspiracy to make bombs. The longest sentence is nine years. All had pled guilty. The number eventually increases to 10 who plead guilty. Two do not and will go to trial. March 21, Ohio: The FBI and ATF jointly post a $60,000 reward for information leading to the arrests of Aryan Nations members Cheyne and Chevie Kehoe for shooting at police officers in Ohio in February. The Kehoe brothers are thought to have fled back to their Spokane area origins. March 21, Alabama: Alabama Court of Criminal Appeals unanimously affirms the capital murder conviction of a "patriot," George Sibley, Jr., found guilty in the 1993 shooting death of an Opelika police officer. His common-law wife, Linda Lyon Block, is also on death row for the same offense. March 25, North Carolina: Dunn, North Carolina, resident Arvalee McLamb is fined $5,000 and sentenced to five months in prison after pleading guilty to failing to file a federal income tax return. McLamb had ties to the Montana Freemen; he is also charged in a federal indictment of various crimes committed in connection with James Vincent Wells and Montana Freeman Russell Landers. McLamb and Wells belonged to an extremist group innocuously called 'The Civil Rights Task Force." March 25, Kansas: Two Kansas residents are convicted in Tulsa for passing Montana Freemen checks. Bill and Karen Hanzlicek were found guilty of conspiracy, bank fraud, mail fraud and passing a counterfeit check. March 26, Florida: In Stuart, Florida, John Foster, is charged with obtaining $662,000 in bogus checks from the Montana Freemen and using them to pay off the IRS and his mortgage company. March 26, Ohio: In Columbus, Ohio, common law court activist Larry Russell is found guilty of escape and sentenced to 1 ˝ years in prison. He fled Ohio following a failed attempt to arrest him for driving without a license, after which he was charged with assaulting a police officer and escape, but was arrested at the Alaska border and extradited. March 27, Nevada: Nevada militia man Harry Tootle is convicted on charges of drawing a gun on a security guard, then resisting arrest. March 27, Arkansas, Missouri: Arkansas citizen Robert Joos is convicted of resisting arrest and carrying a concealed weapon during a confrontation with Missouri State Highway Patrol troopers in 1994. The troopers were attempting to arrest him near his church commune (the "Sacerdotal Order of the David Company") in connection with a 1987 misdemeanor conviction involving a false court summons served to a trooper. Law enforcement authorities are still searching for Timothy Thomas Coombs, wanted for shooting and seriously wounding a state trooper in retaliation for Joos' arrest. March 29, South Carolina, Oregon: In Anderson, SC, Embassy of Heaven member Frank Lewis stages a seven day hunger strike when arrested for driving without a license and operating an uninsured vehicle. This is one of many hunger strikes staged by members of the group, which preaches against all forms of government interference. The Embassy of Heaven issues fake drivers licenses, plates, and registrations for its members; these are purchased by people all over the country. In late winter, Embassy of Heaven members are evicted from their "church" in Sublimity, Oregon, for nonpayment of county taxes. March 30, Michigan: Kalamazoo, Michigan, militia member Brendon Blasz is arrested and indicted on suspicion of making pipe bombs and other illegal explosives. Blasz and his "small militia band" planned to bomb the federal building in Battle Creek, an IRS building, a television station and federal armies, according to an affidavit by an informant. The Michigan Militia claims to have expelled them in 1995. APRIL April 2, Washington, Idaho: The jury hearing Spokane bank bandits case convicts the three defendants on illegal weapons charges and stolen vehicle charges, but deadlocks on the more serious bank robbery and bombing charges when a sole jury member, sympathetic to the right-wing extremists, refuses to convict. April 3, California: A Berkeley, California, woman, Mary Margaret Lund, is convicted of using bogus checks to purchase a motorhome in January 1996. She passed more than $223,000 worth of bad checks. April 5, Montana: Fourteen of the infamous "Montana Freemen" are hit with a 40-count indictment that will take the place of earlier indictments against them. Charges include multiple counts of conspiracy bank fraud, mail fraud, wire fraud, false claims, threats to public officials and weapons charges. A second indictment charges eight people with helping fugitives escape arrest. April 7, Washington: Gary Kuehnol, one of the seven Washington militia/freemen charged with conspiracy (see above), pleads guilty to a charge of transferring a machine gun to a federal informer. He will not face new conspiracy charges as a result of the agreement. Another participant, Caitlin Hansen, earlier pled guilty to obstruction of justice and was sentenced to three years of probation. Six still await a new trial. April 8, Montana: Pre-trial hearings begin for the Montana Freemen. April 8, Washington: A Clark County, Washington, motorist is arrested with 2 loaded handguns, a bogus license plate, and a concealed weapons "permit" issued by the "State Militia." Jed Carson was cited on suspicion of operating a vehicle with illegal plates, carrying loaded weapons in a vehicle, driving without a license and failure to provide proof of insurance. The plate read "SOV, 064-MNE, States of America united, America the Republic." His "sales contract" for his vehicle was from the "British West Indies," a non-existent country. April 11, New York: A jury convicts New York city police officer Jose Lugo on tax charges related to nonpayment of taxes on $163,000 of income. Ten other police officers have been convicted on similar charges; four more are facing prosecution. The officers apparently got the idea from Indiana militia leader Joe Holland and other tax protest leaders. April 19, Idaho: New militia group forms in Idaho County, Idaho, called the "Idaho Mountain Boys." Its leader warns that if the county enforces building codes, the militia will be ready to intervene. April 20, Texas: Republic of Texas leader Richard McLaren vows war if authorities try to arrest him. "Once they make the move," he says, 'we'll have millions of Americans on our side - including every militia in the country. We're talking war here." April 20, Montana: Marc and Cheryl Andrea, of Florence, Montana, are indicted for recruiting 125 Missoula area residents into a California-based tax protest organization. April 22, Texas: Republic of Texas member Jo Ann Canaday Turner (see above) is arrested on two counts of contempt of court for filing a fraudulent lien in violation of a court order and for not attending a hearing. April 22, Ohio: Ohio Aryan Nations member Larry Wayne Harris receives a probation sentence after pleading guilty to a single count of wire fraud for obtaining samples of bubonic plague. April 23, Texas: The FBI arrests three men and one woman for planning a bomb attack on a gas refinery northwest of Fort Worth. The planned bombing was to divert attention from an armored car robbery that would finance their extremist activities. The suspects have Klan ties. April 23, California: White supremacist Todd Vanbiber of Winter Park is injured while making a pipe bomb; the weapon blows up in his face. Investigating authorities find materials linking Vanbiber to the neo-Nazi National Alliance, as well as 14 unexploded pipe bombs. April 27, Texas: After police arrest Republic of Texas "chief of security," Bob Scheidt, on weapons possession charges, Republic of Texas members ordered by Richard McLaren storm a nearby residence, firing shots, to kidnap two neighbors as hostages. The incident begins a standoff. The two hostages, a man and his wife, were vocal opponents of McLaren. April 28, Texas: After twelve hours of captivity, Joe and Margaret Ann Rowe are released by Republic of Texas members after authorities swap jailed ROT member Bob Scheidt for the two. Formal charges are filed against six ROT members, from engaging in organized criminal activity to aggravated kidnapping with a deadly weapon. April 28, California: A huge blast in a Olivehurst, California, home leads to the arrest of sympathizer William Goehler (a convicted rapist), charged with possessing explosives. Goehler suffered a neck injury in the blast at his home, while his wife and one of this children were slightly injured. The explosive material was in a tree outside the home. Goehler is associated with the Twin Cities Free Militia. The previous year, he traveled to Jordan, Montana, to show his support for the Montana Freemen. April 28, Texas: Leaders of the other factions of the splintered Republic of Texas group, Archie Lowe and David Johnson, distance themselves from Richard McLaren. April 28, Texas: A Texas Ranger assault team arrives at Ft. Davis, Texas. About 200 law enforcement officers surround McLaren's location, where close to 10 Republic of Texas members are holed up. April 29, Texas: Two armored personnel carriers arrive at Ft. Davis. They are named "Bubba One" and "Bubba Two." April 30, Texas: Texas Rangers arrest seven individuals in two vehicles at a truck stop in Pecos, Texas, with a supply of fully automatic assault weapons and some explosive materials. The individuals were on their way to join Richard McLaren. A few others are also stopped in following days, but the massive action predicted by McLaren does not occur. Meanwhile, McLaren and authorities talk sporadically by fax and phone. McLaren eventually breaks off negotiations. April 30, California: Following the arrest of William Goehler (see above) on explosives charges, two associates of his, Kevin Quinn and Vernon Weckner, were arrested in Yuba City, California, and 500 pounds of the volatile explosive petrogel were found. Weckner is one of the central militia organizers in northern California; he also is a common law activist and a tax protester. MAY Ca. May 1, Oregon: Common law court advocates Dick Lancial and Thor Lancial are indicted by a grand jury in Multnomah County, Oregon, on multiple counts of forgery and simulating the legal process for their common law court activities. May 1, New York: Bronx-area extremist blows his hand off in his apartment booby-trapped with homemade bombs. The man, John Saperstein, an unemployed construction worker, had at least five bombs in his apartment. Neighbors indicated that Saperstein talked a lot about the "Patriots of America" and the militia. May 1, Colorado: Federal agents arrest Colorado militia leader Ron Cole (the "Colorado First Light Infantry") and two other militia members on weapons charges in the Denver suburb of Aurora, Colorado. Authorities seize weapons and explosives materials. Ron Cole, who claims to be a militant Branch Davidian, has been one of the more vocal militia leaders in recent months. Police find six fully automatic AK-47 rifles, three land mines, 75 pounds of rocket fuel, a pipe bomb, and much ammunition. May 1, Florida: Brevard County (FL) militia member Brian Edward Lanier is arrested after making threats that he would kill himself on the state seal and blow up an insurance building. He was held on an outstanding warrant from another county for a 1989 aggravated assault. May 1, Texas : Police negotiators send Richard McLaren a "final offer" and threaten to move in to arrest them. They also cut off power to his trailer. May 2, California: Police investigating the Yuba County explosives ring of Vernon Weckner, Kevin Quinn, and William Goehler, arrest three more men, Jason Fox, Edward Whitlow and Robert Scott Deaver, charged with possessing explosives. The six plead not guilty. May 2, Texas: Republic of Texas member Robert Scheidt surrenders to authorities surrounding McLaren's "embassy." Meanwhile, police units move closer to the compound. Richard McLaren issues a plea for "reinforcements" and he and four followers fax their wills to state police. May 2, Washington: Richard Frank Burton, who pled guilty to possessing pipe bombs and other charges in connection with the Washington militia/freemen bombmaking conspiracy, is sentenced to 46 months in prison. May 3, Colorado: Arsonists destroy IRS offices in a building in Colorado Springs, spray-painting "AAR" or "ARA" inside the building. They cause more than $1 million in damage. May 3, Texas: Most of the remaining Republic of Texas members surrender to authorities. Richard McLaren, his wife Evelyn, and three followers (Richard Otto, Greg and Karen Paulson), walk out of their hideout after signing a "cease-fire" agreement with Texas Rangers. Two members, Richard Keys and Mike Matson, decided not to surrender and fled into the Davis Mountains. Authorities began a search with bloodhounds, helicopters, and troopers on horseback. Police find more than 60 pipe bombs at the "embassy." May 5, Texas: One or both of the two Republic of Texas fugitives fire shots at bloodhounds, wounding two of them, in the remote Davis Mountains. Later that day, police shoot and kill one of the two fugitives. The other apparently escapes. Meanwhile, Richard and Evelyn McLaren are indicted on charges that could bring up to hundreds of years in prison. May 8, Texas: Five more Republic of Texas members are arrested as part of McLaren's scheme to issue $1.8 billion in bogus warrants: Jasper Edward Baccus, Joe Louis Reece, Steven Craig Crear, Erwin Leo Brown, and Mark Anthony Hernandez. Also arrested is Republic of Texas leader Robert Kesterson, on three counts of contempt of court out of Travis County, where he filed bogus liens and other documents in violation of a judge's order. Donald Joe Varnell was another member arrested on contempt of court charges. State authorities also filed suit against Carolyn Carney for nonpayment of taxes. Other leaders, including Archie Lowe and Darrell Franks, are also charged with contempt. May 9, California: LA police arrest five militia members, seizing a grenade launcher, hand grenades, hand grenade components, automatic assault rifles, body armor, night vision goggles, and over 100 different types of weapons. Arrested are Glenn Yee, a reserve police officer, Alvin Ung, Mark Grand, Timothy Swanson and Raymond Durand. None have any previous criminal history. Police say more arrests are expected; the suspects were allegedly planning to attack several Southern California targets. Durand is later said not to be associated with the militia suspects, but rather a separate case. May 10, California: A seventh man, Daniel Sparhawk, is arrested in connection with the Yuba explosives case, on charges of possessing two tubes of petrogel. His girlfriend, Tina Lorene Terrell, is also arrested, bringing the total number to ten. May 12, New Hampshire: New Hampshire militia leader Brian Chabot pleads guilty to his role in theft of $100,000 worth of military equipment (see above). Chabot is the third of three to plead guilty. May 16, Wisconsin: Three members of anti-tax group in Wisconsin are given a 20-count indictment charging them with tax fraud. These members of Sovereign Citizens for Liberty, Frank A. Wysocki, Alan Cooper and Robert Iacoe, sold "untax" packages to gullible people. May 17, Oregon: Portland, Oregon, area resident James Bell, active in militia and common law court groups, is arrested by the IRS for obstructing the IRS. Among other things, Bell devised a project called "Operation LocatIRS" to learn the home addresses of IRS employees in order to intimidate them. He is also suspected of having used a chemical called mercaptan in a March 16 stink-bombing of an IRS office. Bell is more well known for his Internet essay "Assassination Politics," which proposed a system of rewards for people who predict the deaths of government officials. May 19, Montana, North Carolina: Russell Dean Landers and Vincent Wells, two of the Montana Freemen defendants, are sentenced in Wilmington, NC, on charges of conspiring to commit bank fraud, intimidate IRS agents and transport stolen property across state lines. May 20, Pennsylvania: In federal court in Philadelphia, Michael Brescia pleads guilty to charges of conspiracy and armed robbery and agreed to testify against fellow members of the Aryan Republican Army. May 21, Oklahoma: Tax protester Wayne Gunwall of Ponca City, Oklahoma, is sentenced to 15 months in prison for conspiring with two others to harass IRS agents. The other defendants, Kenney Moore and Colleen Moore who, like Gunwall, pled guilty to one of the counts, have not yet been sentenced. May 22, Connecticut: A Connecticut judge postpones the attempted kidnapping trial of "patriot" leader James "Bo" Gritz and his son James R. Gritz until September. May 23, Oklahoma: Wayne Gunwall and Howard M. Boos are convicted in federal court on a three-count indictment of conspiring to file multimillion-dollar liens against IRS agents (see above, below). May 27, Florida: In Tampa, Florida, Emilio Ippolito, his daughter, and six followers, members of the "Constitutional Common Law Court," go on trial on charges of conspiracy and obstruction of justice. Ippolito is the leader of one of the most prominent common law courts in the nation. May 29, West Virginia: A "colonel" in the West Virginia Mountaineer Militia pleads guilty to making a bomb for other militia members who were plotting to bomb an FBI fingerprint facility. Edward Moore is one of seven defendants in the case; he faces up to ten years in prison. May 30, Washington: Gary Kuehnoel, one of the Washington militia/freemen defenders (see above), is sentenced to 27 months in jail for illegal possession of a machine gun, and ordered to pay a $6,000 fine. The sentence was part of an agreement in which all other charges were dropped. JUNE June 2, Oklahoma, Colorado: In Denver, Colorado, Timothy McVeigh is convicted for his role in the bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City in April 1995. He is later given the death penalty. June 4, Florida: A Jacksonville jury acquits Florida "patriot" and ostrich farmer William Law of 21 counts of defrauding people by placing bogus liens on people involved with his divorce. The jury believed the argument of Law's lawyer that Law did not defraud anyone because no one would believe the liens were real. June 5, Arizona: Trial begins for remaining Arizona Viper Militia defendants, Charles Knight. Viper Christopher Floyd still awaits trial. June 5, Oklahoma: A federal judge sentences two Oklahoma common law activist Dan Meador to 16 months in prison, three years supervised release and a $2,000 fine for obstructing justice and illegally communicating with a grand jury. Meador's case was linked to the case involving Kenney and Colleen Moore and Wayne Gunwall. June 12, West Virginia: The second of seven defendants, Jack Phillips, in the Mountaineer Militia case agrees to plead guilty to a charge of conspiracy to make bombs. June 12, West Virginia: FBI affidavits reveal that the Mountaineer Militia considered killing Jay Rockefeller and Alan Greenspan, as well as their families, in a "holy war" against the federal government. June 16, Washington, Ohio: Cheyne Kehoe, wanted since February for a shootout with police in Ohio, surrenders in Washington. He will be extradited to Ohio. June 16, Utah: John Chaney is sentenced in Provo, Utah, to life in prison for aiding in the rape of his daughter. When he appeared for sentencing, he ordered bailiffs to arrest the judge for treason, but the bailiffs did not respond. Chaney, a common law court activist and member of an extreme Mormon sect, was convicted in April on three counts of aiding and abetting in the rape of his (then 13-year old) daughter at the hands of one of his followers. He has launched numerous lawsuits against Utah judges for conspiring against his religious freedom. June 17, Utah, Ohio: Chevie Kehoe is arrested in Cedar City, Utah, after Cheyne Kehoe reveals to authorities where he is. June 23, Washington, Idaho: The second trial for the accused "Spokane Bank Bandits" begins. Robert Berry, Charles Barbee and Verne Jay Merrell are once again defendants. The fourth defendant will have a separate trial in September. June 23, Arizona: Arizona Viper Charles Knight is convicted of conspiracy to make or possess unregistered destructive devices. June 24, California: Todd Vanbiber, the Orange County, California, man who blew himself up while constructing a pipe bomb (see above), pleads guilty to two federal explosives violations. Vanbiber was a member of the neo-Nazi National Alliance. June 26, Colorado: Barry Taylor is convicted in Adams County, Colorado, of using bogus "freemen" checks to pay off his debts. Taylor is one of 12 indicted Coloradans and the first to go to trial. June 27, Utah: Former Montana Freeman standoff participant Gloria Ward is found guilty of four counts of Social Security fraud. Ward had been claiming Social Security survivor's benefits as the mother of the man's child, despite having sued another man whom she claimed was the real father. She faces up to twenty years in prison. June 30, California: In Ventura County, Isabel Oxx is evicted from her home, ending a long ordeal in which she lost title to her house after using a "freeman" check to pay off her mortgage. She will go to trial in early July on federal charges of jury tampering in connection with the case of Elizabeth Broderick (see above). 3. Dissidents - victims of the Jewish Extremists' global totalitarian power (Israeli military assault against the Western democracy) (Thousands or maybe millions of people are persecuted by Jewish totalitarian machine all over the world. Persecutions include kidnapping, executions, assassinations, batteries, and administrative, financial and other terror) CONTENT: Jewish Extremists' Global Conspiracy Victims in Ukraine, Canada, and Other Countries Ivan Demenyuk's Case (For GUNINS case go here: [] []) (For Ivan Demenyuk's case look here: []) Morley Safer Letter 5 9Apr99 Who blew the hands off Maksym Tsarenko? The sort of powerful story that neither you nor Rabbi Bleich were able to find is one of a Russian summer-camp councillor who had his hands blown off by Ukrainian nationalists for using the Russian language within Ukraine; or one of a Jewish summer-camp councillor having his hands blown off by Ukrainian nationalists for using Hebrew or Yiddish within Ukraine. Such things do not happen within Ukraine to either Russians or to Jews - they happen only to Ukrainians. April 9, 1999 Morley Safer 60 Minutes, CBS Television 51 W 52nd Street New York, NY USA 10019 Morley Safer: Who Blew The Hands Off Maksym Tsarenko? The photograph above shows Ukrainian president Leonid Kuchma bestowing the Order of Yaroslaw the Wise on Maksym Tsarenko. My free translation of the text which explains the photograph is as follows: Among the first recipients of the Order, awarded on the fourth anniversary of the national independence of Ukraine, were leading Ukrainian workers in the fields of culture, art, and law: O. Basystiuk, A. Mokrenko, and F. Burchak. On this same day, the president of Ukraine also bestowed this mark of distinction, "for valor" upon twenty-year-old student at the Vynnytsia Pedagogical Institute, Maksym Tsarenko. During the summer holidays, Maksym was working as a councillor at a summer camp for young girls near Yevpatoria, Crimea. Haters of Ukraine, who rush to propose the view that Crimea is not a peninsula attached to Ukraine, but rather is an island unconnected to Ukraine, reacted with hostility to this summer camp, especially provoked by the Ukrainian language spoken by the Ukrainian children, which dared to resound even within Ukrainian Crimea. The hatred mounted to such an irrepressible degree that it provoked the bandits to the most egregious crime: they constructed an explosive and threw it into the window of the children's dormitory. Ten or so children could have been killed by the explosion. But the young Ukrainian councillor showed no confusion as to his duty. He picked up the bomb, shielding it with his own body, and jumped out of the building. Unfortunately, the bomb went off, seriously wounding Maksym. The best local surgeons fought for several days to save the boy's life. Thanks to them, the youth's life was spared. Unfortunately, it was not possible to save his hands. No one can accuse the recipient of not having earned his award. Ukrainian awards, in contrast to Soviet, are fully deserved. (Ukrainian-language newspaper, Novyi Shliakh (New Pathway) of 7Oct95, based on the earlier report in Ukrains'ke Slovo, (Ukrainian Word), Kyiv, No. 37, 14Sep95) The above story of Maksym Tsarenko compels me to ask - not for the first time - who is in danger in Ukraine? The Western media urge us to accept that it is Jews and Russians who are in danger, threatened by Ukrainian nationalists. That, for example, is the conclusion of your infamous 60 Minutes broadcast The Ugly Face of Freedom of 23Oct94. However, you came back from your brief visit to Ukraine with no data to substantiate such a claim. Almost a year ago, the Ukrainian Archive has requested both of you and of Rabbi Bleich the evidence backing your report of violence against Jews, and neither of you has as yet condescended to reply, strengthening the suspicion that your story was fabricated. The sort of powerful story that neither you nor Rabbi Bleich were able to find is one of a Russian summer-camp councillor who had his hands blown off by Ukrainian nationalists for using the Russian language within Ukraine; or one of a Jewish summer-camp councillor having his hands blown off by Ukrainian nationalists for using Hebrew or Yiddish within Ukraine. Such things do not happen within Ukraine to either Russians or to Jews - they happen only to Ukrainians. It is the story of Ukrainians being persecuted within Ukraine that you could have richly documented and broadcast to the world. The story of Maksym Tsarenko can be found multiplied many times over - the torture-murders of Ukrainian activist Volodymyr Katelnytsky and his mother in their Kyiv apartment providing a recent example. The contrasting story of Jewish or Russian victimization within Ukraine is bogus - and yet that is the story that you unscrupulously chose to broadcast. Lubomyr Prytulak cc: Rabbi Bleich, Ed Bradley, Jeffrey Fager, Don Hewitt, Steve Kroft, Andy Rooney, Lesley Stahl, Mike Wallace. Morley Safer Letter 9 15May99 Who murdered Volodymyr Ivasiuk? But in the meantime, those who come too near to the truth concerning what happened to Volodymyr Ivasiuk have been the victims of an unusual number of accidents. One man's wife unexpectedly hangs herself, another man throws himself from a balcony, still another drowns, yet another falls under the wheels of a car.... But remember, butchers, God's punishment will descend even upon you! May 15, 1999 Morley Safer 60 Minutes, CBS Television 51 W 52nd Street New York, NY USA 10019 Morley Safer: Who Murdered Volodymyr Ivasiuk? Volodymyr Ivasiuk is best known as a composer and poet, author of the widely popular song Chervona Ruta whose first two lines appear below as he wrote them in his own hand, which song more than anything else made him beloved throughout Ukraine, and even beyond the borders of Ukraine. On top of that, Volodymyr was a man of many talents, having earned a degree in medicine, and having demonstrated talent in art, photography, and cinematography. However, having reached his prime showing so much promise, it was not given Volodymyr Ivasiuk to develop his talents further. He was dead at the age of 30. To the right is a photograph of his funeral procession, attended by thousands of mourners despite the suppression by the state of the publication of information concerning his burial, despite official warnings to not attend funeral services, and despite the calling of Komsomol meetings, which carried mandatory attendance, on the same day. The magazine Halas, on whose information I rely in the present letter, states that Rostyslaw Bratun who was the first to step forward and speak at Volodymyr's funeral lost his job two months later. Words spoken at the funeral by the Sichko family landed them in prison. To the right is a second photograph showing the statue that was eventually erected in Volodymyr Ivasiuk's memory. And just how did Volodymyr Ivasiuk meet his end? His death certificate which appears below states that he died on 24-27 April 1979 from mechanical asphyxiation caused by hanging in a noose, and attributes the hanging to suicide. The details of Volodymyr Ivasiuk's death, however, do not support the official view that he killed himself: They waited and searched for Volodya for 24 days. Following the mysterious disappearance of the composer, the search for him was not disclosed to the public, the explanation being given that such an announcement would create a disturbance. However, the mass media are daily used not only to help locate people, but sometimes even their pets. [...] It was not until May 18, 1979 that Volodymyr Ivasiuk's body was accidentally discovered in the heavy forest near the village Briukhovych near Lviv. One couldn't bring oneself to believe it. The parents were allowed to identify their son only on the following day, even though it was only a five-minute walk from the apartment where Volodya lived to the morgue; and the identification was conducted with gross violations of law. The father was allowed to view the body only after he repeatedly telephoned the Oblast Procurator threatening to send a telegram of complaint to the General Procurator of Ukraine. The local authorities eventually gave in with the exasperated reply: "Take your son home, and look at him there at least a hundred years!" His death certificate reported that he died 24-27 April 1979 at the age of 30. The cause of death: mechanical asphyxiation. Hanging from a noose - suicide. The death certificate was issued on May 21, 1979, and even back then, a mere three days after the body had been discovered, without any evidence or investigation it had been written in black and white that Volodymyr Ivasiuk had committed suicide. There immediately arises the question that if the composer had indeed hung himself on 24-27 April, and was not found until 18 May, whether he could have remained hanging from a tree for 21-24 days. Volodya weighed 80 kg (176 lb), such that hanging for so long, the noose would have cut into his neck to the depth of the bones. Also during May the weather was warm and dry. The body would have decomposed during this interval, and from it would have emanated an intolerable odour. All these substantiating signs were missing, and missing too were the autopsy photographs. On May 22 of every year let us remember that Volodymyr Ivasiuk became another innocent victim of a totalitarian regime. M. Masly, Volodymyr Ivasiuk: Light and Shadow of a Legend, Halas (Clamor), 3Jun97, pp. 11-12, as translated by Lubomyr Prytulak. Halas is a Ukrainian-language magazine which reviews popular music and is published in Kyiv. The section commemorating Volodymyr Ivasiuk in the 3Jun97 issue was sponsored and supported by Coca Cola Ukraine. And truly, the administration hated him while he was alive, and feared him once he was dead. Volodya's mother, Sophia Ivanivna Ivasiuk met with the first secretary of the Lviv administration, V. Dobryk to plead with him to permit a monument to be placed on the grave of her son. "The war took from me my father and three brothers. My sister's husband did not return from the front," wept the woman, "and now my son too has been lost. Do I not after all that have the right to consecrate his memory?" In reply, Dobryk (what evil irony that such a soulless individual should have a name denoting goodness) pressed a concealed button and said in Russian to the lackey who entered, "Take that lady out." Following this visit, Sophia Ivanivna Ivasiuk received the "insult in the name of Dobryk." She has been in ill health ever since. Sooner or later will arrive the day when truth will emerge victorious. But in the meantime, those who come too near to the truth concerning what happened to Volodymyr Ivasiuk find themselves the victims of an unusual number of accidents. One man's wife unexpectedly hangs herself, another man throws himself from a balcony, still another drowns, yet another falls under the wheels of a car.... But remember, butchers, God's punishment will descend even upon you! M. Masly, Volodymyr Ivasiuk: Light and Shadow of a Legend, Halas (Clamor), 3Jun97, p. 12, as translated by Lubomyr Prytulak. Mr. Safer, you went to Ukraine determined to come back with a story of Ukrainians persecuting Russians and Jews. You failed to find any substantiation for such a story. You failed to find any Russian composer and poet who had been found hanging in a forest under mysterious circumstances. You failed to find any Jewish composer and poet who had been found hanging in a forest under mysterious circumstances. And you were not interested in a Ukrainian composer and poet who had indeed been found hanging in a forest under mysterious circumstances. You went to Ukraine determined to prove that Ukrainians persecute Russians and Jews, and you reported that story to tens of millions of 60 Minutes viewers despite a lack of evidence, and despite plentiful evidence that it is Russians and Jews who persecute Ukrainians, as they have done throughout history. In your 23Oct94 60 Minutes broadcast The Ugly Face of Freedom, then, you sided with the strong against the weak. You sided with the oppressors against the oppressed. You sided with the butchers against the butchered. You sided with those who hang composers and poets and against Volodymyr Ivasiuk. Lubomyr Prytulak cc: Yaakov Bleich, Ed Bradley, Jeffrey Fager, Don Hewitt, Steve Kroft, Andy Rooney, Lesley Stahl, Mike Wallace, Simon Wiesenthal. Morley Safer Letter 10 17May99 Who murdered Volodymyr Katelnytsky? It is conceivable that had you not broadcast The Ugly Face of Freedom, Volodymyr Katelnytsky would be alive today. And it is all the more conceivable that had you used the opportunity of your broadcast to defend Ukrainians against their oppressors, Volodymyr Katelnytsky would be alive today. May 17, 1999 Morley Safer 60 Minutes, CBS Television 51 W 52nd Street New York, NY USA 10019 Morley Safer: Who Murdered Volodymyr Katelnytsky? The death of Volodymyr Katelnytsky My source is a Ukrainskyi Holos (Ukrainian Voice) article mailed to me by someone that knew Volodymyr Katelnytsky. The citation that is hand-written on the article is "4-20 August, 1997, p. 1." The Ukrainskyi Holos article reports that Volodymyr Katelnytsky was tortured to death in his apartment in Kyiv, Ukraine on the night of 7-8 July 1997. His mother, Lykeria, who was 81 years old, was tortured and died before the eyes of her son; her body was found with 21 stab wounds. When Katelnytsky's sister tried to enter the apartment in which the crime had been committed, she was roughed up by Kyiv police. Some members of the Katelnytsky family were arrested. The murders are considered to have been politically motivated. Volodymyr Katelnytsky's funeral was attended by some two thousand mourners. The life of Volodymyr Katelnytsky Volodymyr Katelnytsky was a professional journalist. He was active in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Kyiv Patriarchate, was head of the Brotherhood of St. Andrej Pervozvanyi in Kyiv, and supervised the tour of the chief cities of Ukraine by Metropolitan Wasyl in May 1993. He was also active politically, serving as Deputy Head of the Ukrainian Christian Democratic Party. In Canada and the United States, he may be best remembered for the role he played as President of the Committee for the Defense of John Demjanjuk. Also prominent among Volodymyr Katelnytsky's activities was the dissemination of a Ukrainian version of what happened at Babyn Yar, similar, I believe, to the version advocated on the Ukrainian Archive. One result of Volodymyr Katelnytsky's Babyn Yar activities is that he was sued for them by Jewish organizations in Ukrainian court, that in his defense he brought forward historical aerial reconnaissance photographs showing that none of the activities said to have taken place at Babyn Yar was visible from the air - not visible, that is, were signs of the execution and burial of 33,771 Jews, or the later disinterment and burning of their bodies. As a result of his convincing defense, the court acquitted Volodymyr Katelnytsky of the charges brought against him. Who murdered Volodymyr Katelnytsky? As we have no direct evidence of who murdered Volodymyr Katelnytsky, we can only perform a Cui bono? analysis which will at least tell us where to start looking. That is, if it is the case that the three most prominent events in Volodymyr Katelnytsky's life were: (1) that he defended John Demjanjuk, (2) that he contradicted the Soviet-inspired Holocaust version of the Babyn Yar story, and (3) that he was tortured to death along with his mother, then it would take a mental paralysis with which I have not as yet been seized to refuse to consider the first two of these events as possibly having caused the third. I don't accuse you of having failed to cover the Katelnytsky assassination. As you broadcast the Ugly Face of Freedom on 23 October 1994 and Volodymyr Katelnytsky's assassination did not take place until 7-8 July 1997, I obviously do not accuse you of having failed to cover the Katelnytsky assassination in your broadcast. But I do accuse you of having missed the big story of which Katelnytsky's assassination is but one piece. However, the persecution and assassination of Ukrainians did not begin in 1997. It began hundreds of years earlier, carried right up until your broadcast in 1994, and continued through 1997 to this day. What I do accuse you of, then, is ignoring a centuries-long stream of evidence attesting to the persecution of Ukrainians, and of broadcasting instead the story of the persecution of Russians and Jews even in the absence of evidence. Your investigations in Ukraine failed to turn up anything like a story of a prominent Russian activist being tortured to death in his apartment, whether along with his mother or alone. And your investigations in Ukraine failed to turn up anything like a story of a prominent Jewish activist being tortured to death in his apartment, whether along with his mother or alone. The story that you would have been able to document, but that you chose to ignore, is that Ukraine is a nation which is ruled by Russians and Jews, and in which Ukrainians are routinely persecuted and murdered. And I do accuse you of having helped cause Katelnytsky's assassination. But even though you could not have covered Katelnytsky's assassination in 1994, you could have in 1994 avoided giving encouragement to assassins who were at that time plotting such assassinations. Instead, you did give encouragement to Katelnytsky's assassins by demonstrating to them that the world press can be counted upon to continue broadcasting anti-Ukrainian calumnies even while Ukrainians were being victimized in their own land. It is conceivable that had you not broadcast The Ugly Face of Freedom, Volodymyr Katelnytsky would be alive today. And it is all the more conceivable that had you used the opportunity of your broadcast to defend Ukrainians against their oppressors, Volodymyr Katelnytsky would be alive today. Lubomyr Prytulak cc: Yaakov Bleich, Ed Bradley, Jeffrey Fager, Don Hewitt, Steve Kroft, Andy Rooney, Lesley Stahl, Mike Wallace, Simon Wiesenthal. Morley Safer Letter 11 30Jun99 Who murdered Vadim Boyko? We cannot believe that his death was just pure accident; although it is reported that 8,000 people a year in the former Soviet Union die due to their television sets exploding, we all believe that Vadim would have survived this kind of accident. June 30, 1999 Morley Safer 60 Minutes, CBS Television 51 W 52nd Street New York, NY USA 10019 Morley Safer: The conclusion that you offered in your 23Oct94 60 Minutes broadcast The Ugly Face of Freedom was that Ukraine is a place where Jews and Russians are oppressed by militant Ukrainian nationalists, and where they are the targets of Ukrainian violence. The closest that you came to substantiating this claim was to broadcast Rabbi Bleich's allegation that an elderly Jewish couple had been attacked and robbed somewhere in Western Ukraine. However, this allegation was devoid of substantiating detail, and my request for specifics (both in my letter to you of 24May98, and in my letter to Rabbi Bleich of 23May98) was answered with silence. I repeat that request to you now - please inform me of the details of this attack, which minimally would include the time, the place, the names of the victims, and the address where a police report is available. If you do not have such information, please retract the allegation. You must be aware that I. M. Levitas, Head of the Jewish Council of Ukraine as well as of the Nationalities Associations of Ukraine has questioned whether such an attack on the two elderly Jews ever took place. Levitas's doubt was first expressed in an open letter to you, and I reminded Rabbi Bleich of it in my letter to him of 23May98, of which you were mailed a copy. In view of I. M. Levitas's doubt, and in view of your and Rabbi Bleich's silence in response to my request for particulars, the impression grows daily stronger that you and Rabbi Bleich made the incident up. The chief purpose of the present letter is to demonstrate to you yet again that your conclusion which I summarize in my first sentence at the beginning of the present letter is exactly backward. Ukraine is not a place where Ukrainians attack and murder, it is a place where Ukrainians are attacked and murdered, as has been the case for the last three hundred years, at least. Below is documented one further instance in support of this conclusion. It is the story of Vadim Boyko, member of parliament, and popular television investigative journalist. I would have expected that the story of Vadim Boyko would have appealed to you, and for that reason that you might have included it in any broadcast that you prepared about Ukraine, as his life - at least up to the final moments - was not unlike your own: February 23, 1992 Journalist's notebook in Ukraine by Marta Kolomayets Kiev Press Bureau A colleague's tragic death "He was a man engaged to a young Ukraine," said Volodymyr Yavorivsky, as he bid farewell to Vadim Boyko, who died tragically on February 14, at the age of 29. Hundreds of mourners crowded into the third floor atrium of the Ukrainian State Television and Radio headquarters, tearfully passing each other on the steps Vadim so often bounded, rushing to the studios where he recorded his popular television programs. Now, on February 17, the mourners paid their last respects to Vadik (as he was affectionately known), searching for a reason why such a promising, talented life was cut short. As slow dirge-like music played over the loudspeakers, they filed past the closed coffin, sewn up in black cotton and laden with bunches of carnations of all colors. At the foot of the coffin stood a black and white photo of the young journalist and politician. An enlarged copy of the same photo, decorated with a black mourning band, hung above the coffin. To the left, the newly adopted Ukrainian national flag, also decorated with black bunting, kept guard over its native son. Wreaths from the Ukrainian Parliament, co-workers and friends surrounded the coffin. Perhaps as a carryover from the Communist-atheist state of the past, the wake of devoid of all Christian symbols and rites. Vadim's father sat at the foot of the coffin, numb to the proceedings. As a few speakers addressed the crowd, he wiped tears away from his weary, red eyes. Vadim's mother was too weak to make the trip from the family's home in Svitlovodsk to Kiev. Mykola Okhmakevych, the stagnant, Communist head of the State Television and Radio, whose removal has been pressed for by both democratic deputies and workers of the television station, said a few uninspiring words. Often harshly criticized by Vadim and his colleagues, Mr. Okhmakevych now spoke of how Vadim had always loved his job. An angry mourner, who saw this hypocrisy, cried out: "He loved Ukraine above all. He loved Ukraine, say it." We all descended the steps with Vadim for the last time. The coffin was then placed in a vehicle for Vadim's journey home to Svitlovodsk, Kirovohrad Oblast, his final resting place. x x x It has been almost a week now since my phone rang just before midnight, on Valentine's Day, February 14. It was my friend and colleague Dmytro Ponamarchuk. Yet his voice sounded different. "I don't know how to say this, Marta. Vadim Boyko burned to death tonight." I could not believe what I was hearing: "What is this, a cruel joke?" Dmytro, working at the radio station, had been called about a fire at Vadim's apartment; the fire department reported that his television had blown up. Dmytro arrived at the scene just an hour or so after the reported fire, only to find Vadim's body sprawled across the floor, burned beyond recognition. There was nothing left of his apartment, a dormitory-type dwelling in a building that housed quite a number of State television and Radio workers. News of Vadim's death spread quickly among fellow journalists - many of whom had attended Kiev State with Vadim, many of whom worked with him on numerous projects. He was an elected democratic deputy from Kremenchuk, Poltava Oblast. He had come from the neighboring town in Kirovohrad oblast, just across the Dnipro River, arriving in the capital city of Kiev in the early 1980s to obtain a college education. And from then on, he gained popularity as the founder and host of "Hart," one of the first serious investigative shows on Ukrainian television, reporting on everything from Chornobyl to Shcherbytsky. After he was elected a deputy to the Ukrainian Parliament in March 1990, he was appointed vice chairman of the standing parliamentary Committee on Glasnost and the Mass Media, a job he took very seriously, often going to Moscow to discuss problems of disinformation in Ukraine, as presented by central television. But Vadim never forgot his first vocation - journalism - and he would often join his colleagues, including a few of us foreign correspondents, on the press balcony of Parliament during the sessions to give us some inside news or highlights of his commission's work. He was our friend, and with his death, our circle has been broken. Many of us - Ukrainian journalists and foreign correspondents, as well as a few of his close friends outside this journalistic fraternity - spent last week trying to come to terms with the tragedy that has struck us. We cannot believe that his death was just pure accident; although it is reported that 8,000 people a year in the former Soviet Union die due to their television sets exploding, we all believe that Vadim would have survived this kind of accident. We have gone through the story over and over. Most of us saw him in Parliament on Wednesday afternoon; he was excited and invigorated by new opportunities: he was applying for a National Foundation internship for the spring in Washington, D.C., he was going to travel on business with Ukraine's deputy prime minister. His dancing blue eyes were smitten with the possibilities of new TV shows and programs in an independent Ukraine. None of us saw Vadim in Parliament on Thursday or Friday, February 13-14; he missed a few meetings he had scheduled on Friday. Currently, there are many rumors flying around Kiev surrounding Vadim's death, based on political, business and personal motivations. Parliamentary committees have promised to work on an investigation, although no special committee has been formed to investigate what many democratic deputies, among them Les Taniuk and Stepan Khmara, have labelled as murder. Some speculate that Vadim's TV work in Chornobyl may have triggered an early death... On Friday, February 14, Nezavisimaya Gazeta (Independent Newspaper) in Moscow ran an interview with Vadim on journalists' responsibilities and cooperation between Moscow and Kiev. "At this time, we (referring to Russian and Ukrainian journalists) can be friends, if we are honest to the end. We are currently living in a commonwealth, the root of the word is found in the word "druh," friend... We will never become true friends, until we journalists understand that we are the ones who can, who have the responsibility to stop our peoples from total degradation, from the catastrophe that can occur between our peoples," he said. "If we cannot prevent this we stop being journalists. We will become persons who today do their work and tomorrow, one by one, are destroyed." Vadim's deep sense of responsibility, his courage and commitment to the truth will always be admired by his friends and colleagues. And we are all committed to learning the truth. Given the suspicious circumstances surrounding his death, I can only hope that his last interview prophecy did not become self-fulfilling. Mr. Safer, you travelled to Ukraine looking for stories of persecution and violence against Jews and Russians, you failed to find the evidence, but you broadcast the story anyway. All the while, you were surrounded by stories of persecution and violence against Ukrainians, but that plentiful evidence you ignored. In other words, you went to Ukraine not to discover its reality, but to confirm your prejudice. You played the role not of journalist, but of propagandist. Given the opportunity to make a contribution toward protecting the lives of journalists in Ukraine by broadcasting the story of Vadim Boyko, you declined. Showing anything on 60 Minutes that might win sympathy for Ukrainians was contrary to your plan. Had you managed to find a Jewish member of parliament and television broadcaster who had died in Ukraine under mysterious circumstances, then you would have had one small piece of evidence for the anti-Ukrainian conclusions that you offered. Had you managed to find a Russian member of parliament and television broadcaster who had died in Ukraine under mysterious circumstances, then you would have had one small piece of evidence for the anti-Ukrainian conclusions that you offered. However, you found neither of these things. In Ukraine, death under mysterious circumstances is reserved for prominent Ukrainians, which conclusion you had no interest in broadcasting. Below, I identify four incidents which I have brought to your attention either in three earlier letters, or in the present one. Although the first two cases occurred before your broadcast of 23Oct94, and the second two occurred after, all serve to support the conclusion that within today's Ukraine, it is Ukrainians who are the targets of violence: Date of my letter Subject of my letter Date of Attack Violence that you should have reported in your 23Oct94 The Ugly Face of Freedom 15May99 Who murdered Volodymyr Ivasiuk? April 1979 30Jun99 Who murdered Vadim Boyko? February 14, 1992 Violence that you might have caused by your 23Oct94 The Ugly Face of Freedom 09Apr99 Who blew the hands off Maksym Tsarenko? Summer 1995 17May99 Who murdered Volodymyr Katelnytsky? July 7-8, 1997 As the first two of the above attacks occurred prior to your 23Oct94 broadcast, then your fault is that you neglected to report them. And as the second two attacks occurred after your 23Oct94 broadcast, then your fault is that you may have helped cause them. That is, your 23Oct94 broadcast, The Ugly Face of Freedom, served to demonstrate to Ukraine's assassins not only that violence against Ukrainians would go unreported in the world press, but also that even as Ukrainians continued to be butchered, the world press would portray them - the victim Ukrainians - as themselves butchers. You did not yourself wield any knife or pull any trigger or tighten any garotte, but you informed those that were predisposed to do so that they might expect impunity if they did. For this reason, I consider you to have blood on your hands, some of it Maksym Tsarenko's, and some of it Volodymyr Katelnytsky's. Lubomyr Prytulak cc: Yaakov Bleich, Ed Bradley, Jeffrey Fager, Don Hewitt, Steve Kroft, Andy Rooney, Lesley Stahl, Mike Wallace, Simon Wiesenthal. Morley Safer Letter 12 01Jul99 Who murdered Borys Derevyanko? The plainest moral to be drawn from the Derevyanko-Hurvits story is that when a muckraking Ukrainian editor takes on a corrupt Jewish politician, the Ukrainian editor ends up dead. July 1, 1999 Morley Safer 60 Minutes, CBS Television 51 W 52nd Street New York, NY USA 10019 Morley Safer: The Committee to Protect Journalists described the contract killing of Ukrainian editor Borys Derevyanko thusly: Borys Derevyanko, Vechernyaya Odessa Date of Death: August 11, 1997 Place of Death: Odessa Derevyanko, editor in chief of Vechernyaya Odessa, a popular and influential thrice-weekly newspaper, was fatally shot at point-blank range on his way to work on the morning of August 11 near the Press House, where the newspaper's offices are located. Colleagues believe the killing of Derevyanko, who was editor of Vechernyaya Odessa for 24 years, was related to the newspaper's opposition to the policies of Odessa's mayor. The chief regional prosecutor declared the murder a contract killing and launched an official investigation. Local authorities announced in September that they had arrested a suspect, described as a professional assassin, who confessed to killing Derevyanko, but they gave no details about his confession. I would add that the Odessa mayor which the above account neglects to name was the corrupt Eduard Hurvits, who was particularly threatened by Borys Derevyanko's opposition because of municipal elections that were coming up in 1998. The comment concerning the arrest of an assassin gives a misleading impression - in today's Ukraine, contract killings are never solved, and those who order them are never punished. Today, Borys Derevyanko is dead, and Eduard Hurvits, barred by his corruption from holding the office of mayor of Odessa, continues his criminal career as a member of the Ukrainian parliament. Photographs of Derevyanko and Hurvits are shown below: Newspaper editor Borys Derevyanko Odessa Mayor Eduard Hurvits The table which I began in my letter to you of 30Jun99 can now be elaborated with another entry: Date of my letter Subject of my letter Date of Attack Violence that you should have reported in your 23Oct94 The Ugly Face of Freedom 15May99 Who murdered Volodymyr Ivasiuk? April 1979 30Jun99 Who murdered Vadim Boyko? February 14, 1992 Violence that you might have caused by your 23Oct94 The Ugly Face of Freedom 09Apr99 Who blew the hands off Maksym Tsarenko? Summer 1995 17May99 Who murdered Volodymyr Katelnytsky? July 7-8, 1997 01Jul99 Who murdered Borys Derevyanko? August 11, 1997 As the conclusion of your 23Oct94 60 Minutes story, The Ugly Face of Freedom, was that Ukraine is a place in which Ukrainians practice violence against Jews, it is highly relevant that Borys Derevyanko is Ukrainian and Eduard Hurvits is Jewish. You went to Ukraine looking for evidence of Ukrainians harming Jews, you failed to find such evidence, but you broadcast your conclusion anyway. The true story that you would not broadcast, and that was readily documentable, is that Ukraine is a place in which Jews harm Ukrainians. The plainest moral to be drawn from the Derevyanko-Hurvits story is that when a muckraking Ukrainian editor takes on a corrupt Jewish politician, the Ukrainian editor ends up dead. That is the reality of Ukraine. It was the reality of Ukraine when you visited it in 1994, it was the reality of Ukraine before 1994, and it has been the reality of Ukraine since 1994. As in earlier letters, I fault you for not reporting such incidents as are in the above table that took place before 1994, and I fault you for precipitating such incidents that took place after 1994. Thus, to the blood that is already on your hands, I add the blood of Borys Derevyanko. You had the opportunity in your 1994 broadcast to come out on the side of the victims against the butchers, but you preferred to side with the butchers against the victims, and Borys Derevyanko has been one of the casualties of your decision. Lubomyr Prytulak cc: Yaakov Bleich, Ed Bradley, Jeffrey Fager, Don Hewitt, Steve Kroft, Andy Rooney, Lesley Stahl, Mike Wallace, Simon Wiesenthal. Michaud refuses to apologize, Bouchard facing PQ split WebPosted Thu Dec 21 08:51:59 2000 QUEBEC CITY - A controversy within the Parti QuĘbĘcois has escalated and could threaten the leadership of Premier Lucien Bouchard. It began last week when an influential member of the PQ, who wants to run in a byelection, made comments about the Holocaust. Bouchard demanded the comments be withdrawn. Yves Michaud refused. Now people within the PQ are taking sides. On Wednesday, as the National Assembly was wrapping up for the Christmas break, the controversy took a sharp turn for the worse. Michaud said he has no reason to apologize. "I have never said or written anything that minimizes the Nazi horror against the Jews," he said. "What you are doing to demonize a member of your party is a dishonour and not worthy of a premier." "Michaud said he was fed up with Jews always saying they're the only people to have suffered, and I won't have it," said Bouchard. Michaud has been around the PQ a long time. He is a committed, hardcore sovereigntist, part of a faction in the party that's often doubted Bouchard's commitment. Last week, on radio, and at a commission studying the French language, he said Quebec's Jews were intolerant, voting as they do en masse against sovereignty, and they believe they're the only people to have suffered throughout history. Michaud wants to be a PQ candidate in an upcoming byelection, but Bouchard's answer came Tuesday after a meeting with his caucus. Withdraw either your remarks, or your candidacy. Michaud will do neither. And now, he's gathering powerful support. He has the backing of Bouchard's predecessor, Jacques Parizeau, and some influential sovereigntist groups. They say his remarks were inelegant, inopportune, but not anti-Semitic. Bouchard in the meantime says the sovereignty movement must show the world it will not tolerate Michaud's opinions. He has the backing of his caucus, but in some cases, it sounds almost reluctant. Now, an emerging question: Can a split become an irrevocable rupture costing Bouchard the leadership? He asked his party to think about it over the holidays. But there's no apparent solution. In February, the party must choose its byelection candidate and right now, both sides seem locked into their positions facing a deadline they cannot avoid. POSTED AT 4:04 AM EST Wednesday, December 20 Bouchard courts confrontation By RHęAL SęGUIN Globe and Mail Update Quebec - Premier Lucien Bouchard is prepared to put his leadership on the line if the Parti QuĘbĘcois fails to support him on several contentious issues, including his intention to ban a prominent PQ member from running in a by-election next spring. "He is prepared to take on the party," said a senior party member. "We get the sense that if the party executive goes against him on the Yves Michaud affair, on language or on his strategy for achieving sovereignty, the party will shatter. The mood is such that we may be looking at a confrontation between the leader and the party. He warned us it could be fatal." The source said this means that Mr. Bouchard could resign. Shareholder-rights activist and party member Yves Michaud, who had hoped to stand for the PQ in a by-election next spring, caused a furor earlier this month with his comments about Jews and ethnic voters. The party executive will meet in the new year to hear Mr. Michaud defend himself and decide whether to bar his candidacy. It will be the first in a number of showdowns within the party. In February, it must take a position on toughening the province's language laws and define a strategy to achieve sovereignty. Mr. Bouchard has made it known that he will not tolerate any radical position on language, and has warned members to be patient about another referendum. He has also said he favours blocking Mr. Michaud's candidacy. The Premier will have to deal with the mounting frustrations or face a confrontation. The split within sovereigntist ranks blew up in public this week as prominent separatist leaders, including former premier Jacques Parizeau and Bloc QuĘbĘcois Leader Gilles Duceppe, said Mr. Bouchard's PQ caucus had no right to support a motion in the National Assembly reprimanding Mr. Michaud. "The Parti QuĘbĘcois is divided in the same way Quebec society is divided," party vice-president Marie Malavoy said Tuesday. "The party didn't close the door on his candidacy ... but we have to discuss it as soon as possible." Mr. Michaud outraged the Jewish community for stating that Jews were not the only ones in the history of humanity to suffer. He also said there is an anti-sovereignty ethnic vote, pointing to 12 polls in the Montreal suburb of CĆte-Saint-Luc, which has a high concentration of Jewish residents, where everyone voted against sovereignty in the 1995 referendum. He also called the B'nai Brith, an influential Jewish-rights organization, extremist and anti-sovereigntist. Mr. Duceppe said Tuesday that he disagreed with Mr. Michaud's comments, but that the National Assembly had no business condemning him for them. "It could be very hazardous, if not dangerous, for the National Assembly to hand out blame like that," he said. "It is one thing to ask a member of the National Assembly to apologize or withdraw what he said, like we do in Ottawa. But when it's not a member of that assembly, I think there are tribunals that can judge whether it was correct or not." In a full-page letter in Le Devoir Tuesday, 30 prominent sovereigntists, including Mr. Parizeau, accused the National Assembly of attempting to gag Mr. Michaud and denying him his right to freedom of speech. "We the undersigned, consider there is a real misuse of the role of the National Assembly, a serious attack on the rights and freedoms of citizens and a violation of the Charter," they wrote in French. It is "a flagrant act of injustice and a stunning show of arbitrary authority of which every citizen can from now on fear of becoming the victim." In interviews Monday, Mr. Parizeau compared Mr. Bouchard's defence of the National Assembly's position to the type of authoritarian actions taken in the era of premier Maurice Duplessis. "When I was young the Duplessis regime was in place. And a system that demands that you either believe or die with pressures to adopt this or that, you can be sure that I can see a throwback to that era. And that is why I protest," he said. "What Mr. Michaud said was clumsy, especially from someone who wants to be a candidate. But there is nothing in what he said to make a fuss about." At least two PQ caucus members, Diane Barbeau and Jean-Claude St-AndrĘ, have expressed regret about supporting the motion in the National Assembly. However, cabinet ministers and most caucus members refused to comment. Mr. Bouchard staunchly defended the National Assembly's reprimand Tuesday. "My view is that he [Mr. Michaud] should not be a candidate for the Parti QuĘbĘcois," Mr. Bouchard said after a caucus meeting. "If he withdraws [his remarks], it will clear the air and we could take a second look at it." He condemned Mr. Michaud's comparison of the suffering of Jews and the plight of Quebec sovereigntists. "When we know how an entire people was treated, how they were treated worse than cattle, people who were separated from their families, their children taken from them, jammed into trains and transported like garbage to concentration camps where after incredible suffering they were thrown into gas chambers and the ovens, we cannot speak lightly of these matters," he said. Although Mr. Michaud said he did not mean to make light of the Holocaust, Mr. Bouchard said perception was created. He also criticized Mr. Michaud for "resurrecting the spectre of the ethnic vote", in effect denouncing remarks made by Mr. Parizeau on the night of the 1995 referendum. Mr. Parizeau blamed "money and the ethnic vote" for that loss. "I am convinced this is an attack against people who don't deserve to be treated this way," Mr. Bouchard said. ==================== <><><><><><><><><><> ++++++++++++++++++++